To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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TTOETL-GE: I enjoy working with you if only because you're fun to talk to and hang around with. But you're a terrible ETL. Somehow you are ETL-GE yet you ask our opener to send the Service Desk (but not the Pharmacy) bags back with the cash cart after they've been banked. That means that the closer has to ask the closing LOD to grab the bags when they grab the start bundles, which isn't a huge deal, but it's still unnecessary. You also somehow forgot that Starbucks and Food Ave get banked at night, I mean really? C'mon, you should know better than that. And it wasn't a simple brainfart either, you were legitimately convinced that we banked starbucks and food ave in the morning. All of my wat.
TTOTL: Your badge says trainer, but you do no training. Your idea of training is telling me ir another TM to train someone.

TTOTM: Bowling isn't hard. Literally every box you bowled was in the wrong spot. That's not terribly useful.

I am SO SO sorry you had to experience that guest. She's one of the regulars who acts entitled because she is a regular and has a nasty attitude to boot. Apologising to her didn't stop her from calling LOD to complain about you (and from what I tried to grab a bag from her? Really I'm not sure what exactly happened, but knowing her there is literally no way you did anything over the top awful or rude). They pulled you aside to what I assumed was a coaching and when you came out you were close to tears, and I never wanted to hug a coworker that badly before. You told me you wanted to quit and I really hope you don't, I've grown really fond of you and want to help you ease into this new world of retail and jobs. Telling me that you appreciate me always looking out for you made me feel like I was really helping.
TTOTM: Why do you even continue to "work" here? I get AT LEAST 3 texts from you a week asking me to work for you so you can take your daughter to do something. If this was once in a while, or if you worked constantly, then I'd ABSOLUTELY say yes. But I've covered your Guest Service shift at least 37 times in the last 6 months, and you're only ever schedule for about 3-4 days a week. Why can't you take your daughter to the store then? Or how about the times I've covered for you just to see on Facebook that you're doing something completely different that wasn't important. Ugh. I'm not covering you. Peace out.

TTOETL: I had a full-scale breakdown in your office because of some nonsense going on, and because I'm not getting supported in cosmetics, and your response was to say that you'd make sure to tell the VMTL to start coming and checking in on me/helping. That is literally the opposite of what I wanted.

TTO(total-hottie-future-husband)ETL: You came over at the beginning of your LOD shift and were so sweet. Thank you for having my back in cosmetics, even when it gets you in trouble yourself. You've taken the hit from the STL and even argues for me to have support. You're the best. Our wedding is going to be beautiful.
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Ttoetl-thanks for letting me come in early, and even more for thinking I should do it more often. I know I can count on you to get around the roadblocks my own tl throws in my path.

Ttosrtl-stop seeing things over a week early and expecting the signing to be ready. It's possibly not even in the dang store that early. To think I've spent hours on mysupport trying to sort out displays for you without even a thank you. Fuck off and die.

Ttopogteam: get your acts together. Seriously. You are the reason I am behind. Whether it's cause you were too lazy to set it right, not trained well enough to realize you did it wrong, or just don't care because nobody checks behind you. Just do your Damn jobs. Because very soon I will be pushing to not go behind you and fix your messes. And then who will do your work?
TTOTM: yes, I'm fine. Yes, I'm sure. The reason I seem "tired" is that you keep asking EVERY 5 MINUTES, "are you okay? Are you sure? Do you need help?" If I need help, I'll ask, I promise. Unlike others, who let the queue back up without asking for help until they're told to let someone else (usually me) take over. Seriously can TWO of you NOT keep up?
TTOGSA: You were scheduled to close the SD last night. Sure, I don't mind coming over to help and, sure, I know GSTL asked you to help close the registers last night. But that doesn't give you the right to peace out at 11 when YOU KNEW the desk was a complete clusterfuck. I shouldn't be clocking out at 11:35, after the zone has been called and the sales floor team has left. I cannot wait to see you again. You're going to get a complete and total earful from me.

