Archived "Tuck Your Shirt In"

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Man will you feel dumb getting fired for not tucking your shirt in. Just do what your boss says. I mean if This is where you're gonna make your stand what happens when he tells you to do something he Knows you won't want to do? I'd put you on the top of my list of people to get rid of.
And he has a Boss that oversees him, we did quite fine if not better prior to his arrival. I'm not stubborn to listening, in fact I'm very cooperative and a team player.
A real hard worker. I was recently interviewed for a TL spot and currently in the stages of development. The logic behind this TL motive is vague and comical to expect all his BrTMs shirts tucked at all times, with all the moving, squatting, twisting, jumping, pushing, pulling, lifting etc. Someone can take offense by the "girls are an exception" ruling by merely stating "I consider myself a girl".

Point is, we got bigger fish to fry in that store and out of all things, he's determination to make this a priority is mind-boggling.
Over 15 years at spot and I've never tucked my shirt in once. If my TL told me that I'd probably laugh in his face. Maybe he should be worrying about the backroom scores, not this trivial kind of shit.
As a fatty myself I only tucked my shirt in when I was a TL or unless they made everyone do it! Women got away with it un-tucked because it was a "style"... Once I told them untucked was my style as a guy and thats discrimination they left me alone about it.

I've been known to use that reasoning as well
"Guys need to do this, but it doesn't apply to girls"

I'm sorry I don't discriminate, either you hold everyone accountable to the same standard or I'm not going to be doing it.
I guess I'm kind of a b, but when outsiders come in and try to tell me target brand, I like to highlight the shit out of it and hand it to them.

Tucking in your shirt? Not in the handbook.
ETL's should wear collared shirts tucked in.

TM's, untucked.

Carry on!
Not once in the 4 years I've worked at my store has tucking in your shirt come up. I'd say our dress code is actually very chill. As long as your top is mostly red and whatever is on your legs is earth colored, no one says a thing. But good lord, don't get caught without a name tag. That's one thing they constantly look for.
Wow, this is fuckin' brilliant. Tuck your shirt in, reach up, tuck it in again, reach down, tuck it in again, push a tub, tuck it in again, move a full case, tuck it in again, this guy deserves a fuckin' medal for finding ways to build logistic efficiency!
Tuck/no tuck. Doesn't matter. Your boss says do it. You say No. That's a problem
So what if his boss says all shirt collars must be popped up at all times?

What if he says upon completing a batch, you must loudly quack like a duck?
I used to wear those fancy twill polos with the dog and "Fast Fun and Friendly" on it and a nice belt all the time. Always had it tucked in too.

Now I wear shirts that would look stupid tucked in; they're nice looking shirts too. If they told me that I would just laugh and walk away.
Many many things about working at Target sucks. So you do the little things to try and make your team members lives a bit easier. Harassing people in the back room about tucking in shirts is just creating more unhappy team members. Their simply is no point in it. In particular since it applies only to males and is not in the hand book thus is going to cause resistance. Frankly your new TL sounds like he has no idea how to lead.
Has anyone actually looked in the handbook to see if it actually DOES say shirts must be tucked in? We had a SrTL who was on a "dress code" kick for a while, so we grabbed an extra one and showed her she was wrong. She hasn't said a word since 😉
It sounds less like an appearance issue to me, and more like a power issue. If this TL can come in and make his TMs tuck all of their shirts in when they hadn't previously, he appears to have control over you. He's just trying to make himself look good by (attempting) to make you look good. With all of the moving, bending and lifting that backroom does... plus the fact that you're not visible to the public for half of your shift... it's a bit over the top, imo.
Our store went through a " tuck in" phase several years ago...and to be honest with you it sucked. I am the kind of person that cant stand my clothing to be tight on me...tucking a shirt in makes a shirt tight and drives me nuts. Plus, working in the backroom the shirt wouldn't stay tucked in very long and when it came untucked it looked like was all wrinkled ( from being tucked in ). Then added on top of that the fact the store is so damn hot...yea it sucked. I think Spot has way bigger issues to worry about that team members tucking their shirts in. To the OP...the whole women not being made to tuck in...IMO is wrong.
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TL can tell his Team what to do. But he cannot tell TMs in other areas to do the same.

But ultimately, the STL has that say so.

Most of my former years, it was almost a free for all T-shirts and untucked shirts. Then my last years we were told button up or polo shirts and they had to be tucked.; no T-shirts unless it promoted the Target Brand or working FA or CA.
I disagree, I spent my 3 hours without re-tucking at all.
it's all about technique.
not just shoving the shirt down your pants.

I would love to know the technique you use to keep shirts from going untucked. I am 100% serious here. Also, do you have any ways in particular of minimising the abrasions a tucked in shirt leaves on my hip bones? I have a scar that is a little over four years old from having to tuck in my work shirt daily, and I would very much like to not have to have any more.

edit: spelling typo
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