Archived Wally World Returns Go Digital

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some items no longer wanted will not even have to be returned.

That includes goods that Walmart would discard anyway, like opened makeup, bruised perishable goods, or perhaps a bottle of floor cleaner damaged during delivery.

Well even if you get the code or whatever, you still will have to stand in line. And the return line at Walmart is always ridiculously long so unless they decide to beef up staffing in that area, I don't think it's going to make much difference tbh.
Enter those customers that break open a thing of makeup just so they can get their money back and not have to give up the item...
In certain cases such as orders with bulky items, customers can simply keep them and still get a refund, a program it referred to as “keep it” in an interview last week.
Um yes I bought this 70 inch TV on and it doesn't work. It won't fit in my car so I didn't bring it in with me. I'll just take my refund please.
*Comes in with chocolate all over face* That case of chocolate bars you sent was all broken... *holds hand out*
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