To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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Can't give them access as GSTL, it's linked to job code, same way cashiers can't be given supervisor access. I couldn't give my APTL register access if I wanted to either.
Pharmacy TMs can have supervisor access....just got mine back after a "glitch" deleted all of my access (register supervisor access, MySupport, SAP ordering, etc.)

No one said Pharm TM's can't. I said APTL, APL, TPS, Sr. TPS can't be given register access. None of those have anything to do with pharmacy.
Obviously we have register access, we HAVE to in order to ring out prescriptions, but you said "cashiers" can't have supervisor access. We're really no higher on the food chain than cashiers (other than pay grade) reality, anyone with register access can be given supervisory access if their ETL requests it (some don't even need to submit a formal request, I know an electronics TM who was given it by his TL simply by changing it in the register).
Under the menu in the registers that changes someone's register status, the supervisor option just won't appear for cashiers/SDTMs, but it will for electronics, photo, pharmacy, GSA, etc.
TTOTL why are you ignoring me and not cross training me in where i asked to be trained? you need the people and you have the hours. you had the hours mulitple times and yet you still have let me down. I'm doing everything right. I'm getting RedCards, I come in whenever you guys need me, I smile, I do everything and yet you choose other's over me. If the rumors are true and the reason why you don't cross train me is because I'm buddies with another team member you dont like then that's some BS.
Hey SrTL, thanks for the recognition for something we didn't do. I have no idea who filled mini seasonal yesterday but I'm pretty sure as hell wasn't instocks. On account of trying to push autos for almost an hour, fill an endcap of DVDs, fill battery sidecaps, and try to do a decent scan of grocery and softlines. All in 4 hours. Not that most of that got done but hey, not like any of the TLs could tell the difference.
TTOTM who puts the toilet paper in facing the outside instead of the inside- despite the picture showing the right way and the wrong way with a big x through it. Putting it in wrong makes the toilet paper more likely to rip into little pieces that guests throw, kick, etc all over the floor. Between 1-4 out of 4 stalls are always hung wrong in my store.
TTOTL: I heard from another TL that the GSA told you a guest saw moldy fruit on the shelf and your response was, "I don't have time to pull it off the shelf. I'm busy." You're the CTL for chrissakes! You can take a few minutes to cull. It's your job.
Also, I think it's bullshit you say you ran out of time or don't have enough time to finish tasks. When the other PA and I tell you we didn't have enough time to get our stuff done, all you can say is, "There's enough time for everything." When we open, unlike you, we're often scheduled solo in market with no mid and have no one to delegate tasks to. If you tell us we have enough time to do everything, you should have enough time to get your stuff done too.
Pharmacy TMs can have supervisor access....just got mine back after a "glitch" deleted all of my access (register supervisor access, MySupport, SAP ordering, etc.)

No one said Pharm TM's can't. I said APTL, APL, TPS, Sr. TPS can't be given register access. None of those have anything to do with pharmacy.
Obviously we have register access, we HAVE to in order to ring out prescriptions, but you said "cashiers" can't have supervisor access. We're really no higher on the food chain than cashiers (other than pay grade) reality, anyone with register access can be given supervisory access if their ETL requests it (some don't even need to submit a formal request, I know an electronics TM who was given it by his TL simply by changing it in the register).
Under the menu in the registers that changes someone's register status, the supervisor option just won't appear for cashiers/SDTMs, but it will for electronics, photo, pharmacy, GSA, etc.
But an ETL can still request the change....
But an ETL can still request the change....
Didn't know that, with @Forhyre constantly having to use the LOD speed ID to close registers. Maybe his GE doesn't know about that. Have you had an experience where a ETL got someone supervisor numbers who normally couldn't have them?
No, supervisor access is based on myTime jobcode. Electronics TMs can be given access but ordinary cashiers cannot. Probably the only reason elec. TMs have it is because cheapie Spot is phasing out elec. TLs and want to shift more responsibilities on the TMs. Because sup. access goes by jobcode, it is not possible to give a cashier that access, even with STL approval.
Probably the only reason elec. TMs have it is because cheapie Spot is phasing out elec. TLs and want to shift more responsibilities on the TMs.

Actually, the reason why is because electronics isn't being watched by a "supervisor" at all times like the front end is. In your case, your job code needs to be changed since you're that "supervisor" watching the front end.
This is a pre-message to an upcoming rant that will likely happen:

ETL-HR you are worthless omg just let me train at pharmacy.

