To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

Not open for further replies. the chick closing electronics tonight, you saw that you were scheduled to do infant hardlines as well yet you acted like you didn't know that so you could get out of doing that. You also happily admitted to us that you don't ever zone sporting goods. To our faces.
How the fuck do you still work here? You don't do reshop, your attendance is horrifying, you're rude to everyone who works with you, and a year ago when I asked you how to answer the phones you were like "lol I never answer them". I think the only reason you're still here is because you've been this one ETL's pet for a while but now even he's starting to get tired of your crap
TTO special needs tm: you are amazing! I love working with you and you ARE a huge help to us.

TTOTM working fitting room last night: nice job alerting the LOD about that sketchy guest.

TTOETL-GE/LOD: you're awesome for calling the police to ban that dude from our store after he cursed at our awesome GSTL.
To whom it may concern, these water pallets are dumb. I have to step on the ledge of the pallet in order to reach the water I wanna buy. The other day, the pallet had too much water on it for me to step on it, so I had to get a chair from back to college. I wasn't working and I couldn't find a tm with a step stool or a tall person. This is poor planning.

To whoever is supposed to approve or deny my availability requests, I know you'd never approve that request (every other weekend off) just because I don't wanna work vml weekends, but I just needed you to be warned, because idk how long I can go without snapping on her.
To the new ETL-LOG, I don't know why some people seem to have a problem with you? Unlike the last one you don't stand around doing nothing and you seem like a decent worker. Maybe people are mad because you don't take kindly to overstocking and people leaving their messes everywhere?
To the ass who usually closes market, WHY IS AD TAKEDOWN SO HARD FOR YOU?! I was supposed to be making revision labels but I had to do a full ad takedown instead because you didn't do it last Saturday. Also tell your girlfriend to stop coming in and being super annoying and disrespectful to us plz
TTOLOD: we're remodeling. If you expected to keep the stockroom's pristine, you're fooling yourself and creating double and triple work for the team. Calm down, take a Xanax, and trust that our extremely competent pog team has a plan. You stressing out about it stresses me out about it, and I accepted the inevitable mess months ago
TTOTM: I cannot wait to work with you tomorrow! You're always enthusiastic, hilarious, and never too serious about work while still getting everything done. I really wish you were in Deli and not Produce...

TT2TMs: You two are a hoot. Don't let Target burn you out!
To the DC....
We have way too god damn many of them. I was trying to push them but most of that time was spent digging through the fixture room to find peg hooks for all of them. NOBODY SEEMS TO WANT THEM SO STOP IT
To the DC....
We have way too god damn many of them. I was trying to push them but most of that time was spent digging through the fixture room to find peg hooks for all of them. NOBODY SEEMS TO WANT THEM SO STOP IT

Ours would probably just fence a whole shelf or shelves and shove those in there. Or dedicate an entire endcap for the hoses.
Ours would probably just fence a whole shelf or shelves and shove those in there. Or dedicate an entire endcap for the hoses.
We actually got so many hose nozzles that there is no way to fit them all on an endcap 🙁 if you were to set them in a way that looked pretty it would be almost a whole aisle
TTOTM From another store. I expect your store to be stupid when I call you, so I'm not sure why I was even surprised when you told me you couldn't put diapers on hold because "they are on sale". They're diapers. It's not Black Friday. They aren't clearance. Please explain why you can't put them on hold. Your GSTL didn't understand why you couldn't put them on hold when I talked to her either.
TTOTL: I'm sorry for gutting market today to refill promo. The cereal aisle looked so barren.

When I used to fill endcaps at the checklanes, a former CTL told me I had to zone any area from which I took product. If possible, I would make sure I left enough to fill every facing in the home location.
When I used to fill endcaps at the checklanes, a former CTL told me I had to zone any area from which I took product. If possible, I would make sure I left enough to fill every facing in the home location.

In the store I work at, if it's an endcap or sidecap, we would flex something related instead of taking them from home. Home is priority. However, if it's just a few, we can take some from home.
To the TM who wants to transfer to our store, you're not gonna get the damn job if you insist on calling 20 times in a row! We haven't even met you and you seem almost batshit insane. My ETL-HR didn't seem to like your reviews too much either.
When I used to fill endcaps at the checklanes, a former CTL told me I had to zone any area from which I took product. If possible, I would make sure I left enough to fill every facing in the home location.
I usually do, but there just wasn't that much stuff by that point in the evening.
To the DC....
We have way too god damn many of them. I was trying to push them but most of that time was spent digging through the fixture room to find peg hooks for all of them. NOBODY SEEMS TO WANT THEM SO STOP IT
I have no nozzles. I had stopped researching them over a month ago. Someone had research hoses & nozzles recently.
Ttotm- you were just f-ing hilarious telling your flow buddy that we dont lend the wave to people we don't know. Seriously im new, not stupid. Joke was on you because your ignorance made you have to stop what your doing and get what i needed. Then seriously what is it with the flow team and cage and yell at me for being in your way by the trash compactor.
TTOTM Every time I think you can't possibly do anything to make me dislike you more, you do. Please stop. I can't wait until you go back to college far far away.

TT(other)TM You're by far my favorite to work with. I'm really sad our school schedules or opposite days this semester and we won't get to work together as much.
TTOGSA: Don't tell me not to get an attitude because I'm trying to trade mydevices. I can't get into checkpoint and I need to encode some RFID returns. I should have called in again, I can barely breathe for my congestion and my head is throbbing. Don't tell me not to get an attitude.
To That One Entire Fucking Team:
For a hot minute, we were kicking ass and taking names. We got a new TL thst everyone respects, we had a solid team of badasses to get us through the biggest trucks, a third listed thing...

Then it all changed. A bunch of those badasses quit, we hired a shitload if idiots to replace them (most of whom are about to be shitcanned for constantly calling out), then we start getting hit with 6-7 trucks a week (I know it's not a lot to some stores, but for us it's a big deal).

I get it. You're all tired and/or new, but we can't take 90 minutes to unload a 2000 piece truck, that's embarrassing. We can't keep leaving whole pallets of merch in the back for dayside to take care of (which they probably won't do, anyway), and we can't keep making a mess of the store. It just makes us work harder for nothing in the long run. This shit is why Flow has a company-wide rep for being the shittiest team, and we weren't like this before. Get it together, fucking Q4 is coming.

To Those Half Dozen Newbies (when you decide to actually show up):
STACK YOUR FUCKING PALLETS CORRECTLY. You've been here two months, this job ain't complicated, you should basically be pros by now. Every goddamn day when I haul them off the line, shit falls, usually directly on top of me. And every goddamn day it's because you put the heaviest, biggest shit on top of the lightest, squishiest boxes and it makes for a painfully unstable stack. I'm sick of re-stacking almost half the pallets I pull, it puts me behind in my work and is a waste of my fucking time. Fuck you.
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