To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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To that one TM: You've been on the line for weeks now and you haven't gotten much better at stacking. Its almost painful seeing what you can't do under pressure with a flat surface and some boxes. Especially when right now, spare flatbeds are as precious as gold.

I wish I had some photographic proof because some of the things they've had to pull from his bay are atrocious.
To that one TL: I know what's going on, and I hope you realize that everyone else does too. If it's going to continue, you'll want to tread lightly and keep it professional.

To that one TM: At first, I thought you were full of shit (because more often than not, you are). But it turns out you were right.

TTOBRTeam: Can we make a deal? If you stop pushing items on my count list to the very top shelf, I will...think of something that's not a major violation. Ice cream? Everyone like that, right? So if you stop making me climb to the top of the ladder for every item I really care about in backstock, I'll buy ice cream. I hate hights.

I don't have a problem with heights, but I do have a problem with having to carry heavy casepacks down the rickety old stepladder (I can't use the WAVe because it won't fit in the light-duty aisles). A former backroom TM told me he would burn them when they came out in CAFs because he couldn't get them down the ladder safely.

Blame overnight!
TTOSeasonalTM: No, zoning is not just picking things up from the floor and walking around the sales floor. Even if zoning was just that, there were rugs were all over the aisle, and you didn't even fold the bungee chairs up! I know the person who trained you; they are not the problem. Good luck trying to stay on after the holidays with all that and your call offs. You're one of team members I'll be happy to see let go.

TTOtherSeasonalTM: For a seasonal hire, you work well enough but whoever trained you did a piss poor job. You had no idea how to call the back room, how to answer a phone call, or where to put your cart of unsorted reshop. You looked so lost until another team member and I helped you out.

TTOtherTM: How could you not teach your trainee the basics!? How many other team members did you "train?" 😡
You looked so lost until another team member and I helped you out.

TTOtherTM: How could you not teach your trainee the basics!? How many other team members did you "train?" 😡

I had to assist 3 seasonal team members lear how to read aisle locations, what DPCI's are, and the backroom is on channel 2. While in uniform, doing my PIT counts. What the heck.
TTOTM: I know you LOOKED at the new CVS ESIM containers, but did you bother READING the labels before calling me? I know, it's asking a lot, but how the hell am I supposed to remember EXACTLY what the label says???
ttotm Thank you, for the help in the backroom yesterday. You were a huge help and even though I told you over and over THANK YOU!!! again.
ttoetl- I am sorry you are working so many hours and have only had one day off in two weeks. However, you knew what you were getting into when you took a salaried job in retail. Your little comment about how you wish you had a scheduled time to the rest of us ( us meaning tms). I am sure you do .Do you want to trade paychecks? Yea, I didn't think stop whining ...or at least stop whining to me. Go sit up font and whine with the Stl

ttotm- I know you are a seasonal hire and you didn't know any better. However, when you popped up out of nowhere and asked when do we get our Christmas bonus...I didn't want to laugh at you. ....but I did.
To the corporate team member that green lighted the changes to the One Hour Photo greeting card boxes...
You forgot to adjust the template for the envelope size. Good Job! 😡
There's this one seasonal team member who is working cashier... Well him and a few others interviewed for a open APTL position. Anyways Im on the bench and they asked me if I wanted it or I could take something else that was offered to me... . So this team member all this week every time I see him has asked me if I heard anything about who they are going to promote since someone told him I would probably get it. Me having been offered something else more attractive stopped caring about who got it. It doesn't bother me that he wants to know, it's that I told last week I wasn't being considered for it anymore. But every time I tell him I don't know anything (which I don't) he gives me this look as if I was lying to him and didn't want to tell him. I told him to ask the AP ETL since our STL is out right now. He said he had and he told him they would announce it this Saturday! Yet he insists on bothering me about it.... If we know anything about spot they had already some of us in mind before they even opened it up and who ever it is probably already did the rest of their interviews sometime last week. And this team member is probably not going to be happy about it.
To that one team member: Thank you for showing me how to make a bale.

