To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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To the LODs who keep signing off on this one TM to take hours: stop it. There is a reason this person is only scheduled 10 hours a week. Half the time they don't show up, and the other half of the time they are late and spend most of their shift doing nothing. Nobody understands how they got past their 90 days, and the SrTL and hr are in cahoots to give them as few hours as possible to minimize the damage and hopefully get them to quit. So stop allowing them to pick up hours until this issue gets fixed!
To that tm at guest service ( one or more) : how the hell do you accept a Kmart shirt, a Walmart pair of pants , used garments, nike shoes ...etc...
Maybe you just don't care!!!

This wouldn't happen in my store, but it's probably because of your etl-ge or gstl making them take it.
To whomever did this...


AP Story

Young lady, 20s I'd say, was a little shady in cosmetics. Undercover AP TM was nearby, told him. I went to the backroom, did some backstock, and walked out doors near receiving back on the floor, saw him spying on her put the stuff in her bags in pets, talked with ETL-AP doing a PCV nearby, and then went back to cosmetics where the TM in health, Boots vendor and I watch him stop the guest from leaving.

It got very awkward though when he grabbed the guest when she almost walked out because the other guests thought he was harassing her and I swear this one old guy was about to interfere and so I just walked up and I'm like "no, no, he works here".

My favorite part was having to step outside to pick up the item that dropped out of her bag during the whole thing and I got to go into the AP office with a huge grin like "HERE'S SOMETHING THAT GOT DROPPED"

On a side note, the thief lady was stealing the Alba Body Scrub and I'm like "bitch people love this and I can't keep it in stock, it's for paying people gtfo"

Total recovery was over $110, that's all I know.
To all the tm : if a certain sr gstl is in , please turn down your walkie to the lowest setting , or change channel ...
We can't stand hearing her speech every 30 mn about redcards and it's benefit ... She is loud , obnoxious and her fake laugh is grating our last nerves ...
Even our srtl threw her walkie across the floor today ...
my apologies everyone that post was uncalled for I will admit however in my defense when you have three girls all standing around in starbucks for seven hours vs one guy in café for twelve and the starbucks girls decide to rat you out to the lod for not doing THIER dishes and making their whips and frap base when they have no guests for at least an hour if not more you can see how that would grate on a guy. and this is a constant thing I might add the SB TL refuses to do anything to them.
TTOETL: Screw you. I did an amazing job on ad set. "We aren't done" yeah maybe if you gave me the actual amount of people I need instead of having me do 4 1/2 sections by myself we'd actually finish in time. Even when TLs are on they usually stay 4 1/2 more hours and they don't finish in that time frame either. I shouldn't have sorted those 7x11s for you.
To the leadership in my store: If none of you will make market a priority, I will. This means I will no longer be leaving my area looking like crap just because you want me to help others. If I have the time when I'm done with my tasks, fine, but not before then. It's not fair to my team (sets them up with a heavier workload in the morning) and it's not fair to me because then they're all irritated with me and think I do a bad job. Plus, if I do a bad zone one night, it's twice as hard to catch up on the next day and that's when you all start bitching at me for taking too long or not doing well enough. I'm done. This is a shitty cycle and I'm breaking it.

I am so over being told to hurry up so I can help softlines, being told to leave milk for the opener to do, etc. I'm just done with it. Either let me do my job right or fire me because I'm not going to leave my area a wreck just so I can do other people's work for them.
today was my second day as a newbie GSA. went in to shop after my shift tonight with the boyfriend. I changed clothes before we went because obviously, I am really really not wearing red and khaki when I don't have to. went through the line of one of the better cashiers I noticed today, she apologized for a long wait because she had just talked the guest in front of me into a REDcard. I just smiled and said I understood, and that I really couldn't fault her for taking the time to do an app. she gave me kind of an odd look, and I realized she had no idea who I was. we were both suuuuper embarrassed. mainly because I got really flustered and felt silly and couldn't think of a polite way to point out why she should recognize me.

so to that one cashier, thank you for doing an awesome job today, and I'm sorry for embarrassing you, and I hope that me being your sixth REDcard of the day helped mitigate that a little... derp!
What's it like being a new GSA?

