Archived Was asked to become a Team Lead...

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Jul 2, 2014
Hi! So yesterday I was called into my etls office and she asked me if I was ok with working in market, and I told her of course and that I was kinda sorta already trained in the routines...anyway the conversation came down to her basically casually joking that she hoped I would never leave because I'm trained almost everywhere, or at least have a knowledge of how to do everything in the store. And I told her that I did have long term goals and she said that there is a lot of room for growth and she also said that she had been wanting to have this conversation with me for a while about becoming a team lead....which at that point I couldn't believe my ears because I had been putting my name out there for a few months at that point. So she started the process right there, went through the learning plan a little and letting me know what would be happening in the next few weeks. She said I should be able to interview by July and that I will be given ownership of areas and or projects in the next few weeks. The thing is I literally just turned 18, and I don't even have a license yet and if I would get put "on the bench" and a position would come up, I might have to transfer to another store, which I could never imagine doing...I met my boyfriend at the store I'm at and because of my parents, work is the only place That we can see each other. Sorry if that got too personal. Also if I had to transfer stores I would have to get a car, as well and I don't know if the money I'd get for tl would be worth all that investment because I didn't plan on getting a car until a few years from now because at this point I can walk to work so there's no immediate need to have transportation. I guess deep down I'm looking for some advice because I didn't know that there would be a chance that I would have to transfer. And I really don't know if this is what I want anymore.
Crap - who wants to transfer?

I know I don't...
I would continue to work on the development and go for the interview. You can let your STL know that you are not interested in transferring. The only negative aspect is
that it could take months or years before a TL position opens at your store. You also have no say in what position you get, since they just throw you in whatever position is open.
The bench at my store means you've passed your TL interviews and are waiting for a spot to open up. Atleast at my current store (and my previous store) you have the choice to turn down certain positions if you don't think it's the right fit or don't want to transfer to another store.

We have a guy on our bench who has turned down the last three openings because it wasn't the position he wanted. I think after a year of being on the bench you may have to re interview but I'm not sure.
Doesn't sound like you have any reason to be in a rush. Take it as it comes, pass those interviews, and patiently wait for an opening at your store.
Keep up the great work! Being on the bench, which is probably where you will be, just means waiting for a TL job to open. You don't have to leave your store. You may have to wait longer for something to open though. You can show your flexibility by taking whatever TL position opens at your store rather than going to another store.
The process can be long. Depending on the size of your store, they want anywhere from 3 on the bench at a time, so just keep doing your best and make the decisions as they come up--Don't borrow trouble, as my Granny would say!
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