To the market closer: Since you didn't actually stay until closing, guess who had to do your job for the rest of the night. You're welcome.
TTOTM: What the fuck? Why the hell would you come up to me while I was in the middle of ringing up a guest and tell me that you "wanted your lane back"... you're seasonal and I'd never seen your face before in my life, yet you had the audacity tell me that you'd been here for a year??? And then when I asked you if someone told you to only be on that lane, you tell me "no, but I've been working here all day" and?? You're causing backup. I hope I never see you again once the season's over.

TTOTL: I really do appreciate you offering me shifts, and I always try to thank you for the offer but some days you offer me shifts on my only days off. I feel really bad afterwards but I kinda don't wanna work eight days in a row. The last time I attempted even just a week I got sick. Hope you understand. 🙁

TTOETL: I hope you continue this streak of being kind to people because otherwise you're kind of a jerk and I still don't like working with you too much.
To that one TM (ETL) good job, you had class. Understated, yet huge this week. I'll never forget how good you were to me! Best wishes, lots of love, I have faith you'll do great in the real world!
TTOTM. Where do I begin with this one. One, stop acting as though you're an LOD. When I'm walking by the front to go to lunch, you have no right to say "well are you going to actually help with this guest first or just keep ignoring it?" 1. I'm electronics. We don't go up for backup, especially this week. 2. I'm going to lunch. 3. It's none of your damn business.
Two, I'm on the toy team. I know what is and isn't backstock. If I'm given responsibility to assign tasks, and ask you to do a stray cart that I generated from my zone whilst I finish my other cart, don't just tell me "that's backstock, all of it. If you don't think so, you push it." I can see through your lies.
Three, I've been here over a year. You've been here three weeks. If I say (backed up by other TMs) that this is how things are done, don't say "well I'm doing it this way because I like it better."
Four, if you EVER throw merchandise at me again, especially on the floor during open hours, this will become an HR/AP problem. I don't care if you wanted me to take it to someplace, ask like a human and hand it to me.
To the STL, I hate your guts. You are a bully and you are one of the many reasons why I hate working at "your store". You need to get some competent reliable backroom team members that know how to communicate with me on a walkie talkie. When I call 3 or 4 times for a backroom team member to know where he is, someone needs to tell me his fucking location especially when the gigantic CAF batches are close to rolling. And don't you give me any attitude about how messy or shitty the store looks or that you stayed until 2am last night. I don't give a shit. You wanna know why the store is a mess and the dairy cooler is a joke? Because of you and your Nazi stance on no overtime. You care more about yearly bonus for controlling payroll than you do about the store looking nice. You bitch to me and the rest of the team members about how shitty the store looks but you are the problem. Are you going to die if someone gets overtime? Is Target going to go out of business if someone gets overtime? You have to pick one: your yearly bonus or a clean store. You can't have both. You are fucking salary. You're making a lot more than I am so you have to accept the fact that you run a shitty Target store. And you run it terribly. You're a terrible leader and I hate you. You get mad at me and say I'm yelling on the walkie when all I'm doing is repeatedly asking where someone is that is supposed to be helping me in the backroom. And then you yell at my face in the dairy cooler. Fuck you and your talks about respect. If you want respect, stop being a fucking bully and acting like you're this big shot cause you're not. The reason why I was asking where that asshole backroom team member because the little shit has a history of running off and bailing on me early. On Saturday, I had a lazy fuck leave at 445pm when he was scheduled til 530pm. Did you know that the little shit that I was working with today once said the "n-word" in plain sight right by an ETL? How does that makes you feel? God, I swear when I leave Target, you are going to be the first person that I send a postcard to. I hate your guts. You care more about your own salary and bonuses than your ant workers. FUCK YOU.

To the n-bomb veteran guy in the backroom, I fucking hate your guts. I was so pissed yesterday when I found out that you were going to be in the backroom with me on Sunday. You are a piece of shit worker. Do you know what the fuck a walkie talkie is? When you are working with the backroom with me, you need to communicate with me either in person or on the walkie talkie about when you're leaving the backroom to pull FF and to take breaks and lunches and when you come back from them. And return the stupid FF printer in the backroom. I fucking hate your guts too.

To the sample lady that was a bitch to me, fuck you and you're crybaby attitude. "I need you to move this pallet". Move it yourself. Use your legs and fucking walk to receiving and get a pallet jack and move it. Telling me "I don't know how to use a pallet jack and I'm not authorized". I don't give a shit. Why are you even allowed to be in the backroom to get your stupid sample shit? You're pathetic and helpless. I'm not your little bitch and fuck you.

