To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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True...but three times as many hours for softlines vs. hardlines seems a bit lopsided...especially when they still want one person to zone all of hardlines by the end of the night.

it is completely the opposite in my store....softlines get the the short end of the stick...or the shaft, whichever you choose. Even price change gets more hours per person than we do.
oops, my that one prick of a new ETL...sorry I didn't realize you were an act like a child and instead of trying to work with the rest of the team you seem to be happy with the fact that you are a prat. You didn't introduce yourself to anybody...just assume we know you, you are not a celebrity. Coming up and ordering guest services to switch the way the carts are sorted just because you want them to, without asking for their input or anybody else for that matter. It wasn't all that busy when you did it and it was still creating havoc...I am so glad that going to the STL (not me, somebody else) got it changed back before it got redickulous.
To the once TM now TL ... I know you are mad because I have corrected you a few times now.. .. It doesn't mean you have to pull me into your little "power room" and coach me every 2 days. You tell me i was too slow when we did all the Sales planners after Christmas? I guess you shouldn't have brought in all those untrained TMs that kept having to ask me questions to find signs, shippers a.s.o. because you were totally unprepared on your little project or to be unfound to be asked those questions.
Today you pulled me into your "power room" again, AFTER MY Team Lead had left for the day... (coincidence? I think not) because I dared NOT to answer a call for the check lanes yesterday. It's not like we (my team) weren't up there 20 times PLUS already and I had to finish my workload which was already carrying over to today. YOUR ETL already found me at that time and asked me why i didn't respond... (my walky was turned down so I could finish up what I had to). All I could respond was: LEAD BY EXAMPLE because that is surely NOT what you all have been doing . THEN you bring up that I took a 22-27 minute break the OTHER day. Weren't you sitting at Starbucks with your husband on your LUNCH, which means you were PUNCHED out and NOT on the clock? I will have to discuss that with my HR person. When you told me to consider this as a CCA or CAA Or whatever it is I just shrug my shoulders and said "Ok", and you batted your little eyes at me and asked me if I had ANY questions. (HELL NO LADY, Let me get out of this room as fast as I can so I don't strangle you! I have no clue what these abbreviations stand for, maybe because I NEVER had one of those in the a little shy of 10 years with this company... but I also don't care). I think you have some sort of personal agenda with me. Not sure what or why, but it needs to quit... because I almost walked out today, needing this job badly i caught myself, but I'm not going to be treated like a POS just cause you think you can and because I just simply choose not to kiss your ass and do all your little TL errands for you. (BTW. your 3x5's on your cosmetics endcaps are still missing after 2 weeks. ... Can't wait for our DTL to come in and ask you about those).
Stepping off my soap box now
Dear TL:

Could you be slower at putting up an endcap? Mother of God, i've not been with Spot for a year yet and I can get this **** done faster than you. It's not that hard.

However, if this is your evil plot to waste an 8 hour shift ... hats off to you.
to the ETL HL, i hate you, no lie and so does everyone else that works there, please GTFO
To our lods over the weekend, you're both great. We were short handed and you pitched in to help with the zone. You do that all the time. One of you was also lod last night and again just pitched in and helped. We hope you never leave!
to that one cashier:

I get that you want 40 hours a week. I get that you have worked there longer than most of the cashiers. But what you don't get is that your availability doesn't even allow for me to schedule you 40 hours a week. If i scheduled you for every single hour that you have open you would only get 27 hours a week. You also get people to work for you at least once a week, call in at least once every two weeks, or leave early about once a week. Why would you think that i would go out of my way to give you more hours when there are others who will actually come to work and stay for their whole shift?
Also, your attitude sucks. Fix all of these things and i would be happy to give you more hours!
To "the powers that be": how the heck do you expect us to get 25 NEW RxRewards members a DAY??? Really?!?! I don't think we have 25 guests a day that aren't ALREADY enrolled!
Dear ETL Hardlines,
I get it.
You're a jock.
You don't really get me and what you do get, you don't like very much.
Some where along the line you decided that since you don't care for my politics then I can't really do my job very well.
So far I've pretty much proved you wrong but there have been gotcha moments that you've just loved.
When that happens I just smile, nod my head and feel my stomach start eating itself.
Glad I have meds for that.
You also seem to enjoy making jokes about "people being lazy" or "don't take a nap now."
I haven't taken my 15 minute breaks in a very long time so bite me.
You have no friends among the TLs or TMs.
In general your attitude and demeanor makes you abrasive, abusive and a very bad manager.
I have been patient and trying very hard to train you but have just about reached the end of my rope.
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to that same cashier:

We are not friends on facebook for a reason. Do not send me messages telling me what you want me to schedule you when i do the schedule tomorrow.
And if i don't respond to that message do not send me another one. or a third. or a forth. I'm obviously ignoring them for a reason!
i have a cashier who has worked there for 32 years and she can only work 8-1 m-f. She's one of the best cashiers i have. She's thinking about retiring and i'm really bummed.