You're new to Target, or that store? (I assume not old to the store, new to the position if the cashier didn't recognize you anyway).

I'd debated transferring/applying for an open GSA position at a neighboring store, but wasn't sure that'd be nearly as easy as getting promoted at current store due to experienced cashiers likely not giving much respect to someone who transferred in as their supervisor.
now that I'm starting to get the hang of things, I'm starting to like the position. I did roughly the same thing in my last job, except it was being floor support for a call center. I'm new to this store, and technically I'm new to Target because the last time I worked at one it was in another state, in the backroom, in 2008. so it's a lot to learn. (in three days I've had to learn the cash register, service desk, opening, closing, and soon I'm going to be learning Food Avenue. starting this job would probably be SO MUCH EASIER for someone who had been on the front end before.) I do worry sometimes that the cashiers will be a little disgruntled at having an outside hire as GSA, but everyone's been very kind so far and we've got a LOT of brand-new cashiers, anyway. and a lot of the people I've talked to say they were never interested in the position.
Don't worry about either of you being embarrassed. It takes me a long time of working with someone to recognize them if they come in in street clothes. And I know I'm not the only one.

And trust me, cashiers who have been there for years, who have never wanted to be a GSA and would never be considered anyway, will look down their noses at you for a couple of months, as an internal promotion. They'll generally be nice, but the first time they are stressed, you will see it comes out.
I put up with a bit of attitude when I started out, and that was OKAY. Once I was GSA for a while though, I didn't put up with any crap. Had one Cashier undermine me in front of a guest, basically telling the guest that we were going to do something for them, when I already made clear that we couldn't do anything. She ended up getting her ass chewed by the LOD, and was never a problem for me again.

Then had the time where the other newbie GSA was buddy-buddy with this Cashier (and they BOTH happened to be favorites of Management), and one day after hand-off, she was working on EndCap projects, and pulled her cashier friend off her lane to "help her". I told her off right then and there and told her she should ask me before she randomly pulls Cashiers while I'm overseeing the lanes. She tattled to the GSTL, and I didn't really get in trouble for coaching her (which was basically what I did, lol), but they didn't think she was playing favs either. WTF? Lol, they were like best friends.

Then once had a Photo TM who was cashiering that day, and I had her as a breaker. She decided she was going to go hangout at photo (Photo Lab Asst was on staff that day too) and she was missing breaks and throwing us off track. Pulled her into the office and grilled her on that, and was never a problem for me again.

As a GSA you have to put up with an extraordinary amount of crap, so be prepared. I don't recommend doing what I did, technically you shouldn't be coaching TMs.
Barcode said:
Then had the time where the other newbie GSA was buddy-buddy with this Cashier (and they BOTH happened to be favorites of Management), and one day after hand-off, she was working on EndCap projects, and pulled her cashier friend off her lane to "help her".

Wasn't there to have seen the incident, but really doesn't seem like favoritism to me. The GSA's often have cashiers help with endcaps at our store. Most of the GSA's like me because I am very task-oriented and can finish a task quickly without needing to pester them for help. I don't see why they should make a point of not asking me to help them for fear of being called out on favoritism.

"WTF? Lol, they were like best friends." This logic seems that any time you ask your friend to help you with something it's displaying favoritism. It's similar logic to the hypothetical scenario below:

You're a black man. A white man makes it known he doesn't like you because you have a shitty attitude. You call him out as being racist. You are black, and a white person doesn't like you, but that does not in any way mean they dislike you BECAUSE you are black.

Though I do agree that if they're not actually the GSA/GSTL in charge of the front end at the moment they shouldn't be asking ANY cashier to come help them with projects without running it by whoever is in charge of the front-end first. Even our LOD's don't do that. they come to the GSA or GSTL and ask if they can spare a cashier to do reshop, but they don't come to the cashier and ask them to do reshop and then let the GS(A/TL) deal with the consequences if they needed that cashier to stay on a lane.
Barcode said:
Then had the time where the other newbie GSA was buddy-buddy with this Cashier (and they BOTH happened to be favorites of Management), and one day after hand-off, she was working on EndCap projects, and pulled her cashier friend off her lane to "help her".

