Archived Unfair scnerio

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It was an example of not losing your cool when your boss was being an extreme asshole.

You will find that people here react to you largely based on the way you present yourself, decent people are treated decently, snarky people are treated with snark, etc.
No @commiecorvus , please stop making excuses. There is definitely bias , prejudice and discrimination on this site. Its ok though, its something I’ve learned to live with.
No @commiecorvus , please stop making excuses. There is definitely bias , prejudice and discrimination on this site. Its ok though, its something I’ve learned to live with.

I am too old for excuses.
Admittedly bias is hard to avoid for anyone, though it is something I try to watch for.
Based on the dictionarys definition of the last two,
No @commiecorvus , please stop making excuses. There is definitely bias , prejudice and discrimination on this site. Its ok though, its something I’ve learned to live with.

How can one hold prejudice and discriminate when all are exactly the same? This is the internet, not face to face. All that we see are a bunch of one's and zeros.
How can someone on an Internet forum be proven to be explicitly prejudice when we all are behind usernames and random pics for avatars? Unless you all know each other in person there isn’t any way to prove people are prejudice on this website.

We’re all just usernames with anonymity at this point.
At a certain point we're losing money on guests. Just my 2 cents. Any more than 3 min were losing. Just help direct, sell then ask if theres anything else you can help with and move on. Dont spend that much time holy moly. You know?
Nope. It was a waste of fucking time.
Happens all the time. People do it to cashiers somewhat too. Stand there holding a shirt in front of them going "Hmmmmm. Well....hmmmm. Maybe...hmmmm" and reevaluating every item in their cart.
Lonely/sad or distracting attention for something else.
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