Wow, someone who has me beat by a couple years. LOL! Offer her a 3 day week to keep her!

I've got a couple decades to go until SS kicks in....damn.
to that same cashier:

We are not friends on facebook for a reason. Do not send me messages telling me what you want me to schedule you when i do the schedule tomorrow.
And if i don't respond to that message do not send me another one. or a third. or a forth. I'm obviously ignoring them for a reason!

... that's not right!
Dear ETL-Hardlines:

You are a jock. I stole this from another TBR member because well, it fits.

I don't like you. You like to make bull**** requests like 'just go ahead and PTM all of Toys while you are the only one working electronics, if you could just knock that out that would be great.' Your stupid OfficeSpace-esque management techniques reek of some guy who was hungover through his Business Management 101 courses. I'm at least 5 years older than you and twice as educated. How about you show people some respect and then we might think about returning it to you. You don't get to just jump into a role and demand the world begin rotating around you.

That. dog. don't. hunt.
They may be on social security. They are only allow to work so many hours a week.

There's a hardlines TM at my store who is in that boat. He is the only reason I get any hardlines hours nowadays.

Dear ETL-Hardlines:

You are a jock. I stole this from another TBR member because well, it fits.

I don't like you. You like to make bull**** requests like 'just go ahead and PTM all of Toys while you are the only one working electronics, if you could just knock that out that would be great.' Your stupid OfficeSpace-esque management techniques reek of some guy who was hungover through his Business Management 101 courses. I'm at least 5 years older than you and twice as educated. How about you show people some respect and then we might think about returning it to you. You don't get to just jump into a role and demand the world begin rotating around you.

That. dog. don't. hunt.

Does your ETL-Hardlines look like this?
To my GSTL: There are four TMs scheduled to cash right now. So why am I the only one actually cashing? I have a line all the way to the jewelry boat! I know there's a lot of SSS re-shop, but if Mrs. Coverall isn't covering Guest Service or Food Ave., we need her at the lanes. Ok, [GSA who's done in 239] is helping at Guest Service because they're busy too. Then there's [cashier] who does everything she can to avoid cashing. WTF?!

And ONE closer in hardlines? Absolutely, undeniably unacceptable. (Yes, I know some of you have this on a regular basis, but my store is A+, not ULV.)
Excuse me...could one of you in softlines please get your head out of your butt?:

Me (on walkie): softlines.
SFTM1: go ahead for softlines.
Me: can you switch to two please?
SFTM1: switching
Me: I need numbers for product xyz. It has this many in it, blah, blah, blah, I don't have a dpci, and it isn't in the register when I scan it.
*lanes begin to back up, I hit the button for additional cashiers*
*more silence, no response to back up, lines building*
Me: (still on two) do you copy that?
SFTM2: how can I help you?
Me: umm, SFTM1 was supposed to be getting numbers for me for product xyz, but he is no longer answering.
SFTM2: ok, I'll head back there.
Me: ok, thank you.
*lanes build up some more, I hit button for additional cashiers since no one came the first time*
SFTM2: SFTM1 is on his way up to help you.
Me: thank you.
*SFTM1 jumps on a lane, I stare at him incredulously*
Me: umm, I thought you were helping me with those numbers for softlines.
SFTM1: oh, you still need help.
Me: yes.
*SFTM1 steps off lane that is now full of guests, scans product for me with pda*
SFTM1: it's not in the system.
Me: yes, that's the problem.
SFTM1: well, you'll need to find someone else to help you, I'm on a lane.
*searches in strays bin for random alcohol left behind, and wonders why the GSA has conveniently disappeared as well.*
Me: softlines?
HLTL (walking by): do you need help?
Me: yes, I need numbers for this, and apparently softlines is unable to help.
*HLTL goes off to find numbers...finally comes back with new numbers, which of course don't work, and goes off to find new ones. Meanwhile, I'm praying that he thinks to call up the numbers to me this time.*
*We finally find numbers and get this poor guest going.*
GSA (finally appearing out of no where): I'm sorry, did you need help? I lost my walkie.

I mean, really?
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oops, my that one prick of a new ETL...sorry I didn't realize you were an act like a child and instead of trying to work with the rest of the team you seem to be happy with the fact that you are a prat. You didn't introduce yourself to anybody...just assume we know you, you are not a celebrity. Coming up and ordering guest services to switch the way the carts are sorted just because you want them to, without asking for their input or anybody else for that matter. It wasn't all that busy when you did it and it was still creating havoc...I am so glad that going to the STL (not me, somebody else) got it changed back before it got redickulous. bad!! It didn't get changed back and it's a fluster cluck over there. AND....PHEW!!! You are only our temporary prick of an ETL
If you change our bins around, you are asking for trouble. This means half the people will put them in the old place, and half the people will put them in a new place...and it ends up a serious mess. The bins must never be changed.
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