She said that I don't take feedback well, that sometimes I have to be told more than once to do something a certain way (honestly, I haven't a clue what she is referring to, and figured asking at that point would just make things even worse and prove her point). And that I don't check my problems at the door...also not true. Basically, she said I'm a lousy GSA and no one likes working with me...her exact words to the last point were, "my goal for you is for you to become a GSA people like to work with."
Her only good comments to me were that I am good with front end instocks and I'm not her "problem child" at guest services.
One of the other GSAs and I talked tonight...she is heartbroken for me. She said she'd be lost without me and said I've come such a long way...but when your TL never has anything good to say about you, it certainly isn't going to suddenly change come review time. And clearly my other GSTL has done me zero favors by being so supportive and positive.
But then I realize, even though the vibe board has been overflowing with vibe cards since the beginning of the year, I haven't received a single one in that's a pretty big clue there, eh?
In the end, my best isn't good enough. I just wish I could step down and keep the full-time hours. Basically, I will never trust another TL or higher in the building for anything ever again...hell, even the ETL-GE promised me a gift card if the cashiers got so many REDCards last night and then reneged on the deal and never gave it to me.
The only good thing about all of this? It's completely freeing to no longer give a shit. Oh, something not going as well as it could? Am I doing what I need to be doing? Yes? Then, good enough, let it fall through the cracks. No reason for me to help pick up the pieces.