To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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To those TMs (& you KNOW who you ARE) who think I have NOTHING better to do than to fetch items that are in the condiment bar, I have work to do.
How about the next time I'm out on the floor I come up & bug YOU with petty requests while you're trying to zone/stock/set signs/fill in with your most despised activity?
to my gstl, if a tm has an 8 hour shift they are required to have 2 breaks and a lunch. why the hell do you try to jip us on our last break by trying to be slick and not giving us a second break on our break/lunch card? there were like 4 cashiers on break at the same time & given that it was the day before easter it was complete hell for the rest of us. i feel bad for the people that think they don't get a second break and don't end up getting one all because you don't write it down on, uhhh helllo, we get paid for our breaks.
to my etl-the "opportunity" you gave me as brand team member just feels like you are pawning me off...and I think part of it is the TL who is my immediate supervisor, I am the only one who has been there longer than her so she has trouble with me. But thank you, it cemented my thoughts in that I need to step up my search outside of Target.
to the tm's who closed softlines and the fitting room on did you do? There was only one person on the floor during the day and I think she did more than you all combined. Oh, and closed with them, see what that cracker jack team can do? I have never walked into such mayhem and unsorted carts (when I left on Saturday there were 7 what I call super sorted carts and 3 z-racks...what I came into was about 20 unsorted carts and 6 z-racks)
to the tm's who closed softlines and the fitting room on did you do? There was only one person on the floor during the day and I think she did more than you all combined. Oh, and closed with them, see what that cracker jack team can do? I have never walked into such mayhem and unsorted carts (when I left on Saturday there were 7 what I call super sorted carts and 3 z-racks...what I came into was about 20 unsorted carts and 6 z-racks)
Wow! Call outs?
to the tm's who closed softlines and the fitting room on did you do? There was only one person on the floor during the day and I think she did more than you all combined. Oh, and closed with them, see what that cracker jack team can do? I have never walked into such mayhem and unsorted carts (when I left on Saturday there were 7 what I call super sorted carts and 3 z-racks...what I came into was about 20 unsorted carts and 6 z-racks)
Wow! Call outs?
as far as I know, for the evening, no. We did have a NCNS on the dayside, that's why it was just 1.
to my ETL LOG and TL...

thanks for writing me such an awesome review, im glad knowing you and the backroom TL were looking forward to writing mine, im also glad knowing that im appreciated, and noticed for going above and beyond by not only you guys, but the whole store and the DTL, thanks again!
To our "new" ETL-HR: I cannot believe you told a guest "I really don't know what that is" when a guest asked you about Pharmacy Rewards :facepalm: What the he|| are you doing coming for backup if you don't know (AS ETL-HR, no less!) what our MAIN FOCUS in pharmacy is.....better yet, how the he|| did you become ETL-HR and supposedly TRAINED in pharmacy "best practice" and procedures if you "don't (even) know what Pharmacy Rewards is"?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??! :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
To the two team members that come in and work side by side like you are conjoined twins. I wish we could split one pay check between the two of you because you do the work of one slow person combined.
To the two team members that come in and work side by side like you are conjoined twins. I wish we could split one pay check between the two of you because you do the work of one slow person combined.

oh my god!! we have 4 people that do this...imagine the hours we could free up if we just paid them what they worked.
I was right...talking to a friend about the "opportunity" with a co-worker....first words out of her mouth were "you're still going to be paid as a brand member right?" Heck, I will probably be the highest paid person doing this task...but you will have one heck of a fight on your hands if you take the brand quarter away from me.
To that team member who took personally the note I left "please, let's remember, we should only be pushing single dates to the floor in the fresh meat area". Seriously! Get over it. I was not critiquing your personal work habits, I put a reminder for anyone pulling or pushing meat.
To all the TLs whose areas I worked in: Gee, it was nice to get 'recognized' for 'all my help & hard work'. Too bad it was because you'd all been told it was lacking in a recent TL meeting.
Kinda got the idea when 5 of you told me almost the same thing in the SAME DAY.
Points for originality & sincerity = 0.
To MY TL who always does things behind the scenes, you rock dude.
To that team member who took personally the note I left "please, let's remember, we should only be pushing single dates to the floor in the fresh meat area". Seriously! Get over it. I was not critiquing your personal work habits, I put a reminder for anyone pulling or pushing meat.

