To that one Team Member - II

I have heard men complain when it involves a professional setting. Men also have a sense of appropriate when it comes to the workplace.
Yep, its wicked bad.

I honestly don't understand it. It's 4th quarter for goodness sake. We don't have enough cashiers scheduled during busy times, so sales floor ends up backing up a TON. Zone doesn't get done, and we're still working freight until 8:00 at night. And don't even GET me started on abandons/returns/reshop/whatever it's called.

I have superzoned toys twice now. The other night I was supposed to get to seasonal...there was no time to do toys and seasonal in four hours. So I focused on toys, and made it presentable. (Including the game wall!) But we're so short on the one is answering phone calls or guest calls, and the few of us who actually answer them end up running around hardlines like chickens with no heads.

I overheard someone in leadership say we're down hours from last year, and I just don't get it. We're making sales, yay jeans, but can't add more people?

this is how it used to be for us and i’m sure it will revert back to that after Q4 unfortunately. we’ve had a line to the door and are spread so thin lately though that times where i’ve silently complained, i’ve ended up speaking up and telling them that we are not doing it. softlines tl gives us a problem about it, but our etl - ge and gstls back us.
ASANTS - in my store A & A and Gen Merch are responsible for their defectives.
ASANTS - in my store A & A and Gen Merch are responsible for their defectives.
With as thinly spread as softlines is, I don't get it. GS will get 5 shirts, 2 pairs of pants and a pair of shoes without tags, top it off with a $0.00 salvage item, add in that dress with the torn spaghetti strap or the stained skirt, the loose underwear with the crotch that is questionable like it was tried on for sizing at home, and then they will send it all back our way when half of that list needs to go right back up. Plus, the items without tags, they are having to find the dpci anyway and they have a printer at their elbow. It doesn't seem like a good use of time all the way around for GS to walk all that over to the softlines cart, call for someone to pick up a full cart that wouldn't be full without the salvage, the cart taken back and emptied, and then the salvage to be taken back up front when it could be tossed straight into the salvage/defect bin in the first place.
To those former POG team members who have been put in charge of sections on the salesfloor: Since you are busy annoying everyone else changing how push is done and making it different in every section and have apparently forgotten a few things in your many years at Spot working POGs allow me to remind you of a few things: 1) You need to answer phone calls for your section. It's not up to other people to do it for you. 2) Do your own reshop. Everyone else isn't going to do it for you. Amazing how it all got done until you came along and now it is never done. 3) One vehicle. One TM. 3-4 people should not be working the same vehicle. 4) Don't flex shit out without locating it. 5) It is not OK to stand around and chat with your friends while other TMs are helping with your push. 6) GET YOUR LAZY ASSES TO THE FRONT WHEN CALLS FOR HELP ARE MADE! STOP MAKING TMs IN THE BACKROOM FROM HAVING TO GO UP BECAUSE YOU THINK YOU ARE ABOVE CHECKING A GUEST OUT! 6) You actually need to talk to guests now and help them find things, not just point them in the general direction. 7) Backup electronics once in awhile. It won't kill you. to unlock a video game case. 8) Just shut up and let the rest of use do our jobs.
I honestly don't understand it. It's 4th quarter for goodness sake. We don't have enough cashiers scheduled during busy times, so sales floor ends up backing up a TON. Zone doesn't get done, and we're still working freight until 8:00 at night. And don't even GET me started on abandons/returns/reshop/whatever it's called.

I have superzoned toys twice now. The other night I was supposed to get to seasonal...there was no time to do toys and seasonal in four hours. So I focused on toys, and made it presentable. (Including the game wall!) But we're so short on the one is answering phone calls or guest calls, and the few of us who actually answer them end up running around hardlines like chickens with no heads.

I overheard someone in leadership say we're down hours from last year, and I just don't get it. We're making sales, yay jeans, but can't add more people?

