To that one Team Member - II

Forgive me @commiecorvus , but @seasonaldude is getting beaten up on pretty hard.

I've never done SFS/OPU, but there's plenty of time it's gone down to the wire and they need a dress in 2 minutes, one time 1 minute. I also did heard over the walkie a LOT multiple batches and one SFS person, so many that all the leaders there were picking OPUs at the same time as the lone SFS person, and sometimes they left electronics bare because they had so many and all leadership on duty weren't enough and they needed the sole electronics person too. Seeing how I am still in the same month that I quit I can't imagine it changed much.

Hearing on the walkie the volume and knowing how a search can be time consuming I can see how a similarly staffed store with a leadership culture less inclined to get their hands dirty could regularly run into an either/or scenario. Bag the order and don't have enough time to finish the next order or have the time to finish the next order and bag both at once. Sucky, and about the only way to change things so it works right all the time is more staffing, which isn't going to happen.
After that sentence, I'm wondering about my comprehension too.

/me used to turn a sentence into the first person on chat boards and on the board.
Peoples should have been people's.
Also had an if in there because I was thinking of an entirely different sentence when I started.
I'm a writer, which means I spend 80% of my time rewriting.

Commiecorvus taps his foot and wonders about people's reading comprehension.
I do have to ask though, all the SFS folks who don't see why @seasonaldude does what he does - what do you do when there's two or more overlapping orders, some large, and only one of you? How do you finish all orders without going over time?
I do have to ask though, all the SFS folks who don't see why @seasonaldude does what he does - what do you do when there's two or more overlapping orders, some large, and only one of you? How do you finish all orders without going over time?

They call other TMs to help, which I can do and have done. It's just I don't have an SFS team to call. Someone has to be taken off the salesfloor. We try to avoid that as much as possible because the salesfloor has its own work and not enough time to do it in, aren't fully trained in OPU, tend to INF things that shouldn't be because we have the product -- especially in softlines, and go slow and miss goal times which is the opposite of the whole point of calling for help. Thus, OPU is directed to call for help only if it is absolutely necessary and do whatever it takes to keep up ourselves. I just do what my leadership tells me to do.
Team? Isn't there always just one person, if even one is scheduled? Honestly, I thought there was only supposed to be one person, because that's all my store had.
They call other TMs to help, which I can do and have done. It's just I don't have an SFS team to call. Someone has to be taken off the salesfloor. We try to avoid that as much as possible because the salesfloor has its own work and not enough time to do it in, aren't fully trained in OPU, tend to INF things that shouldn't be because we have the product -- especially in softlines, and go slow and miss goal times which is the opposite of the whole point of calling for help. Thus, OPU is directed to call for help only if it is absolutely necessary and do whatever it takes to keep up ourselves. I just do what my leadership tells me to do.

"sfs team" implies that there's more than one person working at a time in ship from store, which is not the case at my store. that person is responsible for picking ship from store batches in addition to order pickup and drive up. let's not pretend that ship from store is easier 😂
"sfs team" implies that there's more than one person working at a time in ship from store, which is not the case at my store. that person is responsible for picking ship from store batches in addition to order pickup and drive up. let's not pretend that ship from store is easier 😂

Oh my store is a $100 million store with fulfillment making up 3%-4% of total sales most months. We're just small in terms of physical space with no room for SFS. The OPU person wouldn't even begin to have time to do SFS too.
Oh my store is a $100 million store with fulfillment making up 3%-4% of total sales most months. We're just small in terms of physical space with no room for SFS. The OPU person wouldn't even begin to have time to do SFS too.

if you're doing so much in fulfilled sales then why aren't you receiving more payroll? this isn't adding up.
if you're doing so much in fulfilled sales then why aren't you receiving more payroll? this isn't adding up.
Up to the SD to divvy up the hours as he/she sees fit. My store's fulfillment ops have increased by more than 100%, but their hours haven't doubled. They've been told to work faster.
Up to the SD to divvy up the hours as he/she sees fit. My store's fulfillment ops have increased by more than 100%, but their hours haven't doubled. They've been told to work faster.

that would still contradict what he said about his leadership team
if you're doing so much in fulfilled sales then why aren't you receiving more payroll? this isn't adding up.

We have more payroll. It's being used elsewhere right now because we can keep up with our metrics on fulfillment without using it. The extra hours go to other workcenters that need more than corporate thinks they need. This is an arrangement that works for the store. Extra hours given to the salesfloor and front end means they get more done on their own. A direct result of that is OPU finds more stuff in the proper locations and thus needs less time to do its job. It works. It's a strategy that has DTL approval. It's likely to change somewhat when BTS starts and as the salesfloor gets more used to modernization.

But, for someone whose own store doesn't always follow strict policy:

our policy is to ask for ID from every guest, physically take that ID into your hands, then scan or key in the DOB. but does everyone do that every time? no lol

you might want to consider laying off other stores and posters for not doing things exactly how you think they should be done. You won't of course. We all know that. But, you really should consider it.
you might want to consider laying off other stores and posters for not doing things exactly how you think they should be done. You won't of course. We all know that. But, you really should consider it.

you might want to consider some adult literacy classes because your reading comprehension sucks. it's never too late! show me where in that sentence i said "my store doesn't follow [policy]". oh wait, you can't, because i didn't.

feel free to continue trying to lecture others about how they need to bend over backwards because OrDeR pIcKuP mEtRiCs, though. that's going so well for you.
you might want to consider some adult literacy classes because your reading comprehension sucks. it's never too late! show me where in that sentence i said "my store doesn't follow [policy]". oh wait, you can't, because i didn't.

feel free to continue trying to lecture others about how they need to bend over backwards because OrDeR pIcKuP mEtRiCs, though. that's going so well for you.

It's policy to scan all IDs. You are blase about not everyone at your store doing it. You aren't following policy. Your store isn't following policy if you aren't coached for not doing it. Sorry. (Of course, that would be a silly thing to coach for because not every policy needs to be followed to the black letter rule every time. You don't do it. I don't do it. We're even there. No one does it.)

Not everyone needs to bend over backwards for OPU metrics. You're the one trying to lecture me about how you think things in my workcenter and at my store should be done. Look in the mirror before calling the kettle black.
It's policy to scan all IDs. You are blase about not everyone at your store doing it. You aren't following policy. Your store isn't following policy if you aren't coached for not doing it. Sorry. (Of course, that would be a silly thing to coach for because not every policy needs to be followed to the black letter rule every time. You don't do it. I don't do it. We're even there. No one does it.)

Not everyone needs to bend over backwards for OPU metrics. You're the one trying to lecture me about how you think things in my workcenter and at my store should be done. Look in the mirror before calling the kettle black.

1. it's policy to scan OR key IDs. you literally can't even scan ID for alcohol as of the most recent POS update, so i have no clue what the fuck you're talking about.
2. nowhere in my post did I say "not everyone at my store is checking IDs". you made that up in your head. try again.
3. it's more than a little creepy that you went through my postings to try and find a gotcha, and even then you still got it wrong. get some help or a life.
LOL. Yes, quoting your post from today in the same forum subsection that I read a few minutes prior is creepy. 🙄

Since all you seem to do around here seems to be going around attacking people you don't like who don't do things how you do. I'm done with you. You're going on ignore. I suggest you do the same to my posts since they seem to bother you so much.

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