To that one Team Member - II

TTOTM: Why did you tell that guest on Wednesday that we stop processing Order Pickups at 10:40? I know you don’t want to be bothered at that time, but you can’t just start making up policies out of your ass. We can process order pickups until the store closes. They have barely any time to pick up orders as it is. That’s not cool.
Fuck guests that order shit right before we stop picking for the night, or pick it up five minutes before close
It never occurred to me that pharmacy could back up the lanes, but I always wonder--who can back up the pharmacy? Occasionally we get calls for additional cashiers to the pharmacy, but...can we do that?
Pharmacy never gets a walkie so they push the button if they put in a change request (and the GSA is ignoring it) or they need the LOD to deal with a guest. Occasionally it’s just that a guest needs something in that area and the pharmacy doesn’t know the location so they need a tm with a device to help the guest.
Occasionally it’s just that a guest needs something in that area and the pharmacy doesn’t know the location so they need a tm with a device to help the guest.

That part doesn't make sense. There'd be quicker results simply by calling Target and asking for a TM with a my device to be sent for a guest. My store also calls Target when there's a spill near the pharmacy.
Pharmacy never gets a walkie so they push the button if they put in a change request (and the GSA is ignoring it) or they need the LOD to deal with a guest. Occasionally it’s just that a guest needs something in that area and the pharmacy doesn’t know the location so they need a tm with a device to help the guest.

Interesting. Pharmacy gets a walkie in my store, and will call for guest assistance to the pharmacy if a guest needs help. I would have assumed they'd call for LOD the same way, but using the additional cashier button makes sense.
Wait your store closings backroom sets the line up for you. At mine flow does it on there own in the AM.
We used to have to set it up ourselves. But the point is that we can't move around to sort efficiently and the SFSrTL is constantly telling me to "work faster" and I'm literally about to drop kick her today.

Edit: When flow team members finish a u-boat or flat, it goes straight back to its designated spot, no exceptions. Nothing else is supposed to be put on the line anymore. The softlines area gets set up in the AM but is supposed to be left clear for us to do so. Seriously considering asking our PMT if it's possible (and also allowed) to fence off the area somehow so nothing can be left there.
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TTOTM: I die a little more inside every time you yell “GAHEAD” when answering a walkie call. So unprofessional, immature and downright annoying !!
Wish we could set up a swear jar and make you put in a donation to charity every time you say it.
TTOTM - I was covering cashier breaks and walked out to the racetrack to find the GSTL to see where to go next. You were stocking snacks on the checklanes and commented about how backed up it was. I agreed and opened a lane to get the lines down. You kept stocking snacks.

WTF? You are a cashier! Put down the snacks and help people check out! I can guarantee you will not be kept on after Q4 if you don’t step up your game. Ignoring guests that are 4-5 deep in line while you put out bags of veggie sticks doesn’t endear you to anyone.
TTOTM who was with me at the Service Desk yesterday: I understand that I am new up there and make mistakes. I can accept that I may not be your favorite person. However, I think telling people "God I wish you were up here, I need people who know what the fuck they're doing" right in front of me and generally being a huge bitch for our whole shift seemed a little uncalled for.
In other news, I think I'm going to try and switch departments at the start of next year because the Service Desk and the people that work there stress me out too much 🙁
TTOTM who was with me at the Service Desk yesterday: I understand that I am new up there and make mistakes. I can accept that I may not be your favorite person. However, I think telling people "God I wish you were up here, I need people who know what the fuck they're doing" right in front of me and generally being a huge bitch for our whole shift seemed a little uncalled for.
In other news, I think I'm going to try and switch departments at the start of next year because the Service Desk and the people that work there stress me out too much 🙁
That’s just wrong. When you are new in a workcenter the veteran TMs should be helping you learn the tips and tricks of the trade, not berating you for not knowing everything. It benefits them as well as you because then they have someone to work with who knows “what the fuck they’re doing”. Hang in there. Hope you get to switch departments, but after the holidays may be a bad time because hours are so low in all areas at that point that there may not be hours where you want to go.🙄 Good Luck!🍀
That’s just wrong. When you are new in a workcenter the veteran TMs should be helping you learn the tips and tricks of the trade, not berating you for not knowing everything. It benefits them as well as you because then they have someone to work with who knows “what the fuck they’re doing”. Hang in there. Hope you get to switch departments, but after the holidays may be a bad time because hours are so low in all areas at that point that there may not be hours where you want to go.🙄 Good Luck!🍀
Thanks. I figured I'd wait until January because it's just way too crazy right now with all the seasonal stuff.
TTOsoftlinesTM - When you walkied for someone in hardlines that a guest needed help with a stroller, you might have mentioned that the guest wanted to know about the various features of every freaking stroller we carry while her husband was FaceTiming her starting every sentence with "babe" and one of her kids was saying "Mom, just get that one every 30 seconds." That might have gotten someone over who actually knows something about strollers (ok, probably not) and not someone who thinks they are going over just to grab a stroller for the guest. You might as well have called me over for breast pumps because I know as much about strollers as I know about them.
TTOTM who was with me at the Service Desk yesterday: I understand that I am new up there and make mistakes. I can accept that I may not be your favorite person. However, I think telling people "God I wish you were up here, I need people who know what the fuck they're doing" right in front of me and generally being a huge bitch for our whole shift seemed a little uncalled for.
That's when you give them a surprised look & say "Gee, I thought I was training with the 'best' person up here! Am I mistaken?" (add a sidelong look).
TTOCashier, your attitude would never work up at guest service. please stop making us uncomfortable by asking us to train you every five seconds. i don’t care if you think you have more experience in retail than all of us... your attitude is going to get you in trouble plus makes all of us reluctant to work with you.

also, we actually do work up at the service desk and by the look of self checkout when you run it, you don’t do much.
Thanks. I figured I'd wait until January because it's just way too crazy right now with all the seasonal stuff.

Now is the time to start cross-training. December will be so hectic you won't get a proper training. In January hours will be cut and it'll be hard to get yourself into another department. Just remember, come Q1 you'll most likely need to work in the front to keep your hours up, so don't burn any bridges as you start to train in other areas. From what I've seen, the front and Flex are the most "recession" proof. This could very well vary by district. My DM places a top priority on meeting Flex metrics.
TTOTM - Thank you so much for stepping up and covering my breaks and lunch at SCO. Everyone else either didn't know how to do it, want to do it, or both. You were willing to have a quick run down of how self-checkout goes and what to do in certain situations at SCO. If you ever have a similar situation happen to you too in the near future, I have your back.
TTOTM: When hanging a bunch of Ava & Viv that just went on clearance, I can understand mistakenly using XXL tabs for a 4X shirt, as they are the same color. Same for XL and 3X. But all those L, M and even S tabs for the plus size shirts??? Were you high, or was this a really dumb joke you were playing?
Some moron thought XL=1X, XXL=2X. We think it was one of the high school girls that isn't there anymore, thank goodness, but I was about to lose it if that didn't stop.
TTOTM: Thank you for hanging in there with me during the accessories set. People who say shoes is the 9th level of hell have never set accessories. ><
My first Christmas was in softlines.
My TL gave me a PDT & several repacks of pantyhose to fill the wall.
Some moron thought XL=1X, XXL=2X. We think it was one of the high school girls that isn't there anymore, thank goodness, but I was about to lose it if that didn't stop.
That is still a lot better than a bunch of 1X shirts on M hangers. And now I found neatly folded and neatly stacked AND shirts put on top of identical style Ava & Viv shirts on a table. I'm starting to think fat shaming.

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