TTOTM whose leaving, i wish i could tell you how stupid you are. I know you're leaving because you get almost no hours with completely open availability compared to me who has to restrict my availability due to school. I know they schedule you clopening shifts all the time too. I just wanna tell you that you've been a complete fool and if you took 5 mins to sit down and think, you'd realize that its because they've been trying to push you out for months now. You need constant baby sitting to get anything done, and you think you're slick as hell when you close at night by not doing anything but following other tms around so you can chit chat, but they/we all know. Also fyi, i wasn't "stealing" your hours, no one has to babysit me, ill be honest and say that i don't even work all that hard sometimes, the difference is that i happen to work at all and when compared to you it makes me a better employee by miles.
So stop walking around telling everyone that your leaving and how fucked we'll be, they could replace you with a bag of sand and at least the bag of sand would do more work by holding a door open all day then you could.
Honestly i'm so glad this guy is leaving though, i'm just a little sad because theres a chance he'll come back. He'll be leaving to work at a warehouse job where he's required to lift heaving objects all day, 10 hours a day, mandatory overtime, in a freezer. He's never worked a hard day in his life, and never will, he'll crack in a week at most.