To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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Ttostl: why the fuck do you work me like a dog and expect me to get zone done while working flexibles, covering market, and the pulls you keep making? I'm not a fucking robot. I can only do so much shit you stupid bitch.
TTOSTL part 2: You get mad at me because I don't think like you do? Fuck off. We were understaffed so you trust me with extra work, that means something. But don't get mad at me because I forgot to write the number of a cancelled FF item when you were yelling at me over the walkie to get over to huddle.
TTTwoTMs I actually have no problem with PDA. But did you need to sit right next to me in the breakroom to cuddle up and start feeding each other? The very next seat? Especially when your shift was already over.

(I moved)
TTO leadership team: get it together!

TL over walkie: Doglover, can you print some signs for the kids' uniform polos?
Me *thinking I know I saw signs for them already* What type of signs?
TL: 7 X 11s. The LOD is auditing the ad and did not see signs for them.
Me: Umm, they're here.
TL: I have to leave for the day, can you talk to the LOD about it?
Me: LOD, there are already signs for the polos?
LOD: Oh, okay, I didn't check to see if they were up already.
To the store: When the plastics bag is full, start a new one and take the old one down. How hard is that? Not at all. At this point I don't care if you can't get them into the box, just at least stop leaving them hanging for the thinking-deprived to try and cram their plastic into an already overstuffed and ripped bag.

To that one TL: Leadership is going to start cracking down on attendance and people's jobs are on the line? Yeah right. You play this tune every couple of months and nothing happens. The team needs the bodies so unless somebody gets caught stealing or doesn't show up for a week nothing's going to happen. I really doubt having a new ETL is going to change much of anything.

To that one vendor: There's firm handshakes and then there's the out of nowhere bone crushing experience you gave me. If that's you being friendly (I hope it was) I don't want to piss you off.
TOT New etl. I had a lot of faith in you until today. This is your third rotation and you barely knew how to use the my device, and couldn't really push efficiently. You are still nice, but obviously love your office too much.
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TOT New stl. I had a lot of faith in you until today. This is your third rotation and you barely knew how to use the my device, and couldn't really push efficiently. You are still nice, but obviously love your office too much.

This is why I respect any STL I had they worked for Target while they got an education and worked their way up. They may not know everything but they know the basics.

Just a rant.

Anyone else have a TM who does whatever they want and chimes in conversations that are already resolved on the radio? Its even worse since leadership determined they can't coach that team member. Even worse its not like they are doing anything wrong.

Just a rant.

Anyone else have a TM who does whatever they want and chimes in conversations that are already resolved on the radio? Its even worse since leadership determined they can't coach that team member. Even worse its not like they are doing anything wrong.
Every time they do it just say politely "thanks! we resolved X a few minutes ago." they'll get the hint after a little bit

Just a rant.

Anyone else have a TM who does whatever they want and chimes in conversations that are already resolved on the radio? Its even worse since leadership determined they can't coach that team member. Even worse its not like they are doing anything wrong.

I had a GSA like this. I was usually...nope, got it under control and taken care of.
To the store: When the plastics bag is full, start a new one and take the old one down. How hard is that? Not at all. At this point I don't care if you can't get them into the box, just at least stop leaving them hanging for the thinking-deprived to try and cram their plastic into an already overstuffed and ripped bag.
TMs at my store are encouraged to overfill it (ours in in a gaylord box on a pallet on the ground), so when its completely overflowing you just put half of it into another bag and then you end up with two full bags (but no so full you can't tie it closed).

Shoutout to my PMT who, upon seeing one burnt out lightbulb in the fixture room, decided to replace them all.

It's bright as day in there and I love it so much
Can I have your PMT? Mine refuses to change lightbulbs in the backroom until enough of them are burnt out that he can spend half the day working on changing them.
This is why I respect any STL I had they worked for Target while they got an education and worked their way up. They may not know everything but they know the basics.

My STL was ok until she fucked with reviews while the ETL of those TL's was on vacation.. And its funny cause they were the only two TL's with green processes.. But she bumped up other TL reviews with blood red scores..
TTOTM: please don't tell guests "you can check out at pharmacy, they're never busy" when you have no fucking clue if we are busy or not. Especially when the guest has half a cart full of crap. I had 10 rxs in the queue due in <10 minutes, the pharmacist was on the phone, and the other tech was on break. I'm sorry the guest got pissed because I sent her up front, but I had more important things to do and I don't appreciate you telling me I "could have just rang her out." Yes, I "could" have, but we get scored on whether or not our work is done when promised. I was already trying to clean up the mess my coworker left when she went on break, I wasn't about to make it worse by ringing out a bunch of random crap.
TTOTM: (humble brag time) Thank you for saying "You and [other tm] are seriously two of the best hires we've had in a long time." Being with Spot less than 12 months and from a guy that's pretty well respected is appreciated.
TTOTL: You've been nothing short of amazing. Sad to see myself off the remodel team but thank you for talking to me about my upcoming surgery and putting me in my new position before my LOA on the week 3 schedule so I won't lose out on my spot 🙂

TTOSTL: You're leaving and I don't feel a thing - barely knew you and you've only been here less than a year. You didn't give me grief so that's something.

I get that you're an older lady and you like talking to people but

Fuck off, there's no need to act passive agressive about me being on my phone while I'm waiting to clock in and tryna eat my damn breakfast. You were also talking at me from across the room??? I didn't even know you were talking to me??? Man this is why I usually wear headphones its too early for this shit
From a long time ago but I was just reminded of it now...

*Woman I've never seen before hands me a dependent discount card at the register. I was new at this point and didn't recognize the tm name but it had our store # on it. The card says inactive or something like that when I scan it and I call GSTL*
Woman: I don't understand why it would be inactive...
GSTL: *calls HRtm on walkie*
HRTM: That tm hasn't worked here in 5 months.
Woman: What? He hasn't????

I want to know how this woman didn't know her husband quit FIVE months ago? Or was she really trying to pull something over on us? I wonder what the tm was up to.
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