To everyone on this planet that's telling me to stop complaining about retail and Target: come work at the Target I work at for a day and see how you like it. Let's see how you cope with it and how you handle it. I think your attitude would change once you get a taste of the turd of a store that I work at.
TTOTM: Way to hold the door for an older team member when we were all leaving the building. If I could have reached far enough, I would have held the door open for her. I know you saw she had an armful of groceries, and you let the door slam her right in the arm. Did no one ever teach you common courtesy? Rude!

TTSeasonalTM: The next time you feel compelled to tell me how to do my job, I'll rip you a new one.
To that seasonal cashier who tried to deny my coupons: You tried to tell me that I 'didn't know coupon policy' when I was pairing store & manf coupons on the same item.
It was worth it to see the look on your face when the GSTL not only corrected you but recognized me & pointed out that I'd worked for spot MANY years.
TTOSeasonalCashier: So I didn't realize that it was your first day today. With that in mind, I apologize for the way I asked you to rerun the two $100's and the fifty that you just put into your drawer through the counterfeit detector, but when the little red light blinks, that means they're no-good. I think that it's clear that you needed more training before being put by yourself, but if you got enough training to know to test 100's and 50's, it should be obvious that you should at least call for help if/when the machine rejects the bill.
It's a good thing I was keeping an eye on the two shady subjects that the cashier was ringing up, otherwise I would never have seen her go to just put the bills into the drawer after it rejected them.
TTOTargetMobileMember: Yes, I understand that you get commissions on certain items; however, once I caught on to what you were up to, I realized you were stealing sales and possible red card customers. Stay in your lane.
TTOFellowElectronicsMember: Yes, you've been here longer than me. I'm a seasonal and you're permanent. That does not give you the right to tell me what I need to be doing especially when I already know. It's tiring. I am not your child nor your subordinate. We're equals. You do you and I'll do me. Tch.
TTOSeasonalCashier: So I didn't realize that it was your first day today. With that in mind, I apologize for the way I asked you to rerun the two $100's and the fifty that you just put into your drawer through the counterfeit detector, but when the little red light blinks, that means they're no-good. I think that it's clear that you needed more training before being put by yourself, but if you got enough training to know to test 100's and 50's, it should be obvious that you should at least call for help if/when the machine rejects the bill.
It's a good thing I was keeping an eye on the two shady subjects that the cashier was ringing up, otherwise I would never have seen her go to just put the bills into the drawer after it rejected them.
I never got any training regarding counterfeit bills. What was she supposed to do?
TTOTM: I'm sorry you feel "threatened" by me, but I've been working in the pharmacy more than twice as long as you. It only makes sense that I have more knowledge than you do about certain things....if I didn't, the pharmacist wouldn't allow me to do certain things. There's no need to be a bitch about it!
I never got any training regarding counterfeit bills. What was she supposed to do?
If the reader repeatedly rejects them, she needs to call the LOD and/or ask for an alternate form of payment.
Pretty much this. When she ran the bills, she hit finish transaction despite two of them being rejected, and started putting them in the cash drawer.
If the machine rejects a bill, you should run it again a second time to be sure, and if it still rejects it, hand it back and ask for a different bill or form of payment. If you're unsure of what to do, call for LOD or GSTL.
Ah yes my TL who complains about me using Snapchat on the clock yet willingly participates with other TLs who use it on the clock and will also use it himself.

Ah the hypocrisy. So typical.
To everyone in my store: There are 4 radio channels anybody can use and a dozen phones throughout the store. USE THEM.
TTOTL: I've always liked you and I know it's busy but when you asked me to stay longer, I asked you how long you needed me to stay and you told me any length of time would help. So I said I would stay thirty extra minutes and but ended up staying an hour. I was in pain and I had other things to get done. Now I feel upset that you took advantage of me because whenever I tried to go clock out, you kept having me go do other things. Please don't do it again... 🙁
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TTOTargetMobileMember: possible red card customers.

Your mobile team doesn't get redcards?? Also, why are you in competition with them over who makes the sale? Do you have a sales goal? Electronics and mobile seem to cooperate well together in my store, but maybe that's not the norm?
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