To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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Neither of our AP wears plain clothes much. But regardless, when they are jumping over low walls to follow someone, I figure it's a bad time to ask them how life is going.

To be honest, our lives are not that interesting. Were just Security Guards, lol.

Some of the ETL's at my store are really interesting, but those stories are for another time.

APTL's can wear plain clothes? Interesting. My store only has TPS + ETL-AP, and TPS always are in uniform. ETL-AP will sometimes don plain clothes, but not very often, and never when they're LOD.

A TPS- Should always be in uniform. There goal is to stand out and cause fear upon shoplifters and shady guests. There not supposed to act as under covers, and are really just there to raise awareness of the AP team.

A APS- Should always be in plain clothing. There goal is to stroll the aisles acting as guests, and make apprehensions. They need to be in plain clothing so people do not recognize them. Target really wants them to stay out of the office as much as possible and patrol the floor instead.

A APTL- Can either wear black and khaki or plain clothing. Were supposed to be more focused about internals, but at stores like mine (without a APS) we need to be in plain clothing so we can replicate there roll. Were also allowed to wear red and khaki.

ETL-AP is pretty much the same as an APTL. Target is currently trying to phase the position out completely though...
to all the tl's, etl's and the stl who have given me the runaround for the last month/month and a half in dealing with my shift over to being a brand team basically got a month of me doing brand work for non brand pay, nobody knows there knows your nose from your butt and I am tired of the double speak. The job market around sucks to high heaven so that is the only reason I am still at the store. It definitely is not for the measly pay or the crud that I have observed being doled out for nearly every team member in the store.
To the GSTL who told me stuff is in the works for me learning guest services. Get in line. You aren't the first, or even the second, person to mention this to me. Frankly, I'm tired of the talk and the run around that I've been getting for months. And I no longer believe any of it.

Also, I really think that the cashiers ought to be the ones covering back up instead of sales floor. But that would involve the cashiers wanting to cashier, I suppose. Maybe if I throw a big enough fit then I can go do reshop instead of being chained to a register for 8 hours and have everyone else cover for me instead. Today was a damn joke, and I'm sick of it.
to all the tl's, etl's and the stl who have given me the runaround for the last month/month and a half in dealing with my shift over to being a brand team basically got a month of me doing brand work for non brand pay, nobody knows there knows your nose from your butt and I am tired of the double speak. The job market around sucks to high heaven so that is the only reason I am still at the store. It definitely is not for the measly pay or the crud that I have observed being doled out for nearly every team member in the store.

I know it's tiring but keep beating on them.
The squeaky wheel often needs blood as well as grease.
Make sure it's theirs and not yours.
(Oh, and in case Spot is watching, I don't mean that literally for crying out loud.)
To the GSTL who told me stuff is in the works for me learning guest services. Get in line. You aren't the first, or even the second, person to mention this to me. Frankly, I'm tired of the talk and the run around that I've been getting for months. And I no longer believe any of it.

Also, I really think that the cashiers ought to be the ones covering back up instead of sales floor. But that would involve the cashiers wanting to cashier, I suppose. Maybe if I throw a big enough fit then I can go do reshop instead of being chained to a register for 8 hours and have everyone else cover for me instead. Today was a damn joke, and I'm sick of it.

Could it be that they don't have the hours to train you? I honestly hate "wasting" hours on training up there and mostly do it when we're having a slow day or are in a bind. I try and train by sending people up there for a couple hours at a time until i think they can work with someone else up there when it's busy so they learn it.
I know it's tiring but keep beating on them.
The squeaky wheel often needs blood as well as grease.
Make sure it's theirs and not yours.
(Oh, and in case Spot is watching, I don't mean that literally for crying out loud.)

I am the squeaky wheel....I am pretty sure a couple of them have had blood coming out of their ears because of the squeaking. LOL
I not only am squeaky for myself but for all of the closers...we get the short end of the stick. I do get results eventually it's just I am so tired of having to be the squeky wheel and calling them on their inaction.
People who show a disdain for cashiering are the last people to be cross trained... Jus sayin.

Theres this one SD/Photo TM at my store who can never hide the fact that they hate cashiering, and always reluctantly hop on when I ask them to. Very ANNOYING. Then we have the TM who will hop on with a smile, and they are being cross trained as a GSA for time-off purposes on our gsa/gstl team (yes there are only 4 of us, and we're all in school ATM, so its rather difficult to get time off!)
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To that one team member (I rather not name your position, just in case you lurk this site) I can't believe you came up to me and loudly asked what I was doing. For your information, I was doing my job standing behind a end cap watching someone. Your little question totally gave me away and we lost the apprehension. :facepalm:

That team member has to have special needs (mentally challenged/disabled) or stupid. Anyone with a brain could figure out what you were doing, would have just taken a glance and walked away.
Could it be that they don't have the hours to train you? I honestly hate "wasting" hours on training up there and mostly do it when we're having a slow day or are in a bind. I try and train by sending people up there for a couple hours at a time until i think they can work with someone else up there when it's busy so they learn it.

I am learning guest services by doing things with somebody over there(I can now do limited returns, credit card payments(why oh why do we have to put the payment amount in twice?)). I have finally been heard on being cross trained at food avenue but I know I will only get a few hours at the most of training over there because of the lack of training hours around the store. I would rather they get spent on people to be trained properly in their main work center than me learning another work center. (especially one I have experience at outside of Target)
It just slays me when people are scheduled to cashier, and then are the last people to hop on for back up. We had two of them like that tonight. Frankly, one of them shouldn't even be cashiering. She's flow. They started giving her cashier hours without even checking with her. Of course we had to quickly give her a crash course in cashiering. She's done it a few times now, but shakes like a leaf anytime she's within 5 feet of a guest. So they just have her do reshop and zoning. The other one will do anything to get out of cashiering and will stand around and talk before considering jumping on a lane (if I can even get her to consider it).

