Archived Welfare abuser stories?

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Wait, aren't we talking about welfare abuse or service plans? The plans are not covered by ebt.

The SRP thing was just a derail from the original topic.

Back on topic, baking soda is usually covered by EBT so it was probably a mistake. Griping about spending $279 on a TV while being on welfare is a pretty shitty thing to do. For all we know, that $279 is something they saved up to be a major Christmas present for their household. Even if it's not, you have to spend a little cash on luxuries once in a while.
So then, this begs the question, what do you do when a cashier has an issue with items not being covered by SNAP?

I change it any time the item should reasonably be changed IMO. Have had Kraft Mac & Cheese show up as non-EBT in the past, didn't think twice to make their card cover it. The feature is built into the POS for a reason, it's intended to be used when reasonable.

EDIT: Only thing I would even think of buying an extended warranty on would be a laptop. Specifically expensive laptops, They often have very poor ventilation and overheat, which can lead to premature hardware failure. $1,600 laptop is probably worth insuring.
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So then, this begs the question, what do you do when a cashier has an issue with items not being covered by SNAP?

I change it any time the item should reasonably be changed IMO. Have had Kraft Mac & Cheese show up as non-EBT in the past, didn't think twice to make their card cover it. The feature is built into the POS for a reason, it's intended to be used when reasonable.

This. Why wouldn't you just do it and move on?

I had a weird one a couple of weeks ago with that buy $50 worth of food and get a free $10 gift card with coupon. Well, the guest only bought food, bought the $50 worth, presented the coupon for the gift card and used her SNAP benefits. The problem is, when the POS uses that coupon, it adds a gift card, and takes off $10 on the order, but wants the guest to pay $10 in cash to cover that gift card that isn't a part of food stamps. So I thought about it, changed the gift card to food stamp eligible, and we all went on our merry way.

My ETL was standing there while I was thinking this through and did this. His response? He wanted to know where I was a half hour earlier when he had the same issue.
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