To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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To that one TL that says, "You are SO lucky. Starbucks is SO easy!" You try walking with Steritech, the DTL, and a Starbucks DM and tell me how easy it is. (Especially when your DM and ETL are constantly at odds-being caught in the middle is tough.) Also, doing Walk the Vibe is enough fun when you are coverage half the time, along with the Store Operations Assesssments. Ugh. We all have thankless jobs, but please don't say mine is easy. Please keep in mind, there are no easy jobs at Target, especially with all the payroll cuts.
To that one TL that says, "You are SO lucky. Starbucks is SO easy!" You try walking with Steritech, the DTL, and a Starbucks DM and tell me how easy it is. (Especially when your DM and ETL are constantly at odds-being caught in the middle is tough.) Also, doing Walk the Vibe is enough fun when you are coverage half the time, along with the Store Operations Assesssments. Ugh. We all have thankless jobs, but please don't say mine is easy. Please keep in mind, there are no easy jobs at Target, especially with all the payroll cuts.
The folks at Starbucks are my best friends. I will help you out when I can. I know where you keep stuff in the back room. I will get it for you. Don't me ask to make anything, I can't do it.
TTOTM Actually 3 sf tm's. Reshop at fitting room was very light today. One of you took men's reshop. The other 2 did the other cart together. Maybe 10 to 15 bras and a few shirts. You took your sweet ass time all the while never shutting up about your boyfriend or husband. When you were done the 3 of you were chatting at the fr. Does the word zone mean anything to you. It has happened in the past, once that I can remember a sf tm wanted more hrs and wanted to push truck. Her work pace was way too slow for flow. Never saw her on truck again. I'm sorry to all the flow haters on here, but IMO we are held to a higher standard as far as timelines go. I love it and wouldn't have it any other way
To that one TL that says, "You are SO lucky. Starbucks is SO easy!" You try walking with Steritech, the DTL, and a Starbucks DM and tell me how easy it is. (Especially when your DM and ETL are constantly at odds-being caught in the middle is tough.) Also, doing Walk the Vibe is enough fun when you are coverage half the time, along with the Store Operations Assesssments. Ugh. We all have thankless jobs, but please don't say mine is easy. Please keep in mind, there are no easy jobs at Target, especially with all the payroll cuts.

Just put that TL in front of the machine and start handing them cups with drinks different marked on them.
I want to see how well they make my Breve Mocha with two extra shots, no whipped cream, and please pull those shots tight not long. Thanks.

A nice long line of tweens, soccer moms, foodies and caffeine addicts should break them in no time.
To that one TL that says, "You are SO lucky. Starbucks is SO easy!" You try walking with Steritech, the DTL, and a Starbucks DM and tell me how easy it is. (Especially when your DM and ETL are constantly at odds-being caught in the middle is tough.) Also, doing Walk the Vibe is enough fun when you are coverage half the time, along with the Store Operations Assesssments. Ugh. We all have thankless jobs, but please don't say mine is easy. Please keep in mind, there are no easy jobs at Target, especially with all the payroll cuts.
My counter would have them on their knees screaming to escape.
To that one TL that says, "You are SO lucky. Starbucks is SO easy!" You try walking with Steritech, the DTL, and a Starbucks DM and tell me how easy it is. (Especially when your DM and ETL are constantly at odds-being caught in the middle is tough.) Also, doing Walk the Vibe is enough fun when you are coverage half the time, along with the Store Operations Assesssments. Ugh. We all have thankless jobs, but please don't say mine is easy. Please keep in mind, there are no easy jobs at Target, especially with all the payroll cuts.
Hahaha. I love my sbtl. I support them every chance I can, and then some. Anything that requires ordering, juggling dates and judging sales is thankless and a real pita.
^I wish everyone had that mentality. I try to be global and help others, but no one ever has time or care to help me. I highly believe in the all for one and one for all strategy. I know, a litlle cheesy, but Target used to run this way. It was once a great place to work.
To that one SL girl closing the store during seasonal christmas time.... how dare you and 3 others stand chatting about god knows what, and I see you pick up a shirt that is folded, and refold it. as I am taking 2 carts of toys/g/seasonal
ttoetl log=I am not sure if you realize this or not but you are the srtl over flows boss. You act like you are scared of him and YOU are letting him get away with some shady shit. You are not perfect either, You are guilty of treating people like crap as well...but there are days where I see a softer side of you maybe there is hope for you. However, be a leader and put your foot down and quit letting that srtl get away with shit. I assure you he will turn on you the first chance he gets.
TTOETL: Jesus Christ. You do realize I'm not the only one in softlines, right? Maybe you and the GSA need to take a look at the grid, because you had me running around like a headless chicken for my entire shift. You gave me an area, but you're giving me no time whatsoever to actually work on it.
Zone an area in softlines? Got it. Stop zoning that area so I can zone a completely different area? Got it. Help a guest in a third area? Sure, no problem. Then literally every time the GSA called for backup, my name was mentioned. Every fucking time. Go up for backup 5 times? Yes, no problem. Cover a cashier's break? Sure. Cover a cashier's lunch? WHY THE FUCK NOT?! What, did you think I was busy??? Besides, who else would do it? A cashier? No, please, leave it to me.
To Most Every TM In The Store (with the exception of Electronics and TL+ and a few all-around quality TMs): We have merch protect for a reason. Use it! And for the love of God don't half ass it. I'm (and the rest of Electronics are) sick of going through Electronics and finding spiderwraps that I can just peel off, and spiderwraps not locked all the way, and blurays not cased just hidden behind ones that are. If you take a video game out of the cases to give to a guest, it goes into a clamshell and THEN you give it to the guest. This has been discussed at countless huddles. Also, if a peg is a locking peg, or a locked cabinet, those are supposed to stay locked, ALL THE TIME. I'm talking to you, Mystery TM That Left BOTH Beats Cabinets Unlocked.
I would choke them with a spiderwrap. Shortage is everyone's problem
To that one SL girl closing the store during seasonal christmas time.... how dare you and 3 others stand chatting about god knows what, and I see you pick up a shirt that is folded, and refold it. as I am taking 2 carts of toys/g/seasonal

