To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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Is it bad that the only reason why I friended a few coworkers on FB is exactly for that reason? When they call out, I enjoy knowing the real reason. 😛
To the Starbucks TL- Theres just something about you that drives me crazy! Not sure what it is, but you make me want to drink! You sometimes make me wonder what they were thinking when they made you TL.
To that one ETL...
You're terrible at organizing people, motivating the team, and just leadership in general. How the hell did you manage to get that position and keep it? I seriously think you're part of the reason we're so low on payroll, because you keep the team so late. That, by the way, is why I have to leave early so consistently. Not because I didn't take a lunch when I probably should have, but because we stay later with you than with any other ETL. I am not looking forward to closing with you again tonight.
To that one ETL...
You're terrible at organizing people, motivating the team, and just leadership in general. How the hell did you manage to get that position and keep it? I seriously think you're part of the reason we're so low on payroll, because you keep the team so late. That, by the way, is why I have to leave early so consistently. Not because I didn't take a lunch when I probably should have, but because we stay later with you than with any other ETL. I am not looking forward to closing with you again tonight.

If I was closing with THAT ETL, I would think we were in twin stores. But I closed with that one earlier in the week...she is the only one I make sure I leave at my scheduled time.
to the new cart attendant that got fired...

nice job, you hit your OWN car in the parking lot with the cart pusher AND the district people saw it.

To the 'ghetto-fabulous' TM who insists on standing next to me and sitting near me in the breakroom, please stop doing so until you stop wearing nasty perfume!

Good lord!
And also, to "Guy Smiley" who won't even give me the time of day when I tried to talk to you on the sales floor, please stop talking.

You aren't funny.

Your jokes are so bad that I'M embarrassed when you tell one!
To that one TM: if you're going to talk about me while you're standing <3' away from me, you might want to try using your "inside voice" so I don't hear every word you say. You also might want to THINK about what you're saying BEFORE you say it because what you're suggesting I do makes NO sense and isn't going to fly....
to my STL, your the best STL ever, we were in dire need for backroom location labels for the visit tomorrow, you immediently went out of your way and drove to another store and picked up some, for something as little as that, your the best STL ever, i wish the other ETLs were like you.
Dear Team Lead, were your middle-school years unproductive? Or do you miss middle school so much that you must bring it back to Target every day? Tattling to superiors doesn't endear you to anyone. In the last two weeks, you tattled on your peer to the SR ETL, you tattled on our ETL to the STL, you tattled on the HR TL to random LOD. In each case, it was determined that you left out important parts of each story. You know, the parts where we were all just doing our jobs? Grow up, please. For once, try discussing the matter with the person involved BEFORE going over his head. Good communication resolves issues. Tattling escalates issues. Sheesh.

Oh, and in case you're wondering why you will never be able to transfer work centers? Read the paragraph above slowly.
To that ETL that makes my schedule, thaaanks for scheduling me outside of my availability. I'm totally not bothered by it at all. It's not like I could afford to have a life anyway. I was just gonna spend that time watching Bride Day on TLC with some Tanqueray and OKCupid. But I'd totes rather be at Target.

To the new Starbucks TL, I'm glad you're having everybody that needs to redo their certification. With that said, I'm hoping that some people who are trained over there go over to Starbucks more often instead of having them up on the check lanes.

Speaking of people who I hope work a lot more Starbucks in the future, the GSA tonight. When you told me to go clean a cart with a spilled slushie on it near closing (hours before we closed) in front of a guest I was presently taking care of, I wish you would have taken their advice and do it yourself since all you do is stand around most of the time. Then again, I really should've known better and told them straight up that the odds of that happening were slim to none.
and if you call out, don't come shopping during your missed shift. That's just tacky.

OK, I know this is an old quote but...




This has never happened while at Spot, BUT it DID happen while I was working at a certain household goods chain that is no longer in business...

Everyone was wondering where she was, when she popped in, dropped $600 on miscellaneous stuff, and began to wheel her stuff out to her car.

The general manager FINALLY caught up to her and asked if she was coming to her shift.

She cheerfully replied, "Nope!", and kept on rollin'...

