To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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We have one GSA that calls for back up constantly. You walk up and two people are in line, and you help the one guest and get back to your pull, again she calls. Same thing one freaking person! We have told the ETL GE, she needs to wait, cause one person is not a call for back up..

If she's not in the middle of something, there's no reason why she can't cash out that one guest. Or if the cart attendant is nearby, have him/her jump on for a bit.
We have one GSA that calls for back up constantly. You walk up and two people are in line, and you help the one guest and get back to your pull, again she calls. Same thing one freaking person! We have told the ETL GE, she needs to wait, cause one person is not a call for back up..

If she's not in the middle of something, there's no reason why she can't cash out that one guest. Or if the cart attendant is nearby, have him/her jump on for a bit.

Our cart attendant's I have to give credit to, no they don't cashier that much but they keep the carts flowing, the trash empty and hangers moving.. So I cut them a break we are a big store with two entrances so carts is not a small job to keep up.. And they keep the spill stations filled.. And carry outs.. I will cash a guest, if it means I don't have to lift a futon into a civic..
TTOTM: I hadn't even spoken a word to you ever, I don't even know who the hell you are, and you're going to criticize me and my work?! Twice in two days?? I have a pretty good sense of humor and I'm good at picking up sarcasm, so either you're just a grade-A asshole, or you're terrible at joking. Learn how to smile or stfu please
TTOTM I'm so glad you're gone! You were the slowest, laziest person I think I've ever met. You would not touch a register. You called for unnecessary back ups because you were too lazy walk a few steps to move guests to open lanes and you were mean. The new GSAs are a breath of fresh air!
To that team member: One day I hope you learn to read. I am sick and tired of coming to clean up your haphazard overnight stocking where you mix up an entire isle of laundry detergent. Maybe another year and you will learn the difference between HE and non-HE detergent. It only took a year for you to learn not to flex over outs.. And that was only cause you were put on CA for flexing then back stocking the rest of the isle.. Today was only a full shopping cart of back stock.. I had to pull out.. It would have been two had I not zoned your fuck up..

I am tree I can bend.. But when I break, its going to be ugly.
To my co worker.....We have worked together for a long time....and you complain about every little thing. I have days off come back to work and find out that you run your mouth behind my back....why? because you didn't like that I was off those days. I don't recall ever being asked by Spot to make a single yeah you bitching about that is kinda pointless and childish. I am so tired of you being so damn negative and using the word unfair. If you want to talk abou unfair...go visit the childrens hospital ....or sit with the mothers and fathers who don't know how they are going to feed their children....go visit a third world country where they don't even have clean water to drink....things like that deserve the "unfair" label.....not some childish crap you make up at Spot. Yes, Spot can treat us crappy...but sitting around bitching about it every single moment of every single day that you are there....only brings yourself down and those around you. You have so much to be thankful for....if you would only stop complaining long enough to realize it .
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TTOTM... who just puts the fresh meat back in the meat cooler on the shelf without STOing it. and also putting beef on the same shelf as chicken, can you read ??

Please STO in the coolers and put like product on the same shelf if it is already sto'd on the shelf is that asking for too much.

I hate it when I'm off for 1 or 2 days and come back and find meat or produce not coming out on pulls the salesfloor shelf is empty but said product in in the cooler not STO'd !!!
I went to another store today to try and snag an iPad mini. Someone was walking around electronics w/walkie and I assumed they were the elec TM, I approached and they were super cold to me. I'm sorry I didn't know you were on your lunch, essentially zoning electronics, carrying a walkie that was on.
I went to another store today to try and snag an iPad mini. Someone was walking around electronics w/walkie and I assumed they were the elec TM, I approached and they were super cold to me. I'm sorry I didn't know you were on your lunch, essentially zoning electronics, carrying a walkie that was on.
I carry my walkie when I am on lunch or break, just because I am the only backroom tm in the store if I am on dayside. It seems unprofessional if a Team member needs something pulled for guest and no one responds. Even a "I am on lunch/break, I will be back in XX minutes" is better then silence. BUT since I carry a walkie, I call guests who need assistance a team member unless its just a quick question.
My point is, it's like she expected me to sense she was on lunch. I apologized, she just turned around.

I don't like it when guests ask me for help when I'm off the clock, but at the same time I'm not rude to them. I'll tell them where something is, or send someone to them.
TTOETL: Seriously? The way you talk to people is not okay! Just because you like to think you know more than the rest of us because we're 'just' TMs, it doesn't give you the right to go around screaming at anyone who's not doing exactly what you think they should be doing at that second, even when they were told to do that thing by another ETL. Fuck off.
To all my TLs and ETLs: I don't know why you keep giving me trainees. Just cause I can technically do it doesn't mean it's a good idea. Plus you really shouldn't give me the same workload when I have a duckling. I keep having to leave them to fend for themselves. It's rude.
TTOT: You're a gem and I wish I could just bring you to my next job. You're always so dang nice and cheerful.
I went to another store today to try and snag an iPad mini. Someone was walking around electronics w/walkie and I assumed they were the elec TM, I approached and they were super cold to me. I'm sorry I didn't know you were on your lunch, essentially zoning electronics, carrying a walkie that was on.
I carry my walkie when I am on lunch or break, just because I am the only backroom tm in the store if I am on dayside. It seems unprofessional if a Team member needs something pulled for guest and no one responds. Even a "I am on lunch/break, I will be back in XX minutes" is better then silence. BUT since I carry a walkie, I call guests who need assistance a team member unless its just a quick question.

