Pharmacy TMs can have supervisor access....just got mine back after a "glitch" deleted all of my access (register supervisor access, MySupport, SAP ordering, etc.)
No one said Pharm TM's can't. I said APTL, APL, TPS, Sr. TPS can't be given register access. None of those have anything to do with pharmacy.
Obviously we have register access, we HAVE to in order to ring out prescriptions, but you said "cashiers" can't have supervisor access. We're really no higher on the food chain than cashiers (other than pay grade) reality, anyone with register access can be given supervisory access if their ETL requests it (some don't even need to submit a formal request, I know an electronics TM who was given it by his TL simply by changing it in the register).
Under the menu in the registers that changes someone's register status, the supervisor option just won't appear for cashiers/SDTMs, but it will for electronics, photo, pharmacy, GSA, etc.