It's due, I'm sure, to stock dump. We missed 3rd quarter projections and lost 20 percent in stock dump.
With as thinly spread as softlines is, I don't get it. GS will get 5 shirts, 2 pairs of pants and a pair of shoes without tags, top it off with a $0.00 salvage item, add in that dress with the torn spaghetti strap or the stained skirt, the loose underwear with the crotch that is questionable like it was tried on for sizing at home, and then they will send it all back our way when half of that list needs to go right back up. Plus, the items without tags, they are having to find the dpci anyway and they have a printer at their elbow. It doesn't seem like a good use of time all the way around for GS to walk all that over to the softlines cart, call for someone to pick up a full cart that wouldn't be full without the salvage, the cart taken back and emptied, and then the salvage to be taken back up front when it could be tossed straight into the salvage/defect bin in the first place.
With as thinly spread as GS is, usually one person scheduled at the desk, I will take care of any returns and defect them out as needed. I do object to a three-tier being left at the desk for me to deal with; I do not have the time due to the lines 4 to 5 people deep.
TTONewETLLeader:, fuck you. I'll deal with a lot, and even toe the line on some directives, but I absolutely, positively will not lie for you. You could be the biggest, best guy at stopping shoplifters, you could drop our shortage to less than 1%, you could close out 50 internal merch cases, and I still would not utter, write, or imply a falsehood for you. And now that you have proven that you have no integrity, what little respect I had for you had built up has gone down the toilet. Without integrity, you are worthless; I now cant even list you on my bacground packet without adding a disclaimer saying what you asked me to do. I wouldn't be able to let you testify in court in good conscience.
You did just make my decision on which job to keep after Christmas infinitely easier though: there's no way in hell I'm working for you any longer than necessary, and if our APBP doesn't fire you, I'm quitting.
Bras Make Breasts Sag, 15-Year Study Concludes
Published Sat 13 Apr 2013 By Sarah Glynn
Wearing a bra does more harm than good - it does nothing to reduce back pain and weakens the muscles that hold up the breasts, resulting in greater breast sagging, Jean-Denis Rouillon, a sports science expert from the University of Besançon, France, reported after a 15-year study.

Rouillon says that the main conclusion from the preliminary results of his "marathon experiment" is that the bra is a false necessity.

In an interview with France Info (radio), Professor Rouillon said:

"Medically, physiologically, anatomically - breasts gain no benefit from being denied gravity. On the contrary, they get saggier with a bra."

Prof. Rouillon used a slide rule and a caliper (a device used to measure the distance between two opposite sides of an object) to carefully measure changes in breast features of hundreds of women over a 15-year period at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, Besançon.

All his volunteers were between 18 and 35 years old. Rouillon emphasized that although his study spanned many years and included hundreds of women, he in no way claims his sample population is representative of the global population of women.

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Rouillon found that women who never wore bras had nipples on average seven millimeters higher in relation to their shoulders each year than regular bra users.

In an interview with France Info, a 28-year old female called Capucine says she swears by Rouillon's findings.

Capucine, who was one of the volunteers in Rouillon's study, said:

"There are multiple benefits (to being without a bra): I breathe more easily, I carry myself better, and I have less back pain."

Rouillon warns that some women should not throw their bras away immediately. For example, older women (45 years or more) would derive no benefit from throwing away their bra. In an interview with Reuters, he said "But a middle-aged woman, overweight, with 2.4 children? I'm not at all sure she'd benefit from abandoning bras."

In an interview with The Local, an English-written newspaper in France, Rouillon stressed "These are preliminary results. The small sample of 320 young women is not representative of the entire population - that would require something like 300,000 subjects."

The study did confirm that, according to preliminary data, when young women stop wearing a bra:
There is no deterioration in the orientation of their breasts
There is widespread improvement in the orientation of their breasts
A previous study by the University of Portsmouth, England, revealed that some women are damaging their breasts because they are wearing the wrong bra size.

Rouillon acknowledged that women wear a bra for a number of reasons, apart from hoping to conserve the shape of their breasts and to prevent sagging. Some find them more comfortable, especially those who live far from the equator during wintertime.

In order for these "preliminary results" to become "definitive", Rouillon says he needs to recruit a much larger sample of women, and to conduct further research on the subject.

John Dixey, former CEO of bra-maker Playtex, explained in a Channel 4 (British TV channel) interview "We have no evidence that wearing a bra could prevent sagging, because the breast itself is not muscle, so keeping it toned up is an impossibility.... There's no permanent effect on the breast from wearing a particular bra. The bra will give you the shape the bra's been designed to give while you're wearing it."

