Waco Audits for OPU

Feb 21, 2019
Any fulfillment tls have a good system of auditing Waco’s for unlocated items that get missed in RTS? I’ve been having issues specifically in the grocery Opu section with products not getting pulled in rts & just sitting unlocated for days. Any advice would be appreciated thank you!!
It's most likely not missed RTS. Make sure your team is putting separate labels on everything and not hitting reprint. (Seriously, check random hold spaces once in awhile. You shouldn't be surprised what fulfillment TMs will do to cut corners when no one checks on things preemptively.) Also, make sure that the drive up team is grabbing everything and not just robo scanning and forgetting to grab some bags. That'll cut down on random things left in your hold locations. Missed RTS is rare, if it even happens at all anymore.

Assign a TM or yourself to check every bag in the hold area once a week. Do it at a slow time of the day for orders and when the holds aren't overflowing. At my store Sunday or Monday early morning works well. I just go through and scan by date. If it's more than 3 days old in the coolers or freezer, out it goes. Since we put all groceries in the dry space, even those that come in regular batches, I just pull everything over a week old. Anything without a pick label gets a sticky note to remove it the next week. I'm just a TM, so I really don't care why old things are still there. I just want them gone, so going by date works for me as my TL couldn't care less.

That works well as long as I have a chance to do it every week. If I don't get to it for awhile because I have other shit to do, then well that's when I find really nasty things in the coolers.
We audit grocery and cooler every 3 days. If the bag is more than a couple days old we double check it in the pick up to verify that it is not an active order. We typically do this at night when the grocery and cooler should be empty
Like others said it most likely isn't missed RTS, its guest service not grabbing all the bags, whether its because fulfillment is not making unique labels or guest service is just incompetent. I have to go through our grocery hold space twice a week and each time I pull out 20+ old bags that are 99% completed which takes up precious space in our coolers and freezers. Regular hold space probably more like every other week
there have been issues with RTS not populating every order thats expired. For grocery the company instruction is 4 days after the date on the sticker, then it gets taken back to ensure freshness. We audit the hold locations weekly to ensure nothing is missed. Even if it was missed by TM who does RTS. manually check dates and last name on labels and verify in the pickup app that Guest Service uses that the order matching the last name on the barcode isn't available. If it's not there in the pickup app it can be taken out of hold. It either missed in RTS or a TM messed up. We set up a schedule so that every location gets checked once a week.
You should partner with your SETLs to insure that their tms are scanning and checking all orders to avoid missing bags. Then make sure your team is creating a unique label and location for each bag/bulk and not reprinting labels, it is harder for guest advocates to miss a bag when each bag has its own location and its own label. Basically if no one cuts corners, you wont have as many issues.
We have a problem at our store of fullfillnent TMs scanning things into location before they bag. Then they place the items in the wrong location.

When the drive up TMs go to pull the bags they aren't in location. They look for a while then go pull off the floor. This means there are fulfilled orders sitting in wacos, with no way to find them...

We find them weeks later on a purge, miles from where they were placed. We are now writing down everything and investigating who and why. 1/2 the fulfillment team has been coached.... it has gotten better

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