To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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To my STL: It obviously helps that we had team members on the floor, but it was really nice to be able to get all of hardlines zoned. Thank you for helping us out in our areas (and giving me an area other than toys or HBA).
To the STL tonight. I want to like you as a person, but you make it really hard sometimes. I don't know when or where exactly you got your crazy idea about carts, but it needs to go away. You say to get the carts when we come in, and then not worry about them until closing. Mon-Thurs, maybe that can work a majority of the time, but to think that'll work for a Saturday? Are you insane? Hell, it felt like I had to keep sneaking out of the building just to get carts in. One of these days, I should listen to you on a Saturday so at some point we actually run out of carts. Then maybe you'd see the errors of your way. (haha, yeah right).

The other thing that bugs me. When you say not to worry about carts until close and just focus on reshop...if you want me to work on reshop, that's fine, I can do that. However, at least tell me that yourself. I think you can tell I'm getting annoyed with you, so what did you do? Instead of telling me about your "plan" for tonight and having me possibly confront you about it, you had your hand puppet (as I like to call him) tell me instead.

It's kind of sad that when I was covering the breaks for the GSA tonight (which I've only ever done once before over a year ago), that felt like the easiest hour of the entire night.
The my Food TM who helped out on Carts, thank you very much sir, when I was the only one doing carts in the morning and I got a big help today to catch up, owe you one.

To that one team member who asks "very quietly" on the walkie, "there is a spill at the cat food isle", so I bring the stuff needed to clean up the spill and where the f*** are you when no1 is guarding the dam spill, wow you had to make it easy for yourself at 9am in the morning.
to the tm who started on that rock!!! I was/am a bit worried about you doing the job because of your attitude hopefully you have decided to take the job seriously.

gotta change this are awfully whiny when people don't act the way you want...that ETL that you said was mean to you? Probably told you to do your job. That gentle reminder to put things on the hangers correctly? I don't believe you when you say you didn't do that one...over half of the 2 z racks you have left have been improperly hung. Yup, I am probably now a meanie.
It should not take 2 to 3 hours of my shift to recover the fitting room.
To my GSTL: How many times do I have to tell you that I'm scheduled on the floor before you realize that I'm not on your schedule grid?

I was actually scheduled for market one night. Came up for backup. The GSA came up and turned off the light of the TM in front of me then walked away without turning off mine. I asked him if he forgot to turn mine off and he said, Oh, I forgot you weren't cashier tonight and came over and turned mine off.
To the FRO who did her homework, read magazines, had beverages, texted, checked her e-mail, charged her phone in the open, and who knows what else...and has now quit, the rest of us FRO's thank you. Not only did our computer get taken away, but we no longer have a desk chair at the FR. I only sit to do rewrap or when there's NOTHING to do and I can't leave the FR...thanks for ruining it for the rest of us. We appreciate you greatly.

I think I might start sitting on the floor.
You had a computer in the FR? :O

that was my first thought too!!

to the ETL's-bless your pointy little heads!! Thank you so much for starting to actually act on your threats (they have started giving verbal warnings to the people covering the FR who do not get up and do the TAG system)...let's see more action!!
To the FRO who did her homework, read magazines, had beverages, texted, checked her e-mail, charged her phone in the open, and who knows what else...and has now quit, the rest of us FRO's thank you. Not only did our computer get taken away, but we no longer have a desk chair at the FR. I only sit to do rewrap or when there's NOTHING to do and I can't leave the FR...thanks for ruining it for the rest of us. We appreciate you greatly.

I think I might start sitting on the floor.
I'm curious about this too, I've never seen a computer for the fitting rooms.
You had a computer in the FR? :O

Yeah, we did for the longest time. Not sure the purpose, but it was nice to have so we could check POGs, use item search when short on equipment, or check the radar when the weather was bad. TLs liked it so they could check their e-mail and workbench too. They took it away before our remdoel, saying the remodel ETL needed it, but the real reason is that people were abusing it (like I said above). I finally gave up helping people on the phone search for stuff and send out more calls to the floor when we don't have equipment.

