To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

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How in the world can you be an LOD and not know how to pull something from the back room?

Also, you are the only LOD that makes the front end cover electronics' breaks. It just doesn't work. So please just stop it. You are just asking for someone to hit compliance someday.
How in the world can you be an LOD and not know how to pull something from the back room?

Also, you are the only LOD that makes the front end cover electronics' breaks. It just doesn't work. So please just stop it. You are just asking for someone to hit compliance someday.

Omg! Skipped business college or didn't pay attention?
How in the world can you be an LOD and not know how to pull something from the back room?

Also, you are the only LOD that makes the front end cover electronics' breaks. It just doesn't work. So please just stop it. You are just asking for someone to hit compliance someday.

Omg! Skipped business college or didn't pay attention?

I'm gonna go with Skipped Business College...
To that one cashier next to me: You are not helping at all, so just mind your own business and cash out your own guests.

To that one GSTL: When I hit my back-up button, it's because my line exceeds 1+1. If you're not going to call for back-ups when there are 5 guests in line at my lane, then could you at least speedweave the guests to other lanes instead of just leaning against the jewelry boat and lackadaisically saying "you can cancel that"?

I walked this item all the way across the damn store because it said "Cannot backstock. Return to Pharmacy." TAKE THE DAMN THING. I CAN'T DO ANYTHING WITH IT. I DON'T WANT IT. IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE OUT HERE. STOP FIGHTING ME ON IT.


Reminds me of overnight re-shop during the holidays last year. No matter how many times I left a note on the same item saying "PLEASE GIVE THIS ITEM TO THE PHARMACY," I would still find it buried in the cart of HBA re-shop! After 5 or 6 times of finding that same item back in the HBA cart, I had a nice little chat with the GSTL in the morning.

How in the world can you be an LOD and not know how to pull something from the back room?


Also, you are the only LOD that makes the front end cover electronics' breaks. It just doesn't work. So please just stop it. You are just asking for someone to hit compliance someday.

At my store, the only time a cashier covers electronics is if hardlines is too short-staffed AND there's a cashier that knows electronics (i.e. an electronics TM that is supplementing their hours by working a cashing shift).
To that ETL: Thank you so much for partnering with me and answering guests' questions for a good hour (literally) about their first digital camera they were purchasing (which happened to be a freaking DSLR) even though we were both very knowledgeable on the subject, it was a real test of our patience considering we answered the same questions a good 20 times. I really appreciate it!
To the LOD tonight.....every time I am your GSA, and there is any other person who GSAs in the building, you refuse to acknowledge that I am, in fact, your GSA. Instead, you deliberately ignore me, communicate with the other person, who wants to help, but doesn't want to do my damn job and, when I communicate with you, you tell me that I should go through the other person.

Well, today you got caught and got called out on your **** big time. And then you tried to claim you misread the schedule?! Nobody can be that stupid. I checked. The GSA running guest services noticed what you were up to within 5 minutes, and it wasn't my imagination. And thankfully the GSTL caught what was going on right before he walked out the door and was able to step in and save me from throttling you.

I have a job to do, damn it. And I can't do it if you are going to pretend like I don't exist. So tonight will be the last night of that, got it? Next time you LOD and I GSA together (which thankfully isn't often), I'm going to make damn certain you know who the GSA is and who you ought to be communicating with. Not because it's about me, but because I'm responsible for the front end and you need to suck it up and deal with it. I didn't get this position to be ran over by the supposed leadership...that's why we have guests.

I can only thank God that you don't LOD much...especially nights. I think I would have a nervous breakdown otherwise.
i know ive said this before on here... but to the salesfloor and front end...

big shout out to you, the other day a guest went crazy on a few people, making a HUGE scene, i witnessed the whole thing. Target will NEVER pay any of us, especially the sales floor and front end people enough to deal with these f**king idiots that come in and act like the world revolves around them... i even recognized you and told the STL what had happened so hopefully you TMs get the proper recognition you deserve. The best part, we were making fun of the guest and just laughing right behind her back after they lashed out at them, lmao.
I walked this item all the way across the damn store because it said "Cannot backstock. Return to Pharmacy." TAKE THE DAMN THING. I CAN'T DO ANYTHING WITH IT. I DON'T WANT IT. IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE OUT HERE. STOP FIGHTING ME ON IT.