TTOGSTL: Thank you for helping me clean the desk so that we could both get out of the store at a decent enough time!
To that one kinda cute (seasonal?) tm, thank you for doing my baby cafs and for actually helping that guest in baby that one time.

To that new possibly seasonal girl tm, I feel so bad I can't stop looking at your butt lol. It's big... It has a gravitational force that pulls my eyes in. If you ever catch me, I'm just gonna have to own up to it because really, there's no other excuses. I'm sorry. Also I'm jealous and will be adding more heavy squats to my life,
To that one kinda cute (seasonal?) tm, thank you for doing my baby cafs and for actually helping that guest in baby that one time.

To that new possibly seasonal girl tm, I feel so bad I can't stop looking at your butt lol. It's big... It has a gravitational force that pulls my eyes in. If you ever catch me, I'm just gonna have to own up to it because really, there's no other excuses. I'm sorry. Also I'm jealous and will be adding more heavy squats to my life,
The sir mix a lot song baby got back should be playing in the background.

Thank you for being understanding. You have been so good to me since you've started at our target and have been let loose. I'm loathing the day you have to leave, and hopefully it wont be anytime soon. You've been incredibly sympathetic to recent events that have happened, you are what all ETLs should be.
TTOVMTL: I don't even particularly LIKE that Softlines TL, but I was about ready to punch you for the way you were treating her. "What have you even been doing today?" is not a question I ever want to hear come out of your mouth again. And if you question why the other SLTL, who was LOD, wasn't keeping the tables folded again, I'm going to scream.

Not to mention that WHILE I WAS TALKING TO HR in her office's doorway, you came up and snatched my myDevice, telling me that you need it more. Luckily for you, I was on my way to clock out, otherwise HR would've watched me smack that smirk off your face.

Fight me. I've got more friends in this store than you, and I'm 150% sure I could take you even without them.
Not to mention that WHILE I WAS TALKING TO HR in her office's doorway, you came up and snatched my myDevice, telling me that you need it more. Luckily for you, I was on my way to clock out, otherwise HR would've watched me smack that smirk off your face.
A TM was getting ready to do some training in the TSC the other day and set her PDA down on the desk next to her. I asked, VERY POLITELY, "Can I borrow your PDA for a couple minutes to manually check in our pharmacy orders? I just need it for 5 minutes max..there aren't any in the cabinet." She VERY SNOTTILY says, "As long as you don't GO ANYWHERE with it, I'm going to need it when I'm done!" I said, "I won't, I can do it all right here..." She says, "Well, if you can't find anyone else's to use and DON'T GO ANYWHERE WITH IT! I'm going to need it when I'm done!!!" I said (again), "I won't, I'll do it right here...there aren't any in the cabinet...." She sighs and says, "FINE! JUST DON'T GO ANYWHERE WITH IT!!!" I said (AGAIN,) "I won't, I'll do it right here..." checked in the orders, set it back down, said "I'm done. Thank you SO MUCH!!!" She says, "Are you DONE with it? Are you GOING somewhere with it?" I said, "No, I'm done. Thank you!" She says (AGAIN,) "Are you SURE you aren't TAKING it WITH you?" I said, "NO! I'm DONE! That was ALL I NEEDED! THANKS!" I wanted to say, "DAMN!!! I just needed it for 2 minutes and I WASN'T GOING ANYWHERE WITH IT!!! CHILL!!!!" but I didn't 🙄
A TM was getting ready to do some training in the TSC the other day and set her PDA down on the desk next to her. I asked, VERY POLITELY, "Can I borrow your PDA for a couple minutes to manually check in our pharmacy orders? I just need it for 5 minutes max..there aren't any in the cabinet." She VERY SNOTTILY says, "As long as you don't GO ANYWHERE with it, I'm going to need it when I'm done!" I said, "I won't, I can do it all right here..." She says, "Well, if you can't find anyone else's to use and DON'T GO ANYWHERE WITH IT! I'm going to need it when I'm done!!!" I said (again), "I won't, I'll do it right here...there aren't any in the cabinet...." She sighs and says, "FINE! JUST DON'T GO ANYWHERE WITH IT!!!" I said (AGAIN,) "I won't, I'll do it right here..." checked in the orders, set it back down, said "I'm done. Thank you SO MUCH!!!" She says, "Are you DONE with it? Are you GOING somewhere with it?" I said, "No, I'm done. Thank you!" She says (AGAIN,) "Are you SURE you aren't TAKING it WITH you?" I said, "NO! I'm DONE! That was ALL I NEEDED! THANKS!" I wanted to say, "DAMN!!! I just needed it for 2 minutes and I WASN'T GOING ANYWHERE WITH IT!!! CHILL!!!!" but I didn't 🙄

