Unfair Termination

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Hey guys. There is nothing more to the story. Everything that I shared is everything that there is to possibly share. The STL came in during my conversation with HR and overheard how unfair it was to be told that I had to have open availability in order to stay on permanently. No sooner did he walk out of the office, he was on the phone with my ETL who terminated me. The same ETL who spoke with me on Monday. Again, I never missed a shift and was a dedicated, loyal TM who showed her efforts and hard work in many areas of the store. None of my TL feel that this was ok and was told the only thing I can do is call the integrity hotline, which I did yesterday. Even my ETL who let me go and had me apart of his team felt horrible and knew that it wasn't right. At the end of the day this is a blessing even though I'm terrified of how I will provide for my children. The same day I got terminated, my children's neighboring schools from Stoneman Douglas were put on lockdown due to the shooting. If I didn't get fired I wouldn't have been able to sign my son out early, just 8 minutes shy of the shooting. So I count my blessings but I'm fearful of what the coming days will bring as I continue to search for employment. I posted in two threads because I'm knew to this and wasn't sure if I posted my concerns in the proper area. Thank you all for your advice and thoughts and I ask that you send some good vibes and prayers my way in finding a new job.

Were you in your 90 days?
The only thing I can think of is if you were within your 90 days and they decided that they would rather have someone with open availability, they totally can just let you go at any point in time. If you were past your 90 days then yeah sounds sketch as hell
I'm wondering this too. Like are you seasonal, and they're just letting you go before your 90 days? I'm just curious if that's the actual reason. Regardless, assuming everything here is accurate, it sounds like you could potentially get your job back.
I was hired on seasonal and offered a permanent position at the store. After speaking with corporate today following my call into the integrity line, I was told I was passed my 90 days even though my ETL told me there was nothing he could do because I hadn't gone passed my 90 days. Just another unfair thing I found out today.
What was your start date? If you started before November 17 you were past 90 days on Feb 15.

Your ETL and your STL are lying asshats.

Are you a full time beauty TM? If I had to guess, I'd say one or the other of them has a friend/lover/family member they want to put in that role and you're the easiest one to get rid of. Fuckers.
I was hired on seasonal and offered a permanent position at the store. After speaking with corporate today, following my call into the integrity line, I was told I was passed my 90 days even though my ETL told me there was nothing he could do because I hadn't gone passed my 90 days. Just another unfair thing I found out today.
I'm praying that I get my job back and won't stop fighting for myself and my kids due to this improper termination. My conversation with HR was nothing out of line. I have good character and it was done professionally. I was approached by HR, asking me if I was ok because I had swollen eyes from crying the night before after receiving the news from my ETL. My STL obviously didn't like the fact that I was standing up for myself and my family and wasn't going to just walk away.
During Christmas I was purchasing a laptop for my 9 year olds birthday. He had asked me who I was buying it for and I explained and told him that it felt nice being able to afford something for my son's birthday. His response was "that sounds like a personal problem". He's not the nicest of management to say the least so it's not shocking that he would be calling my ETL to tell him that I needed to be terminated. You guys are all in as much disbelief as I am currently in. Thanks again for all of your guy's input! It's very appreciative!
What was your start date? If you started before November 17 you were past 90 days on Feb 15.

Your ETL and your STL are lying asshats.

Are you a full time beauty TM? If I had to guess, I'd say one or the other of them has a friend/lover/family member they want to put in that role and you're the easiest one to get rid of. Fuckers.
I started November 10th
What was your start date? If you started before November 17 you were past 90 days on Feb 15.

Your ETL and your STL are lying asshats.

Are you a full time beauty TM? If I had to guess, I'd say one or the other of them has a friend/lover/family member they want to put in that role and you're the easiest one to get rid of. Fuckers.
I was all over the store. Several TL wanted me on their team. I was on Plano,flow team, price ad, cashier, ship to home... They used me every where because I was a Jill of all trades.
On Monday I was called into the ETL office and was told that even though I'm an exceptional employee and that they didn't want to lose me, that if I wasn't able to have open availability across the board that unfortunately my position could no longer be permanent. It was left with me having to touch base with him on Wednesday with regards to my availability.

I was hired on seasonal and offered a permanent position at the store. After speaking with corporate today following my call into the integrity line, I was told I was passed my 90 days even though my ETL told me there was nothing he could do because I hadn't gone passed my 90 days. Just another unfair thing I found out today.

I started November

It is hard to say for sure how they were able to justifiably terminate you since I don't have access to your TM info and the reason that they put on the termination request form.

I can give you a possibility of what could have happened: Since you were hired as seasonal, it is possible that they could have offered you a permanent position but have not put in a request to have you converted to Regular TM status yet. According to the seasonal staffing reduction information, the system does not automatically convert you from a Seasonal TM to a Regular TM until after 165 days. Since you started in November, you have not reached 165 days yet. This means that it is quite possible that you were still seasonal at the time of termination.

