Archived walkie channels

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I love when you're talking or listening on 4 and someone starts butting in.

"Pete, I'm going on lunch so can you..." "ON FOUR!" "Can you check and see if there's a sign back there that says...'
I like when that happens with 2 TMs wanting something pulled from the backroom on channel 2.

SFTM: hey Backroom can you pull an item for me?
BRTM: Sure go ahead with the numbers
SFTM: *numbers*
2nd SFTM: hey Backroom can you pull an item?
BRTM: We have one, I'll put it on the line
2nd SFTM: What?? I haven't told you what it is yet...
I'd never thought about it being a different type of walkie till I went to switch from 1 to 4 and ended up on 6 instead. I have a security background and had applied for and missed on the aptl spot by then, so maybe that's why they felt it was ok? Of course now every srtl and above uses an ap walkie so it's not really special anymore.
You run into the problem of "nosey" team members. If you are talking about a subject and the nosey team memeber decides to switch to 6, and the subject overhears the chatter. That team member just runied a APP.
Does anyone know how to access these channels with a normal multichannel walkie? I know most walkies out there scan a variety of services like the FRS, GMRS, and LPRS. I wonder which one Target uses...

I have a couple of higher end motorola walkies, I might just see if I can find the transmissions!
Does anyone know how to access these channels with a normal multichannel walkie? I know most walkies out there scan a variety of services like the FRS, GMRS, and LPRS. I wonder which one Target uses...

I have a couple of higher end motorola walkies, I might just see if I can find the transmissions!

From what I understand, large companies (like Target) that use two-way radio systems are required to operate in BRS (business band). Ordinary household walkie-talkies can't pick up BRS stations, but if you have a good radio, you might be able to find the correct frequencies.
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1 General announcements/brief chatter
2 Backroom
3 Conversations too long for channel 1/gossip
4 Cart Attendants/Overnight team depending on the time, or overflow if channel 3 is being used already

Only the AP walkies in my store have channels above 4.
1 general
2 backroom
3 overnight (also used during the day for long convos if 4 is taken)
4 long convos
5 AP
1 general
2 backroom
3 detailed/not for general
4 cart attendant/some tsc detailed questions
1 - all red card, gsa/gstl "I NEED..."
2 - where 3/4 of the walkie talk should be due to it having / needing more info along with backroom calls
3 - when 2 is busy
4 - not used often so the receiver uses it
At my store, ALL of logistics is on 2; flow, backroom and receiving. We also have one ETL that uses 2 for their chatter channel. So annoying.
At my store we do:

1 - General Channel (Sales floor, GSTL, Backup, Red Cards)
2 - Backroom Channel
3 - Private Channel (For specific info or conversations)
4 -Private Channel (When 3 is being used)
5 - ETL / LOD channel (LOD's, AP, and ETL's have access)
6 - AP Channel (LOD's, AP, and ETL's)

It's interesting reading that so many stores only let AP use 5 and 6... at our store all LOD's have AP walkies.. ETL's even take theirs home with them.
That's to insure they'll always have a walkie available when they "clock in."
1 = General Red Card annoyance, Calling out Pulls/Call Boxes/Steritech visits
2 = Backroom
3 = Longer Conversations
4 = Longer Conversations
5 = As much as I know we have no channel 5
6 = Literally this channel is pretty much where the ETLs tell each other what they want for lunch.
Our store uses 1 for 90% of chatter; 2 and 3 are for longer conversations. The whole idea of backroom having its own channel seems strange; ours is small enough that most the backroom team is in earshot of each other. I think I've heard 4 used once or twice.

Then for when the GSA or GSTL starts to launch into a RC spiel on 1, I'll switch to 0 for some peace and quiet. 🙂
1- general chatter
2- backroom
3- longer chatter
4- longer chatter

I imagine there is a 5 and/or 6 but I've never used them so they're probably for ETLs or AP only
Our store must operate completely differently than yalls. Small market. 6 channels.

Channel 1: general (everyone's on this channel)
Channel 2-4: auxiliary convos
Channel 5: no one ever uses
Channel 6: only the AP walkies work on this channel, which is obviously for conversation between AP team members only

When you hear "so and so go to six" there's a good chance something's going down at your store.
The only time I've ever heard channel 5 used was for my ETL-AP to chew out the APS without blowing his cover, and she explicitly told me and the other TPS not to change channels. I've never seen my boss so pissed. 😱
The only time I've ever heard channel 5 used was for my ETL-AP to chew out the APS without blowing his cover, and she explicitly told me and the other TPS not to change channels. I've never seen my boss so pissed. 😱

What did she chew him out for?
I'm not entirely sure. I wasn't going to ask afterwards, and the next week he was let go. I think it was a combination of talking down to her and possibly a bad stop.
I'm not entirely sure. I wasn't going to ask afterwards, and the next week he was let go. I think it was a combination of talking down to her and possibly a bad stop.

That's a shame. I know a few really damn good AP tm's who are on final after just one bad stop. Some of them are for petty policy restraints.
The only time I've ever heard channel 5 used was for my ETL-AP to chew out the APS without blowing his cover, and she explicitly told me and the other TPS not to change channels. I've never seen my boss so pissed. 😱
And, of course, everyone immediately tuned in.

My ETL saw me switching channels one day and asked what I was doing. I told him I was listening in. He said, "Hey, nobody admits that."

Really? It's the same rule of thumb as Facebook. If you don't want your Mother to hear it, don't say it over the walkie.
And, of course, everyone immediately tuned in.
Actually no. My ETL has a really friendly, bubbly attitude, but she was super pissed off about something he did. After seeing how pissed she was I determined that I never, ever want to be on the receiving end of her wrath.
My store:
1-General conversation
3-Privacy channel/long conversations
4-Other privacy channel, the "chew someone out" channel
5-AP channel. Used amongst AP to silently inform one another that the incoming conversation is "low priority" and "particularly insensitive" without saying something over the walkie.
6-AP channel. Used amongst AP to silently signify "shit's hitting the fan, be prepared" without saying something over the walkie.

At my store, NOBODY except AP uses AP walkies. Not even the STL.

That's interesting. At my store, LOD, AP, and GSA/GSTL carry an AP walkie so AP can let us know if a suspicious guest is coming to the front lanes.
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