I get that you're in the employer's best interest but can you at least pretend like you care about the employees
But an ETL can still request the change....

No, they really can't. MyTime dictates who can and can't have sup #'s. If a ETL wants you to have sup #'s they can change your jobcode, but that typically means a inherent raise as well.

There is not a single person working for target with jobcode of Guest Service TM with sup #'s.
TTO Cashier: You are a lazy, crummy person and a liar. I do not appreciate you telling me the GSTL said something she did not, then getting upset with *me* for verifying. You are always finding an excuse to get away from a lane and do something else that you are not supposed to be doing and you need to cut that shit out right now.

TTO GSTM: Thanks for disrespecting me and not believing in my ability to be a leader in the store, saying I would be "horrible" at the position. So far you are the only person saying that.
Many PDA functions are also linked to jobcode. A salesfloor TM cannot select many functions as their role for the day. I had a TM helping the backroom, but could not help with Flex Fulfillment orders, even after chosing that as a role. They could not access the function.
Nothing on the PDA should be jobcode related other than alerts. PDA you can lie and tell you are any position, I can log in as an ETL and have access to all sorts of applications I have no need for.
TTOGSA: Thank you for letting me do something extra for the guest who had a bad experience at our pharmacy, and thank you for coming over and making sure her complaints were properly listened to.

Oh, and thanks for bringing it up with the LOD later.
ttoetl- If I hadn't been standing at the huddle this morning...I would had never believed that you said what you did. Do you not realize how you sound? You stood up there and called one team member out by name...and said this is why the backroom is clean. Really? There was a group of us back there busting our asses not just one person.
Many PDA functions are also linked to jobcode. A salesfloor TM cannot select many functions as their role for the day. I had a TM helping the backroom, but could not help with Flex Fulfillment orders, even after chosing that as a role. They could not access the function.
Not sure why that's happening, anyone with access to the PDA should be able to access every application on it. All you have to do is go into all apps, for my store MyFA is on the 4th screen. Do you know what the specific error message was when trying to open that?
Nothing on the PDA should be jobcode related other than alerts. PDA you can lie and tell you are any position, I can log in as an ETL and have access to all sorts of applications I have no need for.

Have a cashier try to log in and do stockroom functions like a Flexible Fulfillment Team Member and see what happens. Those options are grayed out and cannot be selected.
To that same TM that did this again. Fuck you. I'm coming for that ass.
Nothing on the PDA should be jobcode related other than alerts. PDA you can lie and tell you are any position, I can log in as an ETL and have access to all sorts of applications I have no need for.

Have a cashier try to log in and do stockroom functions like a Flexible Fulfillment Team Member and see what happens. Those options are grayed out and cannot be selected.
I'm a cashier/GSTM and when I login I can use the MyFA app, I just login as a fulfilment team member at the login page. Not sure what options you are talking about, do you mean the entire MyFA app or is there some other way to process flexible fulfilments?
To that same TM that did this again. Fuck you. I'm coming for that ass.

This is something that drove me CRAZY. THAT extensive packaging for cosmetics when trying to set a sales planner or pog with an etl breathing down your neck and rushing you- only to have 60 percent of it not fit...anyway, but i guess the back room wants it all detrashed before its sent to backstock...and in A you cant get a goddamn thing done without 200 customer interruptions... Always felt like i was being set up to fail. I mean moreso than normal...since it was target after all and they expect one person to perform the work of at least 3.
Nothing on the PDA should be jobcode related other than alerts. PDA you can lie and tell you are any position, I can log in as an ETL and have access to all sorts of applications I have no need for.

Have a cashier try to log in and do stockroom functions like a Flexible Fulfillment Team Member and see what happens. Those options are grayed out and cannot be selected.
I'm a cashier/GSTM and when I login I can use the MyFA app, I just login as a fulfilment team member at the login page. Not sure what options you are talking about, do you mean the entire MyFA app or is there some other way to process flexible fulfilments?

Thats the one I mean. You can see the icon, b
To that same TM that did this again. Fuck you. I'm coming for that ass.
I would run to the nearest computer...pull up the backroom detail report and bust their ass

The salesfloor TM should have de-trashed it all and rubber banded it to begin with.
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