Here is the section about 165 days (the pic is a bit blurry but the words should still readable):

It is also possible that they already converted your status to Regular so don't give up yet. Continue communicating with the hotline to see what happens.
I was hired on seasonal and offered a permanent position at the store. After speaking with corporate today, following my call into the integrity line, I was told I was passed my 90 days even though my ETL told me there was nothing he could do because I hadn't gone passed my 90 days. Just another unfair thing I found out today.
I'm praying that I get my job back and won't stop fighting for myself and my kids due to this improper termination. My conversation with HR was nothing out of line. I have good character and it was done professionally. I was approached by HR, asking me if I was ok because I had swollen eyes from crying the night before after receiving the news from my ETL. My STL obviously didn't like the fact that I was standing up for myself and my family and wasn't going to just walk away.
During Christmas I was purchasing a laptop for my 9 year olds birthday. He had asked me who I was buying it for and I explained and told him that it felt nice being able to afford something for my son's birthday. His response was "that sounds like a personal problem". He's not the nicest of management to say the least so it's not shocking that he would be calling my ETL to tell him that I needed to be terminated. You guys are all in as much disbelief as I am currently in. Thanks again for all of your guy's input! It's very appreciative!
What exactly did you say to hr? How were you standing up for your family? Why was your family at work? What were they doing at your place of employment, that you had to “stand up for them”?
You are definitely leaving out some major stuff. The portrait that you painted of yourself , is skewed to make you look good.
If you cant be honest , stop wasting people’s time with your sob story.
We all know Target does not terminate people on the spot. There is always a paper trail.
So, wtf did you do to get fired, wtf did you say? How rotten is your attitude.
What exactly did you say to hr? How were you standing up for your family? Why was your family at work? What were they doing at your place of employment, that you had to “stand up for them”?
You are definitely leaving out some major stuff. The portrait that you painted of yourself , is skewed to make you look good.
If you cant be honest , stop wasting people’s time with your sob story.
We all know Target does not terminate people on the spot. There is always a paper trail.
So, wtf did you do to get fired, wtf did you say? How rotten is your attitude.
Wow... I didn't have my family there. I was standing up for myself and my family by trying to keep my job to provide for them. Read between the lines. There is no trail, 10 others got terminated earlier in the week. I would appreciate it if you would refrain from the negativity and foul language. Your comments are completely disrespectful and out of line. This is far from a sob story. Carry on
Wow... I didn't have my family there. I was standing up for myself and my family by trying to keep my job to provide for them. Read between the lines. There is no trail, 10 others got terminated earlier in the week. I would appreciate it if you would refrain from the negativity and foul language. Your comments are completely disrespectful and out of line. This is far from a sob story. Carry on
The troll is just trolling, when you bite the bait, you feed their appetite. Just ignore and move on to the next post.
Wow... I didn't have my family there. I was standing up for myself and my family by trying to keep my job to provide for them. Read between the lines. There is no trail, 10 others got terminated earlier in the week. I would appreciate it if you would refrain from the negativity and foul language. Your comments are completely disrespectful and out of line. This is far from a sob story. Carry on
Oh ok, a new detail has emerged, ten others were terminated in a week , which makes 11 including you. All for no cause. How were you standing up for your family? What did you say that got you fired?
If you read the thread, you would see how everything went down. HR approached me while I was doing a punch correction from the day before due to our time clock not functioning properly. She asked if I was ok, I replied back yes. She asked again. I said not really because I received some unfortunate news yesterday that of I didn't have open availability across the board, my position wouldn't work out permanently and that's just not fair under these circumstances. Her reply back was that I needed to speak with ETL HR and get it taken care of because it wasn't fair.
Anything else you want to ask?
I wasn't bad mouthing anyone like yourself. That's not my character. I wasn't acting out of line, like yourself. I was voicing my concerns in a respectful, professional manor to an HR TM who knew me as TM and appreciated the work that I had done in the store.
Again, please just carry on.
If you read the thread, you would see how everything went down. HR approached me while I was doing a punch correction from the day before due to our time clock not functioning properly. She asked if I was ok, I replied back yes. She asked again. I said not really because I received some unfortunate news yesterday that of I didn't have open availability across the board, my position wouldn't work out permanently and that's just not fair under these circumstances. Her reply back was that I needed to speak with ETL HR and get it taken care of because it wasn't fair.
Anything else you want to ask?
I wasn't bad mouthing anyone like yourself. That's not my character. I wasn't acting out of line, like yourself. I was voicing my concerns in a respectful, professional manor to an HR TM who knew me as TM and appreciated the work that I had done in the store.
Again, please just carry on.
Yes, yes, such professionalism. Such dignity. Guess who still has a job? Thats right, me, the asshole thats still is trying to figure out, how you were standing up for your family, and what did you say to get yourself fired!
Btw , no one knows what went down, you have been vague and not honest from the beginning.
I have been honest from the beginning. You're comments and disrespectful words are extremely immature and again completely unnecessary. How have I been vague? I've actually been pretty forthcoming with everything if you read the threads rather than just being a grown bully. Have a nice day!
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