To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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TTOTM: You think you're special because our tl tells you to work carts. It's really because no one on the wave wants to push with you because you're a touchhole.
TTOTM: I don' know why you're upset with me. You asked me to help pull price change midway through the hour while I was in the middle of making a bale (which you told me to do). I had to hunt a TM down trained in BR to finish it since for whatever reason you "don't trust the baler." and I leave in 45 min and have to help you with the 7pm CAFS because you can't go in the coolers. I pulled 2 large items for Price Change in that 15 min before the CAFs and was unable to get to the 3rd one because it was next to the TM working on the bale.

I'm sorry price change was huge (seriously, it's 52 minutes long which actually means it's 2 hours long) but don't take it out on me.
To that one team member: you may get red cards but stop trying to return candy that you and your family ate on your link card.. you've done it twice but we are onto you and we don't even let guests pull that shit. It's going to catch up to you sooner or later

AP probably building a case.

To the overnight team: Stop doing this whenever something doesn't fit:


I go out of my way to open those if I see that because ages ago I had a guest come to my lane with that and thought it was a three pack of whatever product it was. It wasn't. It was this lazy bullshit. And I mean, I can't blame the guest, it's one of the few times where it definitely isn't their fault.
TTOTM: If you were wondering why everyone seems to back way the hell away from you, it is because they think you are talking to yourself all day...They don't realize that the earbud in your ear is connected to your phone.

And FYI, sooner or later an ETL WILL notice that you are chatting on your phone on the sales floor all day.
To who ever moves some CRC stuff to the back w/o AP, STOP! It screws up my audit of the box at closing, and you're setting yourself up for an Internal. Even if the item is too big to fit into the regular boc, just set it to the side!
TTO Flow TM; what ever possessed you to not pay attention as you are steering a cage down an aisle and bang into a side cap. The entire side cap shot off and parts went flying every which direction. Then you just put the all the pieces of shelves that broke in half on the endcap, along with the pegs and product, and leave the side cap leaning against the gondola. Gotta love that lazy mentality.
TTO Flow TM; what ever possessed you to not pay attention as you are steering a cage down an aisle and bang into a side cap. The entire side cap shot off and parts went flying every which direction. Then you just put the all the pieces of shelves that broke in half on the endcap, along with the pegs and product, and leave the side cap leaning against the gondola. Gotta love that lazy mentality.
My question, how do you pull that off? Were they running down the aisle with it? Seems like thatd take a bit of force
My question, how do you pull that off? Were they running down the aisle with it? Seems like thatd take a bit of force
Maybe they do it every day and that was just the final blow?
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TTO Flow TM; what ever possessed you to not pay attention as you are steering a cage down an aisle and bang into a side cap. The entire side cap shot off and parts went flying every which direction. Then you just put the all the pieces of shelves that broke in half on the endcap, along with the pegs and product, and leave the side cap leaning against the gondola. Gotta love that lazy mentality.
The flow team has been really pissing me off lately.
A couple weeks ago the STL walked by and stopped to talk to me while I was at the front doors (he's great like that), then interrupted himself and asked "Is that really his underwear I'm seeing?" and nodded off to one side. I looked, and sure enough, a BRTM's Sponge Bob boxers were hanging out.
An hour later, I heard the STL call the TM into TSC, and the next time I saw him (and every time since) he's worn his pants almost like old-grandpa style (you know the style, button on the pants around rib cage level) with a belt.
To the backroom team member that supposedly helps me on the weekend, you are lazy and kind of a shitty worker.
Taking cigarette breaks every hour? I wish I could get video of that. I'd love to rat on you.
Anyways, my main beef with you is just how you work in the backroom. Just stupid and not smart with your time. You need to start pulling the pulls at the start of the hour. None of this waiting till 10 or 15 minutes after the start of the hour bullshit. And also, since you are pulling the GM side aka the easier side, you need to step up and be faster and pull the bulk paper, beverage, and pets in receiving. Don't just leave it for me. That is so rude. And please don't drop whatever you are doing to get pallets for soda vendors. They can fucking wait for that shit. The CAF batches are priority.

What you did today was unbelievable but then again considering the store I work at, it was something I would expect.
I clocked at noon and you knew that. You also knew that the 5pm caf batches were going to be big and that I was going to need your help with them so I can take my lunch immediately. But no, you decided it would be a good idea to ask the LOD to do your job so you could pull audit batches. Are you fucking kidding me? Audit batches over CAF batches? And you are a backroom day team member? I don't even have words.
And then when I call you out on it, you bitch to me about "oh they need to get done". I don't give a fuck about audit batches. When it's 5pm on Saturday, I only care about the CAF batches. The audit batches can wait. And like I told you, I finished them before I left. You didn't start pulling the GM side until 515pm. And as your predictably lazy ass, you bailed right at 530pm because that's when you're scheduled to leave. Convenient right? We could have been at 520pm if you had done your fucking job. But no, you're a dumbass.

I just wish I was friends with Colin Farrell. His expressions in In Bruges sum up how I feel about what you did today and do in the backroom.


A couple weeks ago the STL walked by and stopped to talk to me while I was at the front doors (he's great like that), then interrupted himself and asked "Is that really his underwear I'm seeing?" and nodded off to one side. I looked, and sure enough, a BRTM's Sponge Bob boxers were hanging out.
An hour later, I heard the STL call the TM into TSC, and the next time I saw him (and every time since) he's worn his pants almost like old-grandpa style (you know the style, button on the pants around rib cage level) with a belt.

Our store has TM like that with the sagging. Also likes to walk between backroom and breakroom/office while audibly, tunelessly singing (also probably audibly listening to music). Its been going on for some time now and will keep going on. I just try to ignore it now.
To that one SBTM: You are slow, lazy & a whining mewling baby.
Even tho you can clock in 5 minutes before your start time, you consistently clock 2-3 minutes late.
I'll be in the middle of a morning rush & you meander in like a hung-over sloth, no sense of urgency whatsoever.
When the rush is over, you'll leave a sink of used pitchers & shakers while you 'restock cups & lids'.
After I finish all the dishes & you still haven't come out, I find you standing in the back facebooking.
You had the gall to get pissed when I pushed past you to get the supplies you were SUPPOSED to be bringing up.
I was sweeping up in the cafe area while you filled up the tea bags; a guest walked up & you didn't even turn around. When I called to you, you looked over your shoulder & simply said "Be right with you" & CONTINUED your task instead of taking their order. I walked across the dining area, behind the counter & took their order.
Your surly response was "I was gonna get to it...."
We've had multiple complaints about your attitude.
You spend all day whining about how nothing is fair, your roommates are mean, your parents won't give you any more money, bla bla bla. The SBTL simply rolls his eyes now.
If I didn't need break & lunch coverage, you would disappear into the freezer without a trace.
Lilly went well at my store. Thank you to the ETL who thought "no let's not cause a stampede by opening the automatics, let's open the cart doors, and I'll only let in about ten people at a time with about two seconds per group" That actually worked fairly decently.

STL I have never seen you happier. can some of this money come to me and my hours??
Lilly went well at my store. Thank you to the ETL who thought "no let's not cause a stampede by opening the automatics, let's open the cart doors, and I'll only let in about ten people at a time with about two seconds per group" That actually worked fairly decently.

STL I have never seen you happier. can some of this money come to me and my hours??

I didn't even know that it was today until I arrived this morning and the parking lot was packed.
I'm fairly surprised that my boss didn't schedule me earlier, like at 8 rather than 9, and the only reason why I can think of was she was opening LOD.
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