Archived Transferring To Another Store

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Salesfloor TL
Jun 4, 2016
Has anyone ever had a successful transfer or known someone who has had a successful transfer to another store. I plan on moving to another state soon and I heard it's very difficult to actually transfer to another store especially if you're a TL, and that it sometimes boils down to the fact that the STL or HR of your store doesn't want to transfer you because of the work involved.
The only issue with TLs is that a TL opening needs to be available at the new store. And your STL is ok with letting you go and may need to communicate your work to the new STL. If there isn't an opening you will put on bench.
Yeah transferring is not hard assuming you are not on CA.

Most stores will accommodate you the major issue is on the other side. They may not have your position open, not want to hire someone for leadership they don't know.

Some stores just don't respond promptly when you try to transfer someone to them It sucks. Wish you the best of luck but don't assume your store is going to try to stop you.
It's actually a pretty simple process if the store you want to transfer to has a position available for you. If they have a position available they may want to do a phone interview with you after they check with your HR that they support your transfer.
Be proactive and it'll be easier for you. I'm sure ASANTS, but if you let your store handle your transfer, they'll just drag their feet and nothing will get done. I let my store know I was moving a couple months in advance and then looked for TL openings in the area I wanted to transfer to. After positions opened I called those stores and actually able to set up a phone interview with their DTL, when interveiwing with a DTL was a thing. Even after letting my store know that once my lease was up, that I was moving 3 hours away to be closer to family, they made me commute 3 hours for a week because they weren't 'ready' for me to leave. :rolleyes:
Be proactive and it'll be easier for you. I'm sure ASANTS, but if you let your store handle your transfer, they'll just drag their feet and nothing will get done. I let my store know I was moving a couple months in advance and then looked for TL openings in the area I wanted to transfer to. After positions opened I called those stores and actually able to set up a phone interview with their DTL, when interveiwing with a DTL was a thing. Even after letting my store know that once my lease was up, that I was moving 3 hours away to be closer to family, they made me commute 3 hours for a week because they weren't 'ready' for me to leave. :rolleyes:

Yeah I think that's what I'm going to do. Let them know a few months in advance so they can get their things together and I will call other stores and look out for openings.
I'm still in process, but I can tell you it does take time. When I found out I was moving I put in my two weeks, my ETL emailed the new store that day. Here it is maybe 5 weeks later and I just heard from the new store. Not a problem if you're either not in a hurry or if you give plenty of lead time.
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