Archived Toilet Paper forts

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So, what if a group of people do this, and then claim they got locked in to avoid getting in trouble? Couldn't the closing LOD get fired for that?
It's a final warning. If the cameras show that you checked everywhere (yes, behind infant furniture and tp) and they were deliberately avoiding you, you might have a case, I suppose.
Not every store has a lock on the door to the team member areas. They definitely knew someone who knew someone who worked there though. Because they were able to get that person to call someone to come let them out.
That's just crazy. Why the heck aren't those areas restricted at this point? It's bad enough nobody has a lock for our desks, but at least random idiots can't wander in and look through my stuff.
Kinda glad there really isn't anywhere for people to do this kind of thing easily at my store.
Oh " H" NO!!! We can't keep TP in stock at my store so I would know something is up plus I actually zone paper. Those kids should have been arrested for trespassing. Plus why doesn't Target have motion detectiors. I worked at a place where if you got locked in if you moved anywhere in the store it would set off the alarm.

Some stores do have motion detectors, but usually those stores are in a bad neighborhood. (I worked in one)

Part of closing LOD routine is to check bathrooms/stockrooms/other areas people hide in. Most people that get accidentally locked in the store will call 911 or exit thru an emergency exit. In those cases, you can bet your ass you will be on a corrective action.
That's just crazy. Why the heck aren't those areas restricted at this point? It's bad enough nobody has a lock for our desks, but at least random idiots can't wander in and look through my stuff.
Well ours is in the front of the building, with the entrance in the middle of the checklanes. I suppose someone could sneak back there later in the evening when the store is busy but there aren't many TMs around. And even then, all of the ETL and SrTL offices are locked.
It's a final warning. If the cameras show that you checked everywhere (yes, behind infant furniture and tp) and they were deliberately avoiding you, you might have a case, I suppose.

This is exactly why I take a thorough walk of the store on closing nights and have been checking behind paper towels and toilet paper since we catch kids weekly doing this during the day (never caught one at night).
Those particular display stands should have a built in scale that sets off an alarm whenever a certain weight limit is exceeded.

That would be the end of toilet paper forts!
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Kinda makes me grateful now that ive only seen crazy self entitled dog moms that carry their pooches in purses in stores or the 1 time i did witness the one crazy stroller pushing dog mom push her dog into target as i was leaving lol i mean they arent building tp forts at least.
Which door? I didn't see any that needed a combination.

Hence why I said there was a gap in the video. Every store I have been in, has a combination keypad to gain entry.
Hence why I said there was a gap in the video. Every store I have been in, has a combination keypad to gain entry.
What, into clerical? The 4 stores I've worked in haven't had keypads into them. The only places that require keypads, I think, are cash office and doors directly leading to it.
Hence why I said there was a gap in the video. Every store I have been in, has a combination keypad to gain entry.
We have no doors with keypads. All just open or use actual keys.
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