Unfair Termination

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Im sorry but how does my story not add up? Is it because none of it makes sense? That's the whole point of my
well then if they told you this then they are still in the right, under 90 and seasonal tms are kept onboard at the stores description, it sounds to me like they cant accommodate your availability and this is what was told to you. You seem to not understand, and that does happen. out of curiosity what is your availability?
My availability was Wednesday-Sunday, anytime. I was passed my 90 days.
To me it sounds like they used the seasonal reason as termination due to not having open availability even though you were past your 90 and they don't know about the rules around it. If everything you said is accurate and 100% I would love to have you at my store and would fight to keep you there.... which is why none of this makes sense. A word of advice going forward with this is to keep up with the integrity hotline and be professional about the whole situation no matter what. If what you said is true, the only reason they have to let you go would be the availability part... which isn't something they can do after it is approved past your seasonal transition to a regular team member. That and you should be able to get back in as long as there were no other coachings on your file. Keep fighting for you and your kids!!

And don't listen to Planosss! It takes a different breed of person to go POG 😛
Thank you for your support and kind words.
Well, it seems that you have given us all the information you can or are willing to give; and we here have given you all the opinions and options we could come up with. Follow up with the Integrity Hotline and please post the outcome of your situation. Good luck going forward.
I can tell you right now retailers make the majority of their sales and traffic Fri-Sunday so your availability would be rough, your not able to help them 66% of their peak time. Even presentation teams are being pressured to try and set on weekends for the sake the bodies.
I can tell you right now retailers make the majority of their sales and traffic Fri-Sunday so your availability would be rough, your not able to help them 66% of their peak time. Even presentation teams are being pressured to try and set on weekends for the sake the bodies.

She said she was available Wednesday-Sunday so she was there for peak times.
I can tell you right now retailers make the majority of their sales and traffic Fri-Sunday so your availability would be rough, your not able to help them 66% of their peak time. Even presentation teams are being pressured to try and set on weekends for the sake the bodies.
So it's her fault that Target hired her with that availability and then 3 months later decided it wasn't good enough?
At hire, you sign an availability commitment. This is a contract that you agree to the availability given at hire with the understanding that you cannot change your availability in your first 90 days and all changes must be submitted and approved. It is also signed by your interviewer and on their end they are agreeing that you are accountable to scheduled shifts within your given availability. So for an ETL to just tell you to change your availability or you don’t have a job? That’s not how that works. If she was seasonal and excellent but they didn’t really have a spot for her with her current availability then that could be a conversation.
So were fired or did they scare you and force you to quit on your own. Did you fill out a voluntary termination form? Did they have your pay out ready for the hours you had worked??
I doubt we will. Looks like OP has been promoted to guest, after being promoted to guest.

We constantly have random new people who post a sob story about how they were wrongly fired and they never follow up.

I'm not talking about people who were here for years and were pushed out by an overzealous leader like @Targetcar Or @commiecorvus

When we justfly fire people at my store now I wonder if I'm going to find a breakroom post about how they were framed.

Not saying crappy firings don't happen but people conveniently leave information out
Not everyone is a troll, just because a person asks difficult questions doesn’t mean he has no right to speak. I have been ridiculed many times , by the administrators on this forum for asking tough questions. I think that needs to end now, we as a forum cannot condone the animosity of these administrators, the name calling, the harassments and threatening messages. All in order to silence our just questions. I didnt say anything the first time it happened. The second time I was sure that we as a forum will come together. By the third and forth time it seemed like we had become desensitized to the brutality of it all. This time though, it feels different. We have smart people like @HRZone and other brilliant minds looking at this and seeing how devastating this sort of an attack on an individual can be, saying #neveragain
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We constantly have random new people who post a sob story about how they were wrongly fired and they never follow up.

I'm not talking about people who were here for years and were pushed out by an overzealous leader like @Targetcar Or @commiecorvus

When we justfly fire people at my store now I wonder if I'm going to find a breakroom post about how they were framed.

Not saying crappy firings don't happen but people conveniently leave information out
People are often completely full of shit too.
There is a difference between asking tough questions and accusing someone of lying.
There's nothing wrong with trying to get a better grasp on a situation.
There's plenty wrong with telling someone they're full of shit because you don't believe what they have said.
It's a given that not everyone has tact and can phrase things in a polite manner.
To a certain degree I try to cut people some slack but there are limits.
Not everyone is a troll, just because a person asks difficult questions doesn’t mean he has no right to speak. I have been ridiculed many times , by the administrators on this forum for asking tough questions. I think that needs to end now, we as a forum cannot condone the animosity of these administrators, the name calling, the harassments and threatening messages. All in order to silence our just questions. I didnt say anything the first time it happened. The second time I was sure that we as a forum will come together. By the third and forth time it seemed like we had become desensitized to the brutality of it all. This time though, it feels different. We have smart people like @HRZone and other brilliant minds looking at this and seeing how devastating this sort of an attack on an individual can be, saying #neveragain
Man, I don’t think you’re a troll, but you remind me of someone who used to post on this site many years ago, and before that even on the original breakroom site. Some of the other old timers might remember him... @Hardlinesmaster @redeye58 @commiecorvus you guys remember talan123?
I think that needs to end now, we as a forum cannot condone the animosity of these administrators, the name calling, the harassments and threatening messages. All in order to silence our just questions. I didnt say anything the first time it happened. The second time I was sure that we as a forum will come together. By the third and forth time it seemed like we had become desensitized to the brutality of it all. This time though, it feels different. We have smart people like @HRZone and other brilliant minds looking at this and seeing how devastating this sort of an attack on an individual can be, saying #neveragain

Not sure if it's trolling, but this was an interesting bit of performance art.
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