I wouldn't put too much stock in that study alone...
Don’t Burn Your Bra for Science Just Yet - CSI -
Fuck 'em. If people don't want to wear bras, they shouldn't have to. They shouldn't have to spend money they don't have on an uncomfortable undergarment that may actually be harmful to them all because we don't expect men to be able to control their "urges" so we push that shit off on women from the time they first develop breasts and never think about why visible nipples is something that makes us go "ew". Don't want to see nipples? Don't look. It's not really that hard. I'm fucking sick of girls and women having always having to be the ones to change and accommodate and nobody ever stopping to think of the harm it does them.

I could go on. For days.
I never hear men complain about being "distracted" or "offended" by women's breasts. It's always women trying to scold, shame and scare other women into shape.
Being told to wear a bra has zero to do with the oppression of women. If anything, it's the opposite, by turning something that has nothing to do with women's issues into one, it makes real issues seem much less reasonable.

Think of it this way. Man or woman, is wearing torn shorts and a tank appropriate attire for going to court and arguing your traffic ticket? Is it appropriate attire for your attorney to dress that way? Or is your 'relax on your day off' attire more appropriate when you go to the store or a restaurant and you should dress in a more formal manner when pleading your case? Speaking of the store or restaurant, do you go barefoot or (for the guys) shirtless because you're comfortable that way, or should you dress for the rule "no shirts no shoes no service"? When going to church, do you dress in a manner that's respectful for the sanctuary, or is it bootie shorts and a death metal tee? If you get a job at Cracker Barrel and you have a full sleeve tattoo, do you wear a long sleeve shirt per their no tattoo rule or do you go in wearing a polo? What is the definition of casual Fridays in an office? Bottom line, there are a lot of settings where uncomfortable clothing is what's appropriate. Ask men about ties. Ask men about ties when it's 95 degrees. If some women don't find bras comfortable then when they are on their own time and they are not at work or in court or another place that has certain dress expectations then who cares if they go without. When in a setting where you have to present some amount of professional appearance put the darn thing on and thank your lucky stars that you are not a guy attending an outdoor formal wedding in August in Texas.
Fuck 'em. If people don't want to wear bras, they shouldn't have to. They shouldn't have to spend money they don't have on an uncomfortable undergarment that may actually be harmful to them all because we don't expect men to be able to control their "urges" so we push that shit off on women from the time they first develop breasts and never think about why visible nipples is something that makes us go "ew". Don't want to see nipples? Don't look. It's not really that hard. I'm fucking sick of girls and women having always having to be the ones to change and accommodate and nobody ever stopping to think of the harm it does them.

I could go on. For days.

Not wearing a bra to work is just unprofessional. I would (privately) call out TMs not wearing bras the same way I would a TM who wears sagging pants, low cut shirts, shirts so thin you can see everything, leggings/yoga pants, etc. If you don't want to wear a bra to work then work someplace else. It is not oppressive to require TMs to wear underwear.
“Men can’t control themselves around bare tiddies” oooor maybe I just don’t want to see that shit in a professional environment. I might be gay but I would be grossed the fuck out if some guy showed up to work in a speedo, sporting a rock hard bulge too. Blechhh. Keep that shit at home fam.
Whew, buddy, I can't believe you said that in front of a guest.
Understand, SCO is also drive up. That's where I was. But more importantly, you ignored me twice when I told you, I am right here.
TOALLTHECASHIERS: Calm down, I’ll get to you in a second. I’m ONE person running the front getting change for people, taking guest’s verbal shit about a price adjustment, helping solve problems at the service desk, overriding crap, calling for backup and honoring price matches. My peer just left for the day so hold your horses. 😡
TOALLTHECASHIERS: Calm down, I’ll get to you in a second. I’m ONE person running the front getting change for people, taking guest’s verbal shit about a price adjustment, helping solve problems at the service desk, overriding crap, calling for backup and honoring price matches. My peer just left for the day so hold your horses. 😡
And the GSA is viewed as a cashier...SMH.
Ttotm: yes , OPU is the job i assigned you to do !
No , you can’t ignore it and get it later or ask someone to do it for you !
No , I can’t help you with it ( it’s only 1 Dpci! )
And stop trying to macro managed SFS , I know you are a man , and as you put it, I am ONLY a woman , but I got the title of Captain , not you ...
so today , you were my little “b...” , ( because I can be the biggest B... in the world ) and I loved seeing you walking and puffing all over the store for OPU ...
Please chew with your mouths closed. Thanks.

Why am I sitting in the breakroom with 2 people on either side of me not doing this all at once? I've never lived in a place where it was this bad.

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