To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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To my closing team last night - you guys rocks! Both sales floor, my one cashier, and both LODs...thanks for being on a lane all night. It helpedus go 20 over in sales. And on a Monday, too!
Sometimes I think our breakroom TV only gets 2 channels: GameShow Network or Telemundo! I'd kill to watch ANYTHING other than those 2 channels....I love it when I go in there and there's nobody else or 1 particular TM because we will both just turn the darned thing OFF 😉
One store we got all the local network stations and PBS. Another store we could get NBC/CBS/Fox; on some clear days ABC. At another store they had a 50" Big screen with cable.
To the overnight team: Stop hiding the f*****g remote for the break room TV!! When there are hockey playoffs on, we don't want to watch America's Next Top Model reruns! And the ETLs might all die if they don't get their daily dose of Family Feud...

One team member at our store got smart and bought herself a universal remote. She lets us borrow it when the other one goes missing....
One team member at our store got smart and bought herself a universal remote. She lets us borrow it when the other one goes missing....

It would be fun to watch them watch their shows, then change the channel without them ever knowing you have another remote.
Reminds me yrs back when remotes were left out with the TVs & 2 kids were "phasering" each other.
The elec specialist came out with a ginormous universal remote & threatened to "turn them both off" before they dropped the remotes & ran.
One store we got all the local network stations and PBS. Another store we could get NBC/CBS/Fox; on some clear days ABC. At another store they had a 50" Big screen with cable.

Oh, we HAVE other channels (DirectTV), those 2 just seem to be the only 2 that anyone ever turns on...
to the 2 new team members....I hope to heavens you don't make it past your 90 are making life even more difficult in softlines.
to the 1 new team member I trained tonight...ummm, you are not the brightest bulb in the box but I think you will do okay if you actually make it through training.
To the Target Mobile guy. You are visiting so respect our store. FU for taking my Red card sell from MY GUEST and trying to sell me a phone!

To the new SL TM I've been here longer than you. I don't need you following my guest and I to a product I know where it is!

To the ***tchy ETL no one likes you and don't call me on Monday's to work when clearly my availability says I don't work at times you work. Have you noticed that!
I forgot this one.

To the night TL who keeps saying "Let's set the morning crew up for success!" Forget you, who is going to set the night crew up for success? I don't want to come in to carts and carts of reshop!
To the Target Mobile guy. You are visiting so respect our store. FU for taking my Red card sell from MY GUEST and trying to sell me a phone!!

Wait...he tried to sell YOU a phone?!? That's kinda funny. I'm very grateful for my Mobile guys...they help out in electronics when the TMs are busy. Target Mobile actually got a red card yesterday by pulling his out and talking about it. It's the first one for Target Mobile in my store. 🙂
Reminds me yrs back when remotes were left out with the TVs & 2 kids were "phasering" each other.
The elec specialist came out with a ginormous universal remote & threatened to "turn them both off" before they dropped the remotes & ran.

We had two high school boys in our store with one of these They turned up about half of our tvs in electronics to full blast, before me and a gsl confronted them about the loud sound. They said that they would stop, and we got someone to turn all of the tvs back down. 10 Minutes later they were at it again, so this time me and another AP escorted them out, and gave them a trespass notice. Never saw them again
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To the new backroom tm, toys fire door on the salesfloor, is not an entrance to the backroom. That's why you hear fire alarm on door going off. :facepalm:
Wait...he tried to sell YOU a phone?!? That's kinda funny. I'm very grateful for my Mobile guys...they help out in electronics when the TMs are busy. Target Mobile actually got a red card yesterday by pulling his out and talking about it. It's the first one for Target Mobile in my store. 🙂

Most of our mobile guys are great. They know a lot about electronics and pitch in whenever they can. There's a couple who aren't so great, but I haven't heard any complaints. I was glad to give them my business when I had to get a new phone this year. I'm grateful for them and I know other stores haven't been as lucky... 🙁
Wait...he tried to sell YOU a phone?!? That's kinda funny. I'm very grateful for my Mobile guys...they help out in electronics when the TMs are busy. Target Mobile actually got a red card yesterday by pulling his out and talking about it. It's the first one for Target Mobile in my store. 🙂

Yea he did, bugged me the entire shift. He's covering because are regular had a heart attack. I can't wait for the regular to come back. Thank God that's not my regular area to work
it was an interesting shift:

to the hardlines tm's who came over to help make softlines look a little better-YOU ROCK!!!
to the hardlines senior team lead-way to wait until half hour before close to venture over to softlines. (only team lead on duty, supposed to help the entire store) Yup, only 2 SL team members so only GBI and RTW covered...yup that is why shoes and men's look so pretty. Thanks for the help. You doofus!!
to our tl in charge of hours-please, please stop scheduling such huge breaks where there is nobody on the floor...and seriously? the entire sl team scheduled to leave AT closing? so not cool especially on a night like tonight when so few are scheduled to begin with.
to the district management and higher-are you all afraid of the dark? is that why you don't come to our store after 4 PM? It's great to know that the closers are so important to you. NOT!!
I'll take your interesting shift and throw in:

To the HR grunt doing to the schedule: I'm sorry. It's a thankless job. cashier until 9 am on a Saturday?!? Are you freakin' kidding me?