These myDeviced bring out the worst in people. But at least you asked. Had she asked, I would have gladly handed it to her.
TTOVMTL: I don't even particularly LIKE that Softlines TL, but I was about ready to punch you for the way you were treating her. "What have you even been doing today?" is not a question I ever want to hear come out of your mouth again. And if you question why the other SLTL, who was LOD, wasn't keeping the tables folded again, I'm going to scream.

Not to mention that WHILE I WAS TALKING TO HR in her office's doorway, you came up and snatched my myDevice, telling me that you need it more. Luckily for you, I was on my way to clock out, otherwise HR would've watched me smack that smirk off your face.

Fight me. I've got more friends in this store than you, and I'm 150% sure I could take you even without them.
Are we talking out of your hands or out of a holster on your belt?

People need to get over themselves with the sharing crap. I have to give mine up all the dang time. Cause sorting displays without dpcis is a thing...rawr.
She says, "Are you DONE with it? Are you GOING somewhere with it?" I said, "No, I'm done. Thank you!" She says (AGAIN,) "Are you SURE you aren't TAKING it WITH you?" I said, "NO! I'm DONE! That was ALL I NEEDED! THANKS!" I wanted to say, "DAMN!!! I just needed it for 2 minutes and I WASN'T GOING ANYWHERE WITH IT!!! CHILL!!!!" but I didn't 🙄
I would've shoved it up her a$$ & said "NOW I'm done."
Are we talking out of your hands or out of a holster on your belt?

People need to get over themselves with the sharing crap. I have to give mine up all the dang time. Cause sorting displays without dpcis is a thing...rawr.

Out of my hands. Had she asked, obviously I'd give it up. I'm always giving my equipment to someone who ends up needing it more or for a better reason. But I don't accept people taking things directly out of my hands without asking.

And I don't think anyone needs to get over anything. There's a difference between sharing and being rude. Like, sharing is going, "Hey can I borrow that or keep it for a while/all day because of x, y, and z?" Being rude is going, "I need this more than you. Give it to me." Or just taking it. Manners are important.

I miss you. You used to work for our store then transferred so I barely got to see you for the longest time. Running into you today was the highlight of my day, and we got to chat about the olden days. You're soon moving on to a different job, but at least you promised to come visit and harass us on the occasion.

And hey, now we can be facebook friends.

HOW CAN YOU BE THAT FUCKING DENSE!?!? Seriously, what the fuck was going through your mind when you did what you did, and thought it was correct? When you don't know how to do something, ASK FOR HELP! If nobody else knows, then don't just wing it!

I am by far one of the most calm and laid back TMs in the building, but your incompetence pushed me over the edge into a full-on rage.
To that one TL: I hope you realize in the near future that there's more to being a TL than calling out your TMs to go back-up cash. And said TMs are always good about responding anyways. Very easy way to lose the respect of your team.

To that one ETL: I don't know what your problem is (nor do I want to know), but I would be totally ok with keeping our interactions to a minimum from now on.
TTOTM: Sorry you actually had to work since I work a short day a couple days a week and you had to push my batches. Suck it up buttercup. I know you bitched that I should have pushed them. Funny the rest of us don't complain about what we push, if we are not sure we ask "Hey so and so, does this go here?" and get on with it. But not you, you snowflake.

Didn't you know In-Stocks works?
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