To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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i feel you, im a backroom day tm as well and i hate baby sitting f**king idiots who dont know what there doing

Oh, I've dealt with those before--my last couple guys have been real winners. This guy I'm with now, however, is very competent, his attitude is just... awful. So arrogant, misanthropic, and bitter that he's been with Target for as long as he has. Constant deadpanning sarcasm. Good thing he's being promoted to TL! :dash1:
to the GSA contrary to your sell glorified world you seem to inhabit I am fully aware of how to do my job and multi task at the same time.oh your boyfriend is here, that's ****in swell, hey there is a line forming at the lanes but your hanging on your darling boyfriend.yet fifteen minutes to close a very close friend of mine comes in to ask me if we had a certain item and if I wanted to chill out with said friend after work you jump on my ass saying I'm not doing my job, when surprise surprise were dead and every thing is done.then you proceed to embarrass me in front of my friend and co workers.oh no I can't ****ing wait till your darling little boyfriend comes back in, I'm gonna have fun with this.:angry:
To the talk up the GSA interviews, tell me I'm set to interview with you today...and turns out, you weren't even scheduled today (nor were the usual suspects that I would interview with). Wow. Talk about humiliating. In talking with another couple of TMs, look like I fell for your stuff. No more. You can leave me alone for now on, thank you very much. I'm so done.

Sorry to hear that Rg. Are you still pursuing the GSA position though?

In my opinion your store's leadership sounds dysfunctional... Being a GSA with dysfunctional leaders is tough, and in my opinion NOT worth the 50 cent raise you receive. As a Guest Service TM its nice because you don't really have to interface with your leaders a whole lot, but as a GSA they'll be constantly riding your ass to get results with REDCards, etc. even though its technically their job not yours.

to the GSA contrary to your sell glorified world you seem to inhabit I am fully aware of how to do my job and multi task at the same time.oh your boyfriend is here, that's ****in swell, hey there is a line forming at the lanes but your hanging on your darling boyfriend.yet fifteen minutes to close a very close friend of mine comes in to ask me if we had a certain item and if I wanted to chill out with said friend after work you jump on my ass saying I'm not doing my job, when surprise surprise were dead and every thing is done.then you proceed to embarrass me in front of my friend and co workers.oh no I can't ****ing wait till your darling little boyfriend comes back in, I'm gonna have fun with this.
You should have turned the table on her and embarassed her in front of everyone. Would have been hilarious, and even if she got mad and tattled, she can't do jack **** to you lol.
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But Nep, tell us how you REALLY feel....

I feel AMAZING like I am VIBING and should GO THAT EXTRA INCH!!!

One less difficult TM to work with and one less problem to worry about.


On the flip side, to those other TMs:

You all are great, hard-working TMs and I am glad you can multi-task and be friendly by talking to each other while getting your work done. But please be aware of your surroundings. If guests keep looking back at you two talking loudly about the bathrooms and the unpleasantness of womanly hygiene, you may want to find something else to talk about in a public space. Talk about that another time please!!!
I'm not actively pursuing it at this point...I wasn't really actively pursuing it before...really. But I'm no longer getting my hopes up. Most of my leadership is really great. The ETL-HR is apparently just a useless flake.
to the GSA contrary to your sell glorified world you seem to inhabit I am fully aware of how to do my job and multi task at the same time.oh your boyfriend is here, that's ****in swell, hey there is a line forming at the lanes but your hanging on your darling boyfriend.yet fifteen minutes to close a very close friend of mine comes in to ask me if we had a certain item and if I wanted to chill out with said friend after work you jump on my ass saying I'm not doing my job, when surprise surprise were dead and every thing is done.then you proceed to embarrass me in front of my friend and co workers.oh no I can't ****ing wait till your darling little boyfriend comes back in, I'm gonna have fun with this.:angry:

During the fourth quarter, we had a seasonal girl who um ... wasn't bright.
After having her be all boohooo about something involving her cat's health for multiple days, and after her having her scuzzy hippie boyfriend come by repeatedly for extended lengths of distraction and lowered productivity, I had her disappear for a bit during a shift.

Her boyfriend had left McDonalds debris all over the boat counter (near registers, not the island)... I went over the walkie and was all teamMember24601, can you get your boyfriend to move his lunch off the boat ....


not subtle, but effective.
I do ad prep,and have been bouncing around with my crates since we have a new stl ,etl hr...
I used to do in the tl office area ,but no more ,was sent to conference room/ dumping site ,but I have encountered a few problems:
To the etls ,tls who use that room : clean it ! Sto leaving remmants of your past catered meals on the table ! Wipe it off and throw the trash in the trashcans !
To the etl hr : don't tell me it is YOUR conference room ,and that I need to put it bak the way I found it ! I don't have time to trash it!
And furhermore ,why not have your "meetings"/ meals in the tl offices ? Oh yeah ,I forgot ,it is even trashier !
I lose 90 mn every ad prep day,because of them !!!!

