To that one Team Member - II

TTOTM: please stop calling out just because it's nice out. If you're scheduled, its because you are needed and you should of put in a time off request if you wanted off. In this case, we had a group of people all call off to go to the pride parade. How did we know?

Someone who got there shift worked around going to pride told us as much, when they seem they called off.

Last night we had 11 people call off. All of AP, all of our closing FF team, all of our hardliners closing team (leaving our CE, Cosumables and a softlines TM as the only people on the floor - at first) and a closing GS, plus a cashier and batista.

What did this result in? Only eight TMs closing the store, including a ETL and a TL, before anyone was called in.

I personally was in early at 7 and was scheduled until 3:45. I ended up staying until close, that being 7 am - 10 pm. A TM was called in and had OT approved, and another TM stayed late. That's 11 TM when we normally have maybe 15 - 20 closing on a Sunday.

After working 13 days straight and working that long shift, I'm beat.

So, TTOTM that called off just to go to an event - just remember, we know. 💜

But hey, I got more hours, a free lunch and a free dinner out of it. It was just stressful.
I loved those shifts cause payout. But yea its rough.
TTOTM: please stop calling out just because it's nice out. If you're scheduled, its because you are needed and you should of put in a time off request if you wanted off. In this case, we had a group of people all call off to go to the pride parade. How did we know?

Someone who got there shift worked around going to pride told us as much, when they seem they called off.

Last night we had 11 people call off. All of AP, all of our closing FF team, all of our hardliners closing team (leaving our CE, Cosumables and a softlines TM as the only people on the floor - at first) and a closing GS, plus a cashier and batista.

What did this result in? Only eight TMs closing the store, including a ETL and a TL, before anyone was called in.

I personally was in early at 7 and was scheduled until 3:45. I ended up staying until close, that being 7 am - 10 pm. A TM was called in and had OT approved, and another TM stayed late. That's 11 TM when we normally have maybe 15 - 20 closing on a Sunday.

After working 13 days straight and working that long shift, I'm beat.

So, TTOTM that called off just to go to an event - just remember, we know. 💜

But hey, I got more hours, a free lunch and a free dinner out of it. It was just stressful.
All of AP? Plus the rest? Are you certain there wasnt a sick out happening and someone forgot to tell you?
TTOTM: stop treating the backroom like your personal garage and LOCATE wtf you are putting in there. Pick any effing waco you like for your shampoos or Quest Chips or pads, or Mouthwash ...just GIVE 'em A LOCATION !!!
This is my gripe.with funkos right now. So many that we don't have space on the floor, but noone backstocks them, they get thrown all over the electronics cage
This is my gripe.with funkos right now. So many that we don't have space on the floor, but noone backstocks them, they get thrown all over the electronics cage
We toss ours up in case pack in our media area... so like the 6, 7 ,8 + levels. They are unboxed from the shipping. But that's it least they are located.
TTOTL: Okay, what the hell is going on with you lately? You constantly give me snark when I ask you for help looking for something, or assistance with heavy items. And telling me you're "not moving" your U-boat out of the middle of the aisle and telling me to "go around" the long way, while I'm in a cart with less than 15 minutes left, is immature and extremely unprofessional. Another thing: If you want to berate me over the walkie for some little mistake I made, switch to another channel. The whole store didn't need to hear it.

TTOETL: Again, what is with you being so belligerent over missing goal times? I get it, it hurts the pick on time rate, but if a cart starts with 13 minutes on it, chances are it's not gonna be completed on time. The fulfillment team saw a mass exodus of people quitting, most likely because of your unrealistic expectations, so we're understaffed all the time, causing these late carts. Wouldn't anyone with common sense be able to figure that out?

--On a positive note--

TTGMTMs: Thank you guys for always being my companions since I was hired in. I love being able to have a group of friends there that actually tolerates me and laughs at my dumb jokes, until the TLs/ETLs get all grouchy when they see us talking for more than 20 seconds. Y'all are the best.
TTOTM: Target shelves are to be stocked regardless of item number of facings left justied. You re attempt at zoning makes more work for me. I suspect TT sameTM locate everything you put in the stockroom. STOP making more work for your Team.
TTOTL: Okay, what the hell is going on with you lately? You constantly give me snark when I ask you for help looking for something, or assistance with heavy items. And telling me you're "not moving" your U-boat out of the middle of the aisle and telling me to "go around" the long way, while I'm in a cart with less than 15 minutes left, is immature and extremely unprofessional. Another thing: If you want to berate me over the walkie for some little mistake I made, switch to another channel. The whole store didn't need to hear it.