To the S-Bux TL: I know you want to do your own scheduling and the HR lets you tweak. STOP! One person there, by themselves, from 730-2? But, wait, there's more! Then one came in at 2, 230, 3, and 530. Seriously?!?

To the S-Bux TL (again): So, you will text your TMs asking if it's okay to switch their schedule (thereby technically working OFF the clock), but when I text you a semi-work related question - you take it to the STL and tell her that you are sick of working off the clock. I get a seek-to-discover conversation (during a REALLY rough week) and you walk around smiling the whole time.

To the S-Bux TM this morning: I'm sorry you were by yourself. But, I was GSA, cashier, and break coverage for you, GS, and the OPERATOR! Give me a break. You weren't busy. I know, because the four times you pushed the add'l assist button, THERE WAS NOBODY THERE!!!

To the first 9 am cashier: If you were feeling that sick, you shouldn't have come in. You worked for 7 minutes this morning. Then went home.

To the second 9 am cashier: If you had that big of a headache, you shouldn't have come in. You worked for three hours. Then went home.

To the 3 pm S-Bux TM: If you know you are going to have your wisdom teeth pulled on a day you are going to be working, call in. You were under your 90 days and this is your second NCNS.

To the 530 pm S-Bux TM: Thanks for calling in with the excuse of menstrual cramps. Watching the ETL's face go bright red made my day. 🙂

To that one cashier: When I tell you to go on break, please go. Don't make me come back over by you five minutes later and tell you that your break started when I sent you and it's your fault for not going. I didn't tell you that you had to stop and talk to every other cashier on the to the TSC. Don't get snippy with me when I say I would like to try to stay on schedule for breaks, especially considering I didn't have that many cashiers and everyone came in at the same time or needed breaks at the same time, and tell you to move your caboose. When you came back, I apologized if I sounded snippy. Don't call me a b*tch when my back is turned and think that I won't hear it. I did. And I will remember this the next time you ask to go on break with your friends. The answer, btw, is going to be no.

To the opening LOD: I am but one person. And you made me wear a lot of hats this morning. Thank you for - FINALLY! - getting the hint that I needed help with the two tubs of SSS you had pulled and waiting for me at 730 this morning...after telling me that I had no opening cashier. Your smart huddle was fantastic!! And that made the TMs that much closer for the needed backup. 🙂

To the Food Ave TL: I LOVE YOU!!! Thanks for trying to help me in any way you could, even though you have never been officially trained to watch the front end. You, my dear, made my day!! morning sucked. 🙂
Whenever I think my universe sucks, it's better to look & see what's happening in someone else's universe before I start to whine. Seeing someone else handle that much drek with such aplomb puts me to shame.
To my HR TL: If you supposedly changed my primary workcenter from Cashier to Hardlines, why am I only getting cashing shifts? I'm not gonna complain too much because I'm getting decent hours from cashing (surprisingly enough), but it doesn't make any sense.
To my opening cart attendant: I love the fact that you feel comfortable enough to be your uncensored self around me. But telling me that you feel as though you are going to revisit breakfast during major backup, while I'm speed weaving, and helping guests put their bags in the carts was not a good idea. Another bad one was leaving me with only 5 carts. Grrrrrrr
To my HR TL: If you supposedly changed my primary workcenter from Cashier to Hardlines, why am I only getting cashing shifts? I'm not gonna complain too much because I'm getting decent hours from cashing (surprisingly enough), but it doesn't make any sense.

I hate that. Seems to happen too often in my store. I was told by my ETL that I wouldn't be getting hours in my workcenter anymore (due to taking an LOA last fall) and I didn't get any for two weeks...but I'm still in that workcenter and bing! I'm getting hours in it again. Not that I'm complaining... 🙂
To the BR team member who was on the floor yesterday - I am SO grateful you helped me pull at noon and one o'clock. I would have never made it. Not sure why they scheduled the mid to come in at 2:00 instead of 11, but whatever...
I hate that. Seems to happen too often in my store. I was told by my ETL that I wouldn't be getting hours in my workcenter anymore (due to taking an LOA last fall) and I didn't get any for two weeks...but I'm still in that workcenter and bing! I'm getting hours in it again. Not that I'm complaining... 🙂

I talked to the HR TL, Hardlines SrTL, and Hardlines/Instocks TL about it and they all said it was because there weren't enough sales floor hours but there's an increasing need for cashiers on the schedules. Not really understanding that one since supposedly everyone is getting cut, but I'm not gonna complain too much - it's better than no hours.
To the new cashiers at my old store who always end up calling the GSTL for a guest in front of me or two guests in front of me, chill the **** out. I used to work there. I know how things go. Don't get pissy with me when I offer assistance and tell you that I worked there for over a year.
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