Isn't that working off the clock if you do it during your meal? Why not go to 1 and announce your break and when you're back or something? My store's br TMs don't do that, but it's not the worst idea in the world. They keep the walkie on during 15s. Silence during their meals, but I usually walk back there as I'm calling, so the guest doesn't know when it happens... And then I ask lod if someone can come pull something for me.

Anywaaays, to the new ETL hr, we'll never love you like we loved ___ if you keep giving us 4-5.75 hour shifts. If you're gonna give us less hours, give us 3 8hrs. That's the same amount of hours in the end but without me getting up, making the bus (also arriving up to 1.5 hrs early) and walking a mile for 4 effing hour shifts. Disclaimer: I've def complained about the other guy before, but I don't think he ever purposely shafted anyone. He trained her for her last store too.
Anywaaays, to the new ETL hr, we'll never love you like we loved ___ if you keep giving us 4-5.75 hour shifts. If you're gonna give us less hours, give us 3 8hrs. That's the same amount of hours in the end but without me getting up, making the bus (also arriving up to 1.5 hrs early) and walking a mile for 4 effing hour shifts. Disclaimer: I've def complained about the other guy before, but I don't think he ever purposely shafted anyone. He trained her for her last store too.

ETL-HR typically do scheduling at stores? She doesn't at mine, it's a HR TM that's been with the store forever that does the schedules.
Anywaaays, to the new ETL hr, we'll never love you like we loved ___ if you keep giving us 4-5.75 hour shifts. If you're gonna give us less hours, give us 3 8hrs. That's the same amount of hours in the end but without me getting up, making the bus (also arriving up to 1.5 hrs early) and walking a mile for 4 effing hour shifts. Disclaimer: I've def complained about the other guy before, but I don't think he ever purposely shafted anyone. He trained her for her last store too.

ETL-HR typically do scheduling at stores? She doesn't at mine, it's a HR TM that's been with the store forever that does the schedules.

When we had a HRTL, he did the schedules. Now, I believe our ETL-HR does them.
at my store, it was TLs and ETLs of depts but hr would make edits (based on some eavesdropping they submitted something, hr tweaked and finalized), then it was mostly the etl-hr, and now it's mytime + etl-hr.

Wherever I mentioned etl-hr, hr team members are assisting as well.
Isn't that working off the clock if you do it during your meal? Why not go to 1 and announce your break and when you're back or something? My store's br TMs don't do that, but it's not the worst idea in the world. They keep the walkie on during 15s. Silence during their meals, but I usually walk back there as I'm calling, so the guest doesn't know when it happens... And then I ask lod if someone can come pull something for me.
Technically, Yes. Has anyone ever said anything about it, no. It takes 5 secs to say my line. The thing is, I have trained every salesfloor team member on how to do pulls, how to read the backroom locations and use the wave. So if they are calling backroom, it is because it is something is troublesome to get. Honestly, the leaders at my store would just tell the team member to call backroom for assistance and then lecture me when I do not respond.
Our leaders either pull the item or they call someone on the floor who can. If it is something troublesome, in what way would you even be helpful on your meal?

I just.. I'm just seeing this differently because I "have to" (in quotes because there's no penalty for not doing it, and some situations don't allow it anyway) announce my meal beforehand so I wouldn't feel it necessary to respond if I'm eating, but br doesn't seem to have a requirement to announce meals, so prob just is easier to remain silent until someone calls.
To the new stl, yes, yes I would leave the house without pants... If it were at all acceptable. Pants are the worst. He equated working without a name badge to not wearing pants. He's crazy. Those people know I work there when I'm carrying my purse, wearing earbuds and sunglasses and clearly shopping. Hell, I've thought guests were corporate visitors and new team members because they were wearing red and khaki.
Disclaimer: I'm not mad about the badge thing. I asked when I clocked in if I could use a random, but the woman in tsc said she only had ones that belonged to new TMs and that I couldn't have one. I just don't think not wearing one is a big deal.
Disclaimer: I'm not mad about the badge thing. I asked when I clocked in if I could use a random, but the woman in tsc said she only had ones that belonged to new TMs and that I couldn't have one. I just don't think not wearing one is a big deal.
Havent worn mine in about a month.
Dear duckling from yesterday: you did really well with me so I'm hoping the other leaders babying you today was them just being overly cautious as usual and not because I screwed you over.
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