Archived Transcend Beauty (Cosmetics remodel!!)

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Ahh sorry, I have some pics to post I've just been too busy to get them uploaded.

As a little trivia, I did some digging on workbench. AFAIK, this 20 store pilot cost Target 2.5M dollars.

Check your emails! Transcend Beauty is being rolled out chain wide... I was notified today that during the Spring 2014 transition we will be replacing Destination Beauty with Transcend Beauty. I have been contacted by a vendor who will be installing electrical outlets next week through out my current DB set in anticipation for the remodel/rightsizing next spring.

So with that being said.. Does anyone have Transcend Beauty in their stores now? If so, please DETAILS! Pros, cons? Tips/Tricks.. etc. Anyone please let me know who is getting this remodel as well so we can status accordingly and prepare and strategize so that we can execute the set effectively.

Thanks team!
I think our store might be getting it. We're in the middle of a Pfresh remodel, and cosmetics is one of the sections that's due to get a make-over (pun absolutely intended). They haven't made their way to that part of the store yet, so we'll see!
Keep us posted! It's either destination Beauty or the transcend beauty set. What did you have prior?
Keep us posted! It's either destination Beauty or the transcend beauty set. What did you have prior?

I'm not sure, but it's definitely not either of those. Our store is about 10 years old from what I've heard, so I think it's whatever we got when we opened. We still have the standard shelved endcaps that the rest of the store uses and those awful plastic mini-pushers and dividers that only stay put for about 24 seconds after you set the isle.
Haha yea. That sounds accurate to what I have now.. It's terrible.
I will not miss the use of bullnoses
I believe this is what my store has currently. Then again we are a fairly new store so I think they just built it that way. It is a nice system. There are still things that don't fit right and cosmetics is still always a mess but whatever. It is always interesting trying to reshop/zone after the store closes though cause you can't see a damn thing in those aisles once those lights go off.
I really hope i get this email when i go in to work... We are a chain beauty store, but so far have yet to be p-fresh remodeled so.... maybe it wont make it to my store being so low volume. Our cosmetics area looks more cream colored than white in some parts. Its old..
I really hope i get this email when i go in to work... We are a chain beauty store, but so far have yet to be p-fresh remodeled so.... maybe it wont make it to my store being so low volume. Our cosmetics area looks more cream colored than white in some parts. Its old..

I did saw the new signing pallet of beauty today.

I hope you didn't saw it - your signing TM might have a heart attack!

Sorry, I couldn't resist. 😀

My signing tm was on vacation, last week. I had seen the pallet, when looking for the pharmacy pallet. It was right next to it.

At least he didn't seen it.

(sigh) I wasn't being a grammar nazi, I was utilizing wordplay in an attempt to make a funny.
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