Bring it to me, I'll take it 🙂 Just don't send anyone to pharmacy to do returns since we aren't "allowed" to do them anymore (and half the GSAs seem to have missed the memo on that). Oh, and PLEASE don't take back special order items that were purchased through other pharmacies because we can't send them back and we get stuck with them, mmmmkaythanx?!
i know ive said this before on here... but to the salesfloor and front end...

big shout out to you, the other day a guest went crazy on a few people, making a HUGE scene, i witnessed the whole thing. Target will NEVER pay any of us, especially the sales floor and front end people enough to deal with these f**king idiots that come in and act like the world revolves around them... i even recognized you and told the STL what had happened so hopefully you TMs get the proper recognition you deserve. The best part, we were making fun of the guest and just laughing right behind her back after they lashed out at them, lmao.
Hell, this happens at least once a week in the pharmacy.....we even have a few guests with comments on their profiles "warning" us about them~LOL!
Pos would always tell me to give an item to pharmacy and I'd literally have to shove it down their throats for them to take it.....
I understand that belts get separated from dresses or pants often, but when it's separated, you should look for the item it goes with and reattach it... and if you can't find it, don't toss the belt (or whatever it is you did with all those missing belts), because sometimes guests do come looking for the belt that's missing. I understand that sometimes belts just disappear and that we can't just keep a neverending bag of belts around, but I feel like there's a better way than whatever is going on right now. Maybe we could keep them around until all the z-racks in the backroom are cleared out? Then again, it's a rare occasion when there are none back there.

Same thing with all those girls' swimsuit, pajama sets and the toddler outfits. And with those, you really shouldn't be putting them back on the rack with pieces missing unless you do the repackage label thing. Letting a guest buy a top or bottom for the same price as a whole outfit is kind of an ******* thing to do
To my former PTL:
I'm so frelling glad you found another job.
Must be nice to get out from under all that pressure they had on you.
PTL isn't an easy job especially for somebody like you.
You're just aren't really a people person and are really prickly when the pressure is on, which you have to admit never stopped.
I defended you, even liked you.
Can't tell you how many times I heard the team call you an ass-hole and much, much worse.
You told me I was doing a great job , even made me a top performer once.
When they started coming after me, I thought you were going along because you wanted to hold onto your job.
I thought it was weak but you have a kid and a wife with health problems, couldn't judge too much.
Yesterday I talked to one of my former TM's.
She talked to you just before you left.
You admitted you knew the STL was gunning for you but they disliked me and dealing with my epilepsy even more.
So to hang on to your job for a little longer while you found something else, you kept them busy taking me down.

You told the TM you thought I was a nice guy but it had to be done.
I want to scream at you, insult you, rage, and punch things.
But I just shake my head.
Did you think for a minute what you were doing to my life when you tossed me under the bus?
You pretty much exemplify what is wrong with our society.
Every man for himself only leads to destruction and sorrow.
I feel for your wife and kid.
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To that team member that somehow added 2 extra pairs of pants to my purchase. F**K YOU! Now I have to go to work early tomorrow with two bags of crap on the bus just to correct this injustice. I couldn't get it fixed tonight because my mom took my bags home... and AP had already left so he couldn't watch the video. FML. This is soo annoying... and I think my AP dude thinks I'm a shady thief or something so I hope it doesn't come down to him looking at a video. I'm legit taking everything in... including my half-drank gatorade because I'm pissed. I have one pair of pants, then there's 2 of the same pair (which I didn't buy)... then at the bottom of the receipt, there's another piece of "miscellaneous merchandise" for the same price as those damn pants. I'm upset with myself for not being more vigilant at the register, but ugh... I'm too poor for a mistaken 27.98 to come out.

To the AP guy, yes, the cart of reshop I'm sorting in the fitting room really is full of clothes. No, there aren't any empty boxes on the bottom... and I have no clue why other people left all those tags on the table, clipped together. I call you every effing time. Stop treating me like a ****ing criminal. If you just look at my discount/redcard history, you'd know I have no problem dropping way too much of my paycheck at Target.

Side note: I found $100 in a reshop cart (perhaps some guest wore a pair of shorts and returned them... with their money in em) and called AP because I wasn't sure what the policy is. Everyone's saying I should've kept it, but I'm not getting fired over pocketing $100... especially when AP doesn't trust me. His apparent distrust toward me has me wondering if it was some sort of sting operation lol. I'm so paranoid, but I swear, he comes into the fitting room and inspects all the stuff in the back, stuff on the table, stuff under it, stuff in the reshop cart that I'm sorting ONLY WHEN I'M IN THERE.
The cashier I had was on GS today so we didn't have to go to any videos to check it out. She double scanned something and apparently when she added one of my coupons it added a fake number item for 13.98... Maybe because the coupon was worth more than the item? Idk. Just happy I didn't have to deal with ap to watch the video. Yesterday's GS girl said I would in order to find the miscellaneous item. That's the real reason I was pissed haha
to my entire store. **** off. im tired of being stressed cause u give me th entire stores redcard goal nd announce on he walkie that my personl goal is 25 im so glad my seasonal elbds july 14
To that one cashier....funny how talking to the other cashier is so important until I ask you to punch out for your lunch first because there are other lunches after yours. All of a sudden when it's on your own time, you no longer feel the need to stand around and talk.
To that one cashier....funny how talking to the other cashier is so important until I ask you to punch out for your lunch first because there are other lunches after yours. All of a sudden when it's on your own time, you no longer feel the need to stand around and talk.
Their sister works at MY FA, no less.
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