I was told today that they don't have the training hours available, but will do it when they get a chance and we're slow. But with other cashiers such as the previous two mentioned, it will never happen. Because again, I'm lowest priority to let off the registers since a) I know what I'm doing and b) do it.

I was also told today they are working on a three month plan on where they would like to see me. Again, I've heard stuff like this already. Maybe if enough people keep telling me this stuff, eventually someone will decide it's worth following through. Honestly, all I want is a chance to get some hours outside of cashiering. The only good thing is that since anyone can be scheduled to cashier, that my hours are easy to give up on the swap board since they are still way over scheduling me.
For 6 months the TLs were telling me everyone wants moi on their team. But I ended up doing Softlines and fitting room every effin night. I never thought I was going to train anywhere else... But now - Have a full development plan and am ad prep, presentation, and getting trained in price accuracy.

Hang in there and let them know you would love the development. I personally wouldn't love guest service... As for the cashiers, they'll cycle through.
The funnier thing was I left and came back, apparently she made the SBS pour a whole bottle of Fabuloso (yes, I saw the empty bottle!) down the gondola drains because it was smelling like overpowering citrus and flowers when I came back. I rather deal with my I-drank-44oz-of-iced-coffee-three-hours-ago fart than that!
The funnier thing was I left and came back, apparently she made the SBS pour a whole bottle of Fabuloso (yes, I saw the empty bottle!) down the gondola drains because it was smelling like overpowering citrus and flowers when I came back. I rather deal with my I-drank-44oz-of-iced-coffee-three-hours-ago fart than that!

LOL will you marry me?! That was just AWESOME.
APTL's can wear plain clothes? Interesting. My store only has TPS + ETL-AP, and TPS always are in uniform. ETL-AP will sometimes don plain clothes, but not very often, and never when they're LOD.

At my store, our TPSs are always in uniform and our APS is always in plain clothes. Our ETL-AP always wears red and khaki.
To yet ANOTHER new (20-something) ETL: you came in with a squeaky little roar & cracking your little pink whip trying to show up TMs who were here before you were BORN. Now your team despises you & is laughing behind your back. You said you "weren't there to make friends" & that's probably the ONLY thing in which you've succeeded.
To yet ANOTHER new (20-something) ETL: you came in with a squeaky little roar & cracking your little pink whip trying to show up TMs who were here before you were BORN. Now your team despises you & is laughing behind your back. You said you "weren't there to make friends" & that's probably the ONLY thing in which you've succeeded.

you must work in my building - or as I feared Target is placing these little charmers in all stores.
Dear GSA, I do NOT appreciate being lied to. The LOD asked me to get the candy on the lanes this morning, which I knew immediately you would have a problem with because you always have a problem with it. So after he talked to me, you told me we could leave it for tomorrow and you wanted me to put bags on the lanes? Ok, whatever. But then, I tell you that the LOD asked me to do candy and you told me you had talked to him and he changed his mind.

Wow. So, of course I had to confirm that with him (since we've been told LOD trumps everyone). And turns out, you two never talked. Not cool. And then you are on my case about stupid stuff all day for no reason? Seriously, just get out of my face.

And to the person who keeps scheduling people to cashier who cannot handle more than a simple back up? I hate you. All of the ones who cannot cashier for more than five minutes get sent off to do other things, those of us left on the lanes get buried and burnt out, and the rest of the salesfloor has to cover the back ups. And the guests hate the long lines, which sinks our survey numbers even lower. Good thinking.
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You seem to go behind your leaders backs a lot. That's something they wont appreciate, and could cause you problems down the road.

You should listen to your supervisor even if the lod told you to do something different earlier.
Actually, I always do as I'm told and did what she asked. But that also includes being told that the LOD has final say. So I clarified it with the LOD to cover my own butt.

If I'm told to work the candy by the LOD, and the GSA tells me don't touch it, when I'm off zoning in softlines, the LOD is going to be on me for not doing as I was asked by him and not clarifying with him when I received different instructions.

All I said to the LOD was, "I just wanted to clarify with you that this is the new plan that I got from the GSA when you two talked." It was obvious that that conversation never took place by the look of confusion on his face. And I take exception to being lied to by anyone.
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That's all I was doing. When his reply was, "go ahead and do whatever the GSA asks," I thanked him, said I just wanted to be sure we were all on the same page, and went back to helping guests and other duties as asked.

But lecturing me for other cashiers leaving stacks of bags under their registers yesterday? When I didn't work? I didn't say a word, and just nodded my head. But getting on my case about it just makes me feel crummy for something that I wasn't here for and don't control. Again, not going behind anyone's back....just sad and confused.
I've had the LOD tell my team members to do stuff, and I've told them not to many times. Sometimes the LOD doesn't know whats in the front end's best interests (lets be honest, ETLs are more sales floor focused), and as long as I can justify my actions I will run the front end how I see fit (within reason). I'd be annoyed if my cashiers went behind my back to the LOD. A few weeks ago I had a certain Photo TM go behind my back to the LOD over a decision I made. The other TMs actually told me that this person was trash talking me to the LOD, and when I brought it up to the LOD they said they weren't even going to bring it up, and that they weren't concerned because they know I know what im doing.

Me and the GSTLs hate when cashiers undermine us. If we ask you to do something, just do it. We don't care if someone else told you to do something else, if they have a problem with it they can speak to us. I have TMs that frequently challenge my decisions, and nothing is more annoying.
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