( In case you're wondering, SHE KEPT HER JOB. No repercussions. At all. Oh yeah. That happened. )
To that one tm:
By you not doing anything all day you left the closer in horrible shape to complete a decent zone. I will follow up on what the heck happened. Ah the things you see when having to zone behind the inventory team.
To the TM who went home with a migraine (without telling the LOD that you suckered someone else to stay for you), THEN came shopping with your family (because you were feeling better), THEN - when someone else called out later, they called you to see if you would come back in - you said no because your migraine RETURNED: because of you, some poor TM ended up staying for 11 hrs because they couldn't get anybody else to come in much less answer their phone.
I overheard leadership talking about what you were in for upon your next shift & I hope to be outside the door when you come out.
To the TM who went home with a migraine (without telling the LOD that you suckered someone else to stay for you), THEN came shopping with your family (because you were feeling better), THEN - when someone else called out later, they called you to see if you would come back in - you said no because your migraine RETURNED: because of you, some poor TM ended up staying for 11 hrs because they couldn't get anybody else to come in much less answer their phone.
I overheard leadership talking about what you were in for upon your next shift & I hope to be outside the door when you come out.
Did they have caffeine in between?
To the TM who went home with a migraine (without telling the LOD that you suckered someone else to stay for you), THEN came shopping with your family (because you were feeling better), THEN - when someone else called out later, they called you to see if you would come back in - you said no because your migraine RETURNED: because of you, some poor TM ended up staying for 11 hrs because they couldn't get anybody else to come in much less answer their phone.
I overheard leadership talking about what you were in for upon your next shift & I hope to be outside the door when you come out.

The frustrating part about that is now anybody who has migraines is going to get looked at through the prism of that smeghead.
Sure they won't admit that's what they are thinking but unless they suffer from them or have someone close who does the first thing that's going to pop into their mind when somebody calls out from a migraine is the smeghead.
To the TM who went home with a migraine (without telling the LOD that you suckered someone else to stay for you), THEN came shopping with your family (because you were feeling better), THEN - when someone else called out later, they called you to see if you would come back in - you said no because your migraine RETURNED: because of you, some poor TM ended up staying for 11 hrs because they couldn't get anybody else to come in much less answer their phone.
I overheard leadership talking about what you were in for upon your next shift & I hope to be outside the door when you come out.
Did they have caffeine in between?

if I have a true migraine...caffeine helps but I am truly not up to working , or walking, until the next day. My guess is this wasn't a migraine but a ploy to get out of work. And if that's the case the person was an idiot to come in to the store they called out from, so as the previous poster said-what a smeghead. My bounceback headaches make it almost impossible for me to work under the store even if the migraine goes away there is no way I would step into that building.
That's the sad thing: that there are some folks (myself, too) who have suffered thru EXCRUCIATING migraines - some with their head down in a dark office, some throwing up in the bathroom, some sitting on the floor in a corner with an icepack on their head - then THIS little piece of work blithely says "Oh, I have a migraine".
and if you call out, don't come shopping during your missed shift. That's just tacky.

The only time I've done this is when the doctor writes me a prescription and I have to go get it. Then there was the time the dentist told me to just eat things like yogurt for a few days so I had to go in to get that and pain killers. Otherwise, no I definitely don't come in to shop if I've called off.
To that one GSTL: There are how many cashiers working here, and yet you still come to me for every Vibe Walk. -_-
to the TLs this all are seriously the worst f**king TLs ever! two of you left a HUGE mess in receiving, and left me a S**t load of back stock, from the CAFs, i even checked the floor immediently after you brought me back a huge cart of backstock, and almost half of what you gave me went out! are you seriously that lazy? your TL's for f**k sakes, your suppose to be making an example for all of us, instead i just look down on you and dont even take your authority seriously if you cant even do your job right, no wonder half your TMs in your departments hate you.
lol isn't that the best? we have one or two super lazy TLs... they'll come back to receiving at, oh, 2:30, see the line's a mess, and say on channel 1: "Hey, sales floor team, there are currently 13 pulls on the line, make sure you come back and get one!" And then they'll leave. Meanwhile, the single mid-shift sales floor TM, who has been doing nothing but pulls since she got there, is like... "F*ck you." LOVE. IT.
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