To that one Team Member - II

TTOTM: Oh my word, what is your problem? Seems like some people go around looking for someone to be mad at, and I guess it was my turn today. I have no idea what I did to make you lay into me, actually shouting at me and saying I was the one over-reacting. Um, wow, do you even know what that word means? Because you were the one over-reacting and I don't even know what you were over-reacting to. At least this happened in the back room and the store was still closed so guests weren't treated to your tirade.
I'm so glad you're moving away and won't be at this store very much longer. For whatever reason, I got on your bad side a long time ago and so I've mostly just tried to avoid any interaction with you. That's usually pretty easy since we work in different areas. I'm counting down the days until you're gone. Can't be soon enough.
When my TL said THREE TLs pulled and pushed in my department because "they said they did" I don't believe you without you showing any proof.

I did look in MyDay before I started and only 40 DCPIs were pulled when I got there at 5:00 PM!
Why is it that TL s get to work in multiples but TM s can't even speak to another TM while working. Seems to mee the ones who can't get the work done are the TL s. That's why I don't let their bs setting up the TM for a bad report fly by anymore. I sing like a canary. All my praises of support are reserved for my co workers. Power to the people. Lol
TTOTM: Oh my word, what is your problem? Seems like some people go around looking for someone to be mad at, and I guess it was my turn today. I have no idea what I did to make you lay into me, actually shouting at me and saying I was the one over-reacting. Um, wow, do you even know what that word means? Because you were the one over-reacting and I don't even know what you were over-reacting to. At least this happened in the back room and the store was still closed so guests weren't treated to your tirade.
I'm so glad you're moving away and won't be at this store very much longer. For whatever reason, I got on your bad side a long time ago and so I've mostly just tried to avoid any interaction with you. That's usually pretty easy since we work in different areas. I'm counting down the days until you're gone. Can't be soon enough.
Piggy back here. TTOTM who also blindsided me but on the floor. I turned around to see who she was raging at! Lol
For whatever reason, I got on your bad side a long time ago and so I've mostly just tried to avoid any interaction with you.
Some people you can never get on their good side because they don't have one.
Some people got up on the wrong side of the bed & it was next to a wall.
Some people you can say "Good morning" only to have them retort "I'll be the judge of that!"
Just *some* of the people I work with 🙄
The TM in my department who never even says hello or anything when I see him in the store.

The only time he says anything is to state I am doing something wrong or whatever.

Actually the other day he told me not to fill an item because it was filled.

I didn't say anything and filled it later because apparently because guests tend to bUy things after he leaves at 2:00.
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Seems my small store is full of bad behavior. TTOTL and POG TM s...nodding your head up and down in response to my question is still considered a "yes" in civilized society. Breaking into unhinged hysterical group laughter when I call you out on your misleading me into getting behind in my a trip to HR. POS.
Don't take so many gummies next shift.

Cover by the SD and ETL saves your job but you re still POS.
The TM in my department who never even says hello or anything when I see him in the store.
We had a TL like that when I was a Backroom TL. Wouldn’t say hi, drop dead, nothing, unless they wanted something. If that TL said Hi to me in the morning, I knew that by the end of the day I would be getting a list of pull requests. Never failed. 🙄
TTOTM: Thanks for barging in at the exact moment I was opening my mouth to ask out my lil' work crush after getting the greenest light I've ever seen in my modest dating life. You asked a series of questions so mood-killingly drawn out and dull, it had to be the single clutchest cockblock in company history. You are the legend of whatever it is you just did. I say this with love, of course.
The TM in my department who never even says hello or anything when I see him in the store.

The only time he says anything is to state I am doing something wrong or whatever.
There's a TL at my store like this too. At first I thought he was singling me specifically because I feel like he hates me every time I look in his direction; but after talking to co-workers, I found out he does the same to them and is always cranky regardless. There are maybe 2 people in the entire store that don't take his crap.
We had a wack-job TL in PFresh who would get all wet-shorts about a new cheese product. He'd prance the aisle waving a block of some imported cheese telling us how good it was. An asshole but a marginally pleasant asshole.
TTOTM at our DC: Are you trying to make my job harder? Because if you are, you're succeeding!
Got a repack box today that must have been the victim of something heavy falling on it. The repack box itself was pretty smashed as were a lot of boxes inside it. To make things even worse, a bottle of liquid broke enough to leak outside of its plastic shrink wrap and wreck some more boxes.
Could be the truck was poorly loaded and the box got smashed while in transit. It happened with enough lead time for product to get really messed up by the time I opened the repack early this morning. Whenever and however it happened, it was mess.
I heard of a receiver once that acknowledged a truck that we had yet to receive.

How this is possible I don't know because this was the day before it's arrival.

However it screwed up the OPUs because it said all these items were available to purchase.
Over the many years in receiving I've done it a couple of times. If the DC closes the trailer it can happen. I'm not know how I even did it. Unless it was sorta butt dialed type of situation.
TTOTM: Self-Checkout shouldn't be treated like boot camp. Yes, the sign says 10 items or fewer, but if someone has 13 or so items, I'm not going to go all drill sergeant and kick them out.

Since the 10 item rule was enacted on the side I frequently work on, it's become pretty quiet; (I can sometimes go close to a hour where it's just me wheeling around) so I welcome anyone in.

It's completely asinine for you to tell me how to run my work area during *my* shift and that I should inspect everyone's baskets / carts and "Make sure everyone follows the rules."

I've seen you interact with guests and I can see why your survey scores are on the low side. You're quite rude to them a majority of the time.
TTOTM: Self-Checkout shouldn't be treated like boot camp.
How true. The last time (and I do mean the last time) I went to the SCO the drill Sgt in charge looked at my cart, gave me the death stare, grabbed the front of the cart and pulled it over to a nearby cashier, all without a word. I don’t know what my transgression was, since I only had ten items in the cart, but I really wasn’t in the mood to ask at that point. Needless to say, if I can’t do an online order, Spot is out of luck. Wonder whatever happened to “Make it right for the guest”?🙁
Either Target is too strict or not strict enough around here. Can't please anyone!
Nobody else in the store has an issue. It's literally just this one TM. She grumbles to all the Shipt shoppers that come through that it bugs her that "People can't read the sign." 🙄 🤷‍♀️
Oh my stars. I actually prefer going to a lane with a cashier, but if it's going to be a wait and there's an SCO station available, I'll use it.
Sounds like some people need to lighten up. Or maybe get better sleep so they're not so grumpy.
I'm never in a rush so I go to the cashiers as well as the SCO. Odd as it may seem I like to chat with them and interact. Keep the conversation light and fun and polite. Much better for both of us. I've been there and done that years ago and people haven't changed. There will always be miserable assholes wherever you go and in all demographics.

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