AP is really trying to enforce the counting items rule (take the item from the guest, count them/shake them out, give them chip, count them when they come back out) but I feel like I'm the only one enforcing it when I work and they have to check on me. Really? Yesterday's FRO was just handing out chips to people and not taking items from them at all. I was price change so I felt like I couldn't say anything...
You had a computer in the FR? :O

When I first started 10 years ago we had a computer at the FR. It was older than dirt and was suppose to be used to do items locations for guests. Now of course we have PDA/LPDAs to do that and I for one was happy to see it go. We still have a chair and radio, but there are specific times when they can be used. The chair is only for sitting to do rewrap or folding those blasted ad signs. The radio is for the truck crew mostly to have music on the overhead in the mornings. We can have it on when there is bad weather, but it must be kept low. FR use to be thought of as the cushy job, because of the chair. Because we are required to keep mens, lingerie, some of infants and half of RTW zoned, there is no time to sit. There is never NOTHING to do. If all your regular zone is super zoned you are to grab the jewelry cordless and go help in boys, girls or even hardlines.
Yeah, we did for the longest time. Not sure the purpose, but it was nice to have so we could check POGs, use item search when short on equipment, or check the radar when the weather was bad. TLs liked it so they could check their e-mail and workbench too. They took it away before our remdoel, saying the remodel ETL needed it, but the real reason is that people were abusing it (like I said above). I finally gave up helping people on the phone search for stuff and send out more calls to the floor when we don't have equipment.

AP is really trying to enforce the counting items rule (take the item from the guest, count them/shake them out, give them chip, count them when they come back out) but I feel like I'm the only one enforcing it when I work and they have to check on me. Really? Yesterday's FRO was just handing out chips to people and not taking items from them at all. I was price change so I felt like I couldn't say anything...

That whole last paragraph is me....but they are giving out verbals now for not TAGging it. Just think of it this way....we don't have to worry. 🙂 I have also reminded the ladies who cover my breaks that the camera at our desk isn't for the guests, it's for AP to check up on us and making sure we are doing our job...doesn't help. It's their jobs on the line, not ours.
To all GSA/GSTLs, do you remember how to speedweave? Sometimes it seems like you all forgotten that this is your responsibility. When I don't have a guest in my lane I will load up on bags, check to see if I need change, clean my register area and grab guests that are waiting. I try to look to see if guests are waiting first but I don't always see them, please don't yell at me to go grab a guest. (this is especially annoying when you NEVER yell at one of your cashier friends for standing doing nothing:hysteric🙂 If you see a guest in need there is a chance I haven't seen them so just send them to me. Some, not all, spend a lot of time chatting with the SD person or PL person instead of speedweaving. I will stand and wait in the aisle for a guest when I'm free, I never want any guest to wait. Please remember I'm human and can't be everywhere at the same time, I've been here long enough to know what needs to be done. Treat me with respect and I will do the same. Thank you. Rant over now.
Hey, practically everyone I work with - it technically wasn't my day off, I was turning in my comp shop and getting a giftcard for a wedding. PLEASE stop saying, "OMG, you're always here! Even on your days off!" Sorry - I'm not there on my days off unless I need to get something before the next time I work.
Do we even have Comp shop postions anymore? I never saw anyone at my old store with that title, except for when I first started, there use to be a guy who was employed as both bike builder and comp shopper
Do we even have Comp shop postions anymore? I never saw anyone at my old store with that title, except for when I first started, there use to be a guy who was employed as both bike builder and comp shopper

Mine still does it, I switch off with another TM. The pricing TL told me we don't do it during 4th quarter. Seems like a waste of hours if you ask me...but I'll take them. 😀
to the FRO's who, on my days off, were forced to clean up the rest of the rewraps....WTG!!!

to that tm who I've talked to over and over about bringing rewraps at least an hour before closing-that's an hour BEFORE not at closing....thanks for ruining the no rewraps left under the fitting room desk.

to the exec's who finally listened to me-thank you for scheduling the fitting room to leave 15 minutes after closing...none of us (if we are doing our job right) can clock out at closing.

to that one tm who whines and *****es and moans about your area-get over yourself-you had more than an hour longer in your area than anybody else on the team tonight. You only had shoes and men's and no, I can't/won't help you because of the amazing amounts of reshop at the fitting room and the parade of guests I had. Plus, you can't seem to do anything but sit on your hiney when covering my's basics are 5 feet away, zone them.
To that one GSA: Thank you for letting me do something other than cashing. But........

To that one Softlines TL: Did you really think I could get all the shoes reshop done by the end of my shift? I started with one very full cart (mostly flip-flops) and somehow ended with two very full carts. And that's just from the flip-flop wall. I didn't even touch the aisles.

To the ETL-Softlines who happened to be the closing LOD: Thank you for not killing me for ending up with two carts of shoes reshop when I started with one. On a side note, both of our brand TMs in shoes have left the store. Why haven't you gotten at least one new one yet?
Do we even have Comp shop postions anymore? I never saw anyone at my old store with that title, except for when I first started, there use to be a guy who was employed as both bike builder and comp shopper
Yep, we still have a comper & several back-ups for when she's out of town.
To that one cashier: Now I understand why they won't let you learn any other workcenters. [not elaborating]
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