Archived VA set

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Mar 25, 2013
Can anyone give me some advice as to how to be able to set VAs and POGs on time every week without fail even when we have a sales forecast of $300,000? I have excellent brand TM's and I always use TWT to plan the WL however, there are weeks when everything is just so busy that VA's cannot be completed and get pushed back. Any ideas??

My BTM (brand team members) dont have many hours to complete the WL. When TM's call out, my ETL refuses to replace them which doesnt help...
On big adjacencies they should be scheduled for the week before the due date and if it drags on you can still finish it the week it is due. Like RTW always has big adjacencies and they are a pain to complete so they might drag on for 2 weeks.
Also I don't schedule my team during open hours, they would never finish. PM me if you have more questions.
Do you set your Va your self or the team assists you? Im able to knock most of RTW in one day by myself and just have the brand TM set and shoot tables. I will usually set boys and girls the night that I close because it does not take that long and I'm zoning as I set. I also help my brand TM shoot research and set. For the tables i try to stay a week ahead just incase there are unforeseen issues.
I usually sit down with my other TL and ETL 2 weeks prior to VA sets and plan out the WL. My ETL is still screwing up the schedule and giving my TM's more hours the brand team members... hes even thinking about replacing the other two that left rather than giving my BTM's the hours they deserve and need. I know zone has to get done but I feel like if my brand team members have the majority of the hours, everything can be completed on time AND zone can be completed. I usually have assistance with the RTW VA because it is always a pain in the butt. We used to do the VAs early in the am prior to opening, but my ETL decided that wasnt a good idea because then there is no coverage on the salesfloor.
I'm sorry you have a bad etl. The only way to get adjacencies done is to do them before store opening. If you do it during store hours with all the zoning, back ups, cafs, etc you will always be behind!
I'm sorry you have a bad etl. The only way to get adjacencies done is to do them before store opening. If you do it during store hours with all the zoning, back ups, cafs, etc you will always be behind!

Wish that was possible but except for a few rare circumstances there are no softlines people scheduled before opening so it's impossible to get anything done that way.
I often have to do my signing ahead of the of adjacency for that reason.
I'm sorry you have a bad etl. The only way to get adjacencies done is to do them before store opening. If you do it during store hours with all the zoning, back ups, cafs, etc you will always be behind!
We don't even have an operator scheduled before 10 in the morning, let alone a softlines TM. This is not an option in some stores.
I'm speaking for higher volume stores. I know lower volume with less payroll has a lot of challenges too.
I'm sorry you have a bad etl. The only way to get adjacencies done is to do them before store opening. If you do it during store hours with all the zoning, back ups, cafs, etc you will always be behind!

My store used to do the adjacencies overnight, but when they started slashing payroll again, they moved it to 4AM so the TMs involved with it would be sales floor coverage once the store opened.
Pull ETL aside demonstrate courage and tell them that it will benefit the business by have BTM come in at 4am to complete work loads at 100% having a fresh adjacency sets up the team for success later in the day by having everything detail zoned. Fight for it.
You are telling me. I have a day this week where i work 11am - 4pm. I really hope it is slow. I am trying to help POG by setting accessories planos a week or 2 a head, as this department looks bad. I have tried to do PTM work in it for a few weeks now, but really had nothing, except for a few umbrellas in the back. Most of gotten some product on yesterdays BIG truck. I am just glad that most POGs there are easy to set.
I have an amazing BTM. She maps out all the locations and preps as much as she can 3-2 weeks before... Obviously things get added or deleted so she makes adjustments when possible. She'll usually stay 2 weeks a head of schedule and that's really the only way to stay ahead of the game. For adjacencies we start them the second they come in. I usually aim for 3 people, brand 8-2:30, regular tm 9-330 and FR 11-430. The brand takes Care of all her tasks and the regular tm will do adjacencies and etc. The fr takes care of reshop. This will happen 2-3 times a week. The other days I just schedule the brand and fr so she doesn't have to worry about reshop.
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