We have a closet in the TSC where the Ad Prep TM does her stuff. It's mainly used for HR storage and checklane supplies, but there's enough room in there for a small desk, so that's where she hides.

Ask your TL to help you find a place where nobody (i.e. ETL-HR) will bother you.

I asked before ,but it seems that noone cares about the ad prep ,until something goes wrong ( not receiving the box for example !!).I have 4 hrs to do the ad prep this week, i am not sure if it will be done ! but first I have to find where to do it !
The closet by the front end is full! I am afraid they will banish me to the garden center soon !
To the talk up the GSA interviews, tell me I'm set to interview with you today...and turns out, you weren't even scheduled today (nor were the usual suspects that I would interview with). Wow. Talk about humiliating. In talking with another couple of TMs, look like I fell for your stuff. No more. You can leave me alone for now on, thank you very much. I'm so done.

That is so wrong.
Really sorry to hear that anyone could be that unprofessional.
I hope that you're able to beat them.
to the team members who are so hell bent on creating the heck do you still have jobs?

to that one ETL...seriously, you are an idiot
Her boyfriend had left McDonalds debris all over the boat counter (near registers, not the island)... I went over the walkie and was all teamMember24601, can you get your boyfriend to move his lunch off the boat ....


not subtle, but effective.

Hahahaha I LOVE YOU for the Les Mis reference!!

And the ETL of doom...brilliant. I always loved sending our GE after slackers. :-D
This is to all the seasonal staff that has been let go. Sorry you no longer have a job with us, maybe it was you, maybe it was Target, maybe it was karma, who knows. I hope you find a job, but for the most part I'm glad you're gone. Nothing personal you understand, I actually like most of you. It's just I've been here for more than a decade and while it's nice to have the extra help(?) during the holidays, they're over and I need the hours you are taking from me. It happens every year so I'm used to it. Of course there were a few of you who I knew would never last. You had one speed, s l o w, you never smiled and pulled more than one NCNS, to you I say; "see ya, :declare:don't let the door hit you in the bullseye:laugh4: on the way out."


I had to give two team members their letters in regards to not staying after the holidays. This was one of the hardest things I have to do, as a team lead at Target. The first person was ready to move back to her home state, while I thought the other person was going to cry. I did however see the first person working at a local eatery just week after I talked to her.
To the Tm who is giving me the silent treatment : what is your problem??? We have to work side by side 4 days out of the week !
You made it clear this morning by having your schedule changed to an earlier time ,that you have a problem with me !
You finished the project before I even clocked in !
Or maybe you want to prove to the stl that you can do it all by yourself and that you need the hours more than I do ? means it's been two weeks since we've seen the STL? And they aren't sick? But no one will say where they are? You are figuring that means it's transfer time since they usually do that at our store after 18 months and it's about that time? no. ARGH!
To my PTL ... you know, if I ask for a little back up and you say 'if we can get to it', that pretty much kills the whole "you need to be asking for help if you have to much on plate" vibe you've been running.
You're basically a decent guy but I figured out a long time ago, I'm on my own and I'm gonna get dinged for this, if it's fair or not.
Me (over walkie): Team, I would just like to congratulate myself for getting what I believe is our first Redcard of the day. Thank you!
Me to the GSA a couple of minutes later: did you get my Redcard down?
GSA: yes, and what was up with you announcing it before I could? And who congratulates themselves over the walkie for that? Of course it would be you, RG.

*adjusts my halo sitting on my horns and gets back to work*
To the four of you...the GSTM, the two GSAs and the FATL/occasional GSTL....would you, for the love of all things holy...stop putting every little item that comes across your sight on hold at guest services? It is obnoxious! You don't need to put items on hold from day to to day to day to decide what you are going to take, and what you are going to leave. And if it's on clearance, we should NOT be holding it for several days while you decide if you have the money to buy it. Either buy the damn stuff, or put it back. You don't need to go shopping through the products as we are sorting them. Over half of the stuff in our hold bins is for you all. And it is getting annoying. Your addiction to crap is scary.
To the TM I had to coach the other day: When I'm coaching you for callouts and you tell me "they were totally legit", you might want to remember that you discussed with someone (in front of me) that one of them was because you had been out drinking and blacked out. And for the other one you were online playing video games... I don't find those to be 'totally legit'.
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