Wasn't there to have seen the incident, but really doesn't seem like favoritism to me. The GSA's often have cashiers help with endcaps at our store. Most of the GSA's like me because I am very task-oriented and can finish a task quickly without needing to pester them for help. I don't see why they should make a point of not asking me to help them for fear of being called out on favoritism.

"WTF? Lol, they were like best friends." This logic seems that any time you ask your friend to help you with something it's displaying favoritism. It's similar logic to the hypothetical scenario below:

You're a black man. A white man makes it known he doesn't like you because you have a shitty attitude. You call him out as being racist. You are black, and a white person doesn't like you, but that does not in any way mean they dislike you BECAUSE you are black.

Though I do agree that if they're not actually the GSA/GSTL in charge of the front end at the moment they shouldn't be asking ANY cashier to come help them with projects without running it by whoever is in charge of the front-end first. Even our LOD's don't do that. they come to the GSA or GSTL and ask if they can spare a cashier to do reshop, but they don't come to the cashier and ask them to do reshop and then let the GS(A/TL) deal with the consequences if they needed that cashier to stay on a lane.

Yes, but the GSA was almost best friends with that Cashier, and picked them over any other person. And you're absolutely correct, not even the LOD would do that, they always asked me first.

Honestly though, the whole front end team knew that GSA played favorites with that cashier, it wasn't only me. If I let them goof off and horse around, then I lose credibility for playing favorites myself.

Also, I never pulled cashiers to help unless I wanted them to do the whole endcap, or set a separate one. I never had someone help me on a single endcap that I was working on.

Of course for those 2 in question, I was probably a bit biased against them myself. Kind of hard not to be resentful when they're friends on facebook with ETLs (this was taboo at my store), and hang out with management outside work and receive obvious favoritism at work. Not to mention they were both huge sluts who slept with half the store; the GSA hooked up with the Meat TM (for real, no pun intended... rofl). Meanwhile I'm focusing on actually doing my job properly, and I had to deal with their constant bullshit -_-

All of this can be incorporated into my absolute shittiest time at Spot, and what drove me to quit the first time. My second store abstained from such levels of favoritism, and it was a much more pleasant place to work.
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Yep, whatever GSA is scheduled is in charge, unless we have switched roles for the evening (like sometimes we'll swap guest services and GSA). Last winter a new GSA was cashiering, but kept sending my cashiers on break, without knowing the schedule, or even informing me. After he did it twice, I asked him not to do that...send them to me if they ask. The third time he did it, I calmly handed him the break out and LPDA and told him we couldn't have two people trying to run the lanes at the same time, so it was all his. He apologized very quickly to me and we never had another problem.

We will back each other up, play off of each other, and do whatever we can to support each other...but we always, always, always, refer TM stuff...who is getting carts, going on break, zoning dollar spot, etc, to the person who has the lanes for the day. Gotta have that point person and respect their space.
To that TL: You're one of the people I can safely tell extremely offensive jokes to. While I'm glad you like my humor, if you're going to tell other people in the store that same joke, please kindly DO NOT say I was the one who originated that.
To that one TM: I'm really sorry your friend died. No one should die at age's beyond rough. And everyone bent over backwards to take your hours for the next week because you are the one planning her funeral.

But I don't get it...if she was close to her mother and her boyfriend (the father of the unborn baby) was going to propose to her, and you mention on facebook that you wish you had gotten around to reconnecting with her before she died....why in the world would you be the one planning the funeral?
To that one TM: I remember training you yrs ago & you've continued to learn everything you can, doing well in every area you touch. I can feel your frustration with how people are treating you because I've been there.
Please know that I appreciate everything you do & will always be there when you need me.
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