Archived Transition query

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Dr Laytex

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Jun 29, 2011
Does anyone else backstock transition, only to have to pull it in a POG a day or two later? I thought this was what the Transition Steel was for.
In return Target comix...View attachment Sec49.jpg
Our store puts them on pallets and stages them in the steel. I wish they would organize them. Bringing down a bunch of pallets to only need a few boxes on each pallet is a waste of time.
This is the reason the DC sends segregated trucks. The first part of the truck is the normal freight and the other part is the transition. Usually, they do this when there is a major transition coming, like toys. So the flow process when this happens is to get the regular freight unloaded and out to the floor and then you have people stay behind to be the unload team for the transition part of the truck. You sort the transition onto pallets by aisle and then those pallets get labeled, shrink-wrapped and put into the transition area of the backroom. Then the team members go out and join the rest of the flow team (or backroom team) to help deal with the rest of that shift's workload.
Granted, it doesn't always work this way, but that's best practice.
We backstock it. All of it. Then one or two days later I pull it for POG. Seems like a waste of time for a couple of people.
When we do have segregated trucks, the flow team does sort them by aisle. When we don't have segregated trucks (i.e. domestics or infants transition) and the product flows off the truck with the normal merchandise they just put it all on pallets without sorting them by aisle.
your ptl should be utilizing their preties to get stuff sorted as it comes in. if its not pretied by monday 2 weeks ahead of time, it'll go straight to backstock instead of transition. or so i was taught.
We normally organize, label and fly everything up in the steel. Then POG pulls it down at their convenience. As far as backstocking, I wish Target would improve the overall POG system. We get asked to pull Planos all the time, we do it then backstock 80% of it, filling up all our open locations and wasting everyones time. How hard could it be to improve the system? Our autofills are pretty much dead on, why not POG? I highly doubt those 30 plate sets you just pulled are going to go.
We normally organize, label and fly everything up in the steel. Then POG pulls it down at their convenience. As far as backstocking, I wish Target would improve the overall POG system. We get asked to pull Planos all the time, we do it then backstock 80% of it, filling up all our open locations and wasting everyones time. How hard could it be to improve the system? Our autofills are pretty much dead on, why not POG? I highly doubt those 30 plate sets you just pulled are going to go.

I think the system operates under the assumption that everything that is de-merchandised from an aisle when the plano team is resetting is is going to be backstocked before the POG fill is dropped. Pretty fricken dumb, right?

Also, shelf capacities are not always correct so that causes the system to pull deeper than it needs to as well.
Also, shelf capacities are not always correct so that causes the system to pull deeper than it needs to as well.

You got that right! POG recently reset Plug and as you know most Plug locations hold 2/3 of the item, due to box size. That was a FUN backstocking experience. 😀
You got that right! POG recently reset Plug and as you know most Plug locations hold 2/3 of the item, due to box size. That was a FUN backstocking experience. 😀

Same story! I was the lucky winner that got to do those 4 flats of backstock! I think in small appliances, the top shelf that holds the display also counts for 1 unit capacity, so you know that for every item in PLUG, the system will pull at least one extra! #suicidewatch
very odd, we usually have very little backstock. the only area that's been a major pain is the checklanes. and if you drop a "ad items" fill instead of new pog fill, then just shoot a batch for your missing items, it saves all the hours of pulling/bs whats already out, and clears twt fill report. bp or not, it gets the job done, isn't traceable on reporting, and as long as you make sure its full, should be fine.
very odd, we usually have very little backstock. the only area that's been a major pain is the checklanes. and if you drop a "ad items" fill instead of new pog fill, then just shoot a batch for your missing items, it saves all the hours of pulling/bs whats already out, and clears twt fill report. bp or not, it gets the job done, isn't traceable on reporting, and as long as you make sure its full, should be fine.

There is a report that shows how many New POG Fills, POG Fills, REVision Fills, and Order batches got dropped. so be careful you don't have to many POG Fill batches or its bound to raise some red flags
Our truck team throws all the transition stuff up in the steel without sorting it, and then my team has to spend extra time getting the pallets down, digging through them, and putting them back up. That's about half the time. The other half of the time, they just backstock, even if it's stuff that's CLEARLY marked for a major transition. Why bother doing the preties if they aren't going to sort it out? Isn't that the point, so it doesn't have to be touched a hundred times, or searched for? I hear a lot about best practice when someone is asking my team to do something we don't have time for (i.e. the whole team working truck) but if it would make our job easier? Best practice be damned!
well we don't have the space to put everything up that comes in pretied. So when we only get 5 boxes for an aisle it goes straight to backstock. If it doesn't take up at least a half a pallet, it isn't worth it.

Someone has to spend time sorting it. Either it is the flow/backroom team or plano. That seems to be very store dependant. Currently we sort the repacks that come in as part of transition as well. Major pain in the ass.
Our PTL utilizes pre-ties every time we can, and the BR Team organizes, palletizes, marks, and places the transition up in the steel. This partnership saves SO much time and labor for both the plano and backroom team. Now only if we could convince the flow team to check dual locations when we set mini and seasonal so the research batches aren't so huge... the flow TL and ETL-LOG seem to be broken records reminding their team to do so, but it doesn't sink in.
The flow team usually just puts all transitions on pallets anyway so even if ptl preties it is usually on a mixed pallet anyway.
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