They're burnt out and they need to find a new job. It has nothing to do with you, really. Assuming, of course the "lately" means such behavior is relatively new. If they've always been like this, they're just an asshole.
Having my monthly....ttotm...I don't care at all how you choose to dick around behind guest services get in my way. If you stand in the doorway ,I need to get thru to backstock, while you shoot the shit with your coworkers I will call you out to your tl. If you walk into the stockroom for no business but to get on your phone AND are in my way I will effing make sure you get written up.
TTOTM who got assigned the register before I got put over here, thanks very fucking much for not doing any of the following:
  • Cleaning the register; at a minimum, the goddamn barcode scanner glass
  • Ordering change (or maybe that's more of a TTOGSA/TTOGSTL thing) – how do you not have quarters and ones?
  • Stock bags. Seriously, there are 4 bag holders. Why is there only one in use with all of three bags?
  • Put coupons in the coupons compartment of the drawer. That's fine, Joe, just throw the little shits in there mixed with the used gift cards that you were supposed to toss, a strip of stupid stickers you didn't give any of the kids that came through and messed up the impulse buy toys (next bullet), and the roll of receipt paper you tore open for Lord knows why when you can just push the feed button on the receipt printer if you needed scrap paper.
  • At least a half-ass attempt at organizing the candy/chips/Pokemon cards on your lane
  • Put the reshop in the reshop bin, the hangers in the hanger bin, not a mix of the two in both bins, Sally.
  • Cleaning the register (yes, I said this tw
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TTOTM: Target shelves are to be stocked regardless of item number of facings left justied. You re attempt at zoning makes more work for me. I suspect TT sameTM locate everything you put in the stockroom. STOP making more work for your Team.
Wow, are you at my store? No idea who it is who sometimes zones in my area, but it makes me crazy when they do it in such a way as to make it look sort of neat but actually makes more work for me. Please. Just leave it alone if you can't do it right.
TTOTL: I cannot *stand* you. I've never liked you since the day I started and you were a Cart Attendant. I get the impression you feel the same way about me because it seems like you pick on me way more than anyone else. I tolerate you because I have to, but you drive me insane. In addition to that you come off as incredibly fake. 🙄🙄🙄
TTOTM: Thanks for helping with my truck. But......ummmmm......Halloween? You put out Halloween clothes? In July? Interesting choice.....
I have some dingus who keeps doing that in my area when I'm not at work. I wonder if it's because one of my leads is obsessed with Halloween being set immediately when the other lead has the sense to know that it's way too early.
Um, that was me once. I was told to push all the z racks during the eons past when push could be reasonably done in one shift. There was a z rack with Valentines kids suff with the other racks, not apart. I figured leadership knew what they were doing since it was squished together and they said "all".
TTOTM who pushes my truck on the day I'm not scheduled: Okay, I've given up on you with the overstocking. But please, learn how to use your zebra and how to read a shelf tag and put things in the right places. I get it - my OTC repacks can be boogers. Still, it's just not okay to put the $15 bottles of nutritional supplement in the $4 place, even if they are both Up&Up brand. Yes, both products do happen to go on bottom shelves, but in different sections. If I've flexed in discontinued merchandise AND changed the peg tags to reflect what I've done, don't push different product in front of what I'm trying to get rid of. And when you're backstocking, have a care about what goes where - like men's shave cream with other men's products, first aid ointment NOT in with cosmetics, etc. I'm so tired of cleaning up after you!
TTOTM: please stop calling out just because it's nice out. If you're scheduled, its because you are needed and you should of put in a time off request if you wanted off. In this case, we had a group of people all call off to go to the pride parade. How did we know?

Someone who got there shift worked around going to pride told us as much, when they seem they called off.

Last night we had 11 people call off. All of AP, all of our closing FF team, all of our hardliners closing team (leaving our CE, Cosumables and a softlines TM as the only people on the floor - at first) and a closing GS, plus a cashier and batista.

What did this result in? Only eight TMs closing the store, including a ETL and a TL, before anyone was called in.

I personally was in early at 7 and was scheduled until 3:45. I ended up staying until close, that being 7 am - 10 pm. A TM was called in and had OT approved, and another TM stayed late. That's 11 TM when we normally have maybe 15 - 20 closing on a Sunday.

After working 13 days straight and working that long shift, I'm beat.

So, TTOTM that called off just to go to an event - just remember, we know. 💜

But hey, I got more hours, a free lunch and a free dinner out of it. It was just stressful.
TTOTM(SD) Thank you for seeing that my area was drowning and that I desperately needed help. Thank you for helping me multiple days in a row while my TL was out. Thank you for pushing uboats multiple days in a row and talking me through some of the heaviest freight I've seen when it isn't in Q4. I really needed that support and I was happy to get it from you.
When will HR and OM start dealing with the TM that CONSTANTLY abuse sick pay? I’m not talking about those that call in and are legit sick, but the ones that always seem to be less than a half hour late for work, but then are miraculously cured one they get there. Or calling in, using sick pay to cover so no attendance hit, and then post on social media they are skiing, at a baseball game, or any other place that they shouldn’t be if sick. Or get “sick” when their vacation request is denied? That one should be pretty obvious to their OM.

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