Lol.. There were a few days during seasonal at my store where we had 95 SL team members and our areas were just slooooow. My zone was so perfect through parts of 4th q. I did get stuck handling a lot of hl phone guests, though, so we (in my store) were even in the end of it all.

To like everyone in my store "today," I didn't expect anyone to notice me missing and I wouldn't have cared if you didn't notice, but I felt the comradery and such. The warm fuzzy feelings are mutual.
TTOTM - You really just need to STOP saying things that have never done or said to you.
You're an a**kisser and it doesn't work with me. I don't like people like you and you're going to get caught tangled in your own web of lies.
If you don't know something, ASK. Stop blaming other people for your actions and then be all nicety nice to them to their face.
Own up to your errors, be a grown-up and quit finding people to 'be on your side'.

ARRRGGG!!!! It bothers me.
TTOTM: (Err, the bloody salesfloor team, actually)

I don't know who is doing it, and it may be rare, but bloody hell there are a lot of mistakes when it comes to pushes/signing/zoning that is getting ridiculous.
  • Sale signs still up 1+ weeks past their expiration*
  • Items clearly zoned/placed in the wrong spot, leading to massive price differences (Godiva chocolates are not 69 cents a box, I promise)
  • Clearance stickers on the wrong items. Seriously, this pink storage tub is not a wall canvas, nor is it on clearance for $4.69 when it's like, $2 normally.
I realize it's not all the salesfloor's fault, and some of them are fucking awesome people, but still...

*This one I kind of get. I've done ad-setup, and we usually don't have enough people to do it all. Buuuut that being said, the sign for the free $5 gift-card for personal care products is still up. :|
To that one team member: don't order me to help you with something, like opening a spider wrap. You've been at Target for a few months now. I tried to show you how to open it yourself, instructing you carefully step by step like I was taught. I am a team trainer after all-but no. You had to turn mean when you've been candy sweet all day. It scares me, and I think you were hiding something.

Don't ever treat me that way again.
TTOTM OMG! You have got to be the laziest person I think I've ever met! How do you get away with doing nothing every day? All you do is walk around and talk to everyone while you boss everyone else around. Do you even listen to yourself? "I'm just goofing off today." lol
"I'm not going to bother to do this the right way." lol
"I'm not doing that." lol
No one else thinks it's funny!
I don't know what makes it worse, when you don't do anything or when you do things so halfway so they have to be redone.
TTOTM - Where are you going to be in 18 mo when the STL is gone? Your pouty lip to get the schedule changed each week to suit you isn't going to work once he is gone - and no matter what you believe, he only likes working with you because he likes to look at you - believe me IT IS NOT because of your work ethics - you suck at your job.
Oh yeah, and I don't think you two texting each other is appropriate, probably against Target rules...Stop bragging about it, no one cares. Not many like you - and damn, no one really cares for the condescending STL either...wait, maybe you two do deserve each other.
To that one ETL: I'm the only person in hardlines who's actually responding to anything, and I've spent more than half of my shift back-up cashing, doing carry-outs, or covering electronics. Do you honestly expect me to get the entire seasonal(!) department zoned and re-shopped?

To that one TM: The fact that one of the TLs asked you to push clearance doesn't mean you don't have to respond to things on the walkie. If you're in A, I'm not running from the back corner of the store to do a price check in cosmetics when you're right there.
TTOGSA: Are change requests that fucking hard? Every other GSA checks every-so-often. You don't. Even when I told you straight up I was out of pennies, you told me you'd get to it then got right back to chatting/going on break/doing fuck all.

(Yes, I know I could've just switched lanes, but seriously.)
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