To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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Ttotm/temptl: you aren't cute, you are a snide bitch and most of us hate you. I've got news for you, if I get vmtl not only will I make more than you I will outrank you when you get bumped back down. Bet that will piss you off, you unprofessional witch. Btw, you really should not have those things in front if another tm even if he's a tl. It's not his fucking business I'm applying for it. But thanks for talking about me after I left.
To that one leader: I don't mind working with you when you leave me alone and let me go about my business. Today was nice, please continue.

To that other leader: Thank you for being so enthusiastic about getting me trained in your workcenter, even if it's taking several weeks to get through everything.
ttotm- Stop flirting with the girls and do your damn job!
ttoetl- Before laying out all these things for a tm to do...maybe you should actually check the schedule see how long they are in the building .
TTOTM: sure we're "friends" but you only complain about work to me. Funny enough, everyone complains about YOU to me. No one on the front end knows how you are being considered for a TL position. But whatever, we all know how the store works...
TTOISTM: stop volunteering our team to do work for all the team leaders, just because you want a promotion and want to look good. especially since you never help, you just find something to do and act important. We all know you're not. please stop.
Ttoetl-hr: I have had Thursdays unavailable since I started a year ago. It's frankly none of your business WHY I have Thursdays unavailable. So don't give me any shit about "making a mistake" and scheduling for a Thursday when if you look at the past 52 schedules Thursdays have a big fat UNAVAILABLE on them.
TToTM- You've been here for a week, and even though I've only been here for two months, I don't need your "tips" on how to get red cards because you happened to get three in one day that you somehow assumed I knew you had gotten when I wasn't even working that day. Also, we're not a "dream team" because we have the same name AND I would appreciate it if you didn't interrupt me whenever I try and pitch red cards, I'm perfectly capable of explaining the benefits myself. Also it's rude to do that when you're ringing up guests, way to ignore them.
To that new etl, we've all heard your voice on the walkie ALL DAY but where the fuck are you hiding at!?!? I wouldn't say the rest of the leadership team in my store is super hands on or anything, but I don't think there's ever been a time where I heard one of them multiple times in a shift and not a single person on the floor had seen them.
TTOTM: Stop being lazy and stop ordering me to do simple tasks for you. I don't mind doing favors for team members, but every single time I work the same day as you you push simple tasks on to me. Like yesterday when you asked me to put something on an endcap that wasn't even 20 ailses away, or when you asked me to bring your mydevice to TSC, or all the times you ask me to bring carts to guest services. You're not my team leader, so stop it.

Yeah, sorry that you barely have a team to work out the pulls last couple of days. Who's fault is that? I do ask respectfully that you don't make it a habit of asking myself or my team to stop what they're supposed to be doing to give you a hand. Nowadays, I normally see your one TL (and maybe a TM, if they're lucky) busting their chops getting their workload done in a timely manner. You might want to consider getting more hands-on if you want that line cleared, especially if lack of vehicles become a problem.
TTOSFTM: You are awesome because you come up everytime we need help on the lanes without complaining. You turn your light on and turn it off only when the you don't have anyone else in line in your lane. Thank you for realizing that being on the front end is stressful for us Cashiers who have 5 people lined up for our lane at a time. <3
TTOETL: I understand you were having a bad day, but when you come up to someone working guest services who has a line of over 40 people (and 8 at the broken photo kiosk that only that GS person can fix), it's in your best interest to keep your mouth shut and not bitch about unsorted reshop.

TTOEntireTeam: We made it through the weekend, guys. And today was super rough, as well, but we did so well. As a team, in general, we have been coming together so much better than in the past, and I'm super proud of us...and super done with our non-existant leadership.
Ttogstl: after I tell you I've been on backup for an hour don't make a smart reply without a "sorry" first. Taking your lunch isn't an excuse either. I was there before you went, I was still there when you got back. Maybe you can ask if I've had the chance to leave the front. No favors from this minion this week buddy.

Ttotl: enjoy the promotion while it lasts asshat. Spot is coming for your ass...
TTOTM: Thank you for responding so quickly last night during a crazy rush. Down 2 cashiers (one call out and one on break) and we had a line 3 times longer than I've ever seen it before in my life. GSTL was stuck at the service desk with an issue so I used the additional help button, which people usually ignore in my store. You responded within a minute and grabbed your walkie and called "every single backup cashier in the store available up front asap this line is very VERY long" and within 2 minutes we had 6 backups, and got everyone out in a relatively timely manner.
TTOSrTL: Thank you for buying me Starbucks as recognition. I've really been breaking my back at work lately to try and help out the team, and it's really nice to be reminded that it isn't for nothing, even if it sometimes feels like it is. You've been so great lately with making sure everyone on the team is being set up for success whenever you are LOD. So glad you got promoted. Our leadership team is really hit and miss but you are definitely a hit. 🙂
To that stl: at every single huddle you imply that the people you guys replaced (he and all etls are new from when I started) were trash. You're wrong, though. I had some complaints, but you are not an improvement. Our survey scores may have been bad when you came in, but the difference is not you. We've had long periods of greatness before you.

And every time you say "those of you who've been here for a long time know what the store looked like before..." we're confused and offended. We had some bad times before you, we've had bad times with you. Just because it was bad the day you started doesn't mean it was always shit. We'd lost 3 etls (two from AE, one just fed up) and an stl (pre-emptive resignation I think) in the span of a few weeks. Our hours had recently been cut. The vibe hour bullshit had recently started (so glad it's over), the 4x4 was new. We were still adjusting to all of it.

Ugh. He's been pissing me off with his bullshit huddle speeches about how he saved us from red scores or whatever.
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To that Other tm : stop stealing the food from the breakroom fridge !
If you are starving , get a second job , or at least when tl ask you to stay longer , stay !
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