Annoying, huh? But but him/her a leeeeetle slack; I know some people who would leave the most passive-aggressive "general" notes in the communication log when we ALL knew it was meant for one person. It's a fine line that you have to walk, for sure.

Btw, as a fellow PA, I'm curious as to what you meant by "pushing single dates". Does that mean that if you have 9's, 13's and 15's in the BR, you should only have the 9's out on the floor, even if it doesn't fill it to capacity?
To that team member who took personally the note I left "please, let's remember, we should only be pushing single dates to the floor in the fresh meat area". Seriously! Get over it. I was not critiquing your personal work habits, I put a reminder for anyone pulling or pushing meat.

Annoying, huh? But but him/her a leeeeetle slack; I know some people who would leave the most passive-aggressive "general" notes in the communication log when we ALL knew it was meant for one person. It's a fine line that you have to walk, for sure.

Btw, as a fellow PA, I'm curious as to what you meant by "pushing single dates". Does that mean that if you have 9's, 13's and 15's in the BR, you should only have the 9's out on the floor, even if it doesn't fill it to capacity?
Yes, that is what it means. This prevents the 9th from being left to sit and have to be QMOSd while people buy the furthest date out. I will push the next date out if it is also on TPC and the closer date has coupons on them.
Interesting. We'll do that if we have ton of meat that is just sitting, but generally I don't QMOS a lot of meat out. Once it goes to coupon, it gets snatched up pretty quickly. Well, not drumsticks. Nobody wants those. Or flank steak. 😛 The only time I run into QMOS'ing problems is when product didn't get properly backstocked in the BR and the wrong dates are getting pulled. DRIVES ME CRAZY. We lost so many salads over the weekend because BR did a crappy job last week and neither PA's had time to go behind them and clean up after their mess. It seems like every truck day I spend at least 15 minutes re-STO'ing salads and meat so it will pull correctly...when we don't do it, it shows and I end up QMOS'ing a ton out of the back. GRRR.
What, the salads? No, because it moves and because it's clearly marked and frequently gone through. To my understanding (and correct me if I'm wrong) SDA is to "tag" items that don't move quickly, doesn't get culled daily, might get forgotten, and/or will likely have backroom locations when it expire. We don't use it on salads or meat because that is checked religiously and we know when stuff is going out (because of TPC's and eyeballing). SDA won't get the product out any faster; it will only tell me when it expires. Which I already know, so that would be pointless. We use SDA heavily in deli and yogurt, and then on a need-to-use basis everywhere else. Pretty much anything that we order won't get SDA's because it either moves fast enough or we check it often enough.

So, SDA'ing salads in our store would be pointless because more often than not, the stuff will sell before it expires and then we end up with extra tasks on the list. SDA'ing won't help with stuff that is backstocked incorrectly because it won't affect how it pulls; it doesn't know if I'm scanning the SDA's from the salesfloor, BR, or treats it all equally.

Does that make sense?
We do not SDA anything in produce or fresh meat for the same above reasons. The only meat we do SDA is bacon.

We TPC meat 5 days before the use by date and coupon the day before. I follow the TPC rules for the non dated produce but with the bag salads I TPC 3 days before the use by date. No TPCs for the bakery table.
To that one cashier: You're the first TM I've ever talked to that would rather cash than work SSS re-shop. Whatever your secret is, certain TMs could stand to learn a lesson.

To the aforementioned certain TMs: If you hear the GSTL calling for back-up, you really should open a lane instead of hiding in SSS. It's no wonder Stupid Rules has such strong dislike for the front end team.
you know how to tell spring is in the air? by the triple amount of people calling out. To the ones who are actually sick...feel better soon (at least 2 of them sounded like they were on death's door)
to the FRO who complain about the people before them leaving a messy desk....hello pot!!
To my favorite srtl, thank you for making our ad team better than everyone else in the store! We did it this week on numbers & keep on trying to the numbers up. You will be a great etl one day.
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