Archived What are the worst and best ideas in the last 5 years at Target?

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can you elaborate how the self checks are a lose/lose? And how they slow things down. We just got them and want to see how my observations compare with what is happening at other stores.

I worked briefly at a store that has Self checkout. They cut cashier hours by about 30+ hours, but the self checkout lanes move slower than a normal check lane. Stupid guests won't bag items correctly, try and 'slide' items, don't know where to insert money or coupons, etc... It's 'self assisted' checkout at best. And a TM has to oversee this mess so where you may have had 3-4 checklanes open, now you have 2 and self checkout.
Potentially the CVS sale... I'm still trying to figure out how you can't run a profitable pharmacy...
Well, first and foremost, technology.....they stuck with PDX WAAAYYYY too long, then tried to develop their own system (which was an utter failure and waste of money), and finally upgraded to EPS but were too cheap to actually purchase the licenses to allow us to utilize it to its full capabilities. Text messaging has been "glitchy" from day 1, as have the "robo-calls." Second, inventory control.....they decided to enter into a contract with other suppliers to deliver some of the medications. The issue was that those items were being shipped via FedEx overnight and there were no controls in place to limit the number of cartons being shipped. Some days, we would get multiple boxes with 1-2 items in them that could EASILY have been combined and shipped together. I'd like to know how much they lost on shipping costs alone. Plus, with the switch to EPS, they decided to implement "preferred generics," which at times, were out of stock. Because of how they were coded in the system, we couldn't order different manufacturers, unless we drop shipped them at an additional cost. Sometimes, we can get the preferred generic changed, sometimes we can't. Finally, ineffective micromanagement. In pharmacy practice, micromanagement is necessary to an extent. However, they were focusing on the wrong things.....we had a number of "visits" from upper management where they were strictly looking at superficial things, like were our supplies being stored according to best practice? Were we taking the rings off our RTS bottles? Was everything on our counter "brand"? Not a single suggestion on how we could better manage workflow or increase sales, but you can be sure they had recommendations on a better font size for the labels on our supply bins or told us to rearrange our supply shelves (because our rings/drams weren't in the correct order-we had the ones we used most often on the end of the shelf that was most easily accessible, they were supposed to be in color/size order, making the most used the least accessible) those really have any effect on how productive/profitable we could be 🙄

And, of course, the biggest reason Target pharmacies are the least profitable is that they actually pay us more than other pharmacies. Where I live, our techs START at what a tech at "the big 3" MIGHT make after 7-10 years.
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Also, does anyone remember that bike we sold a few years ago that was like $500?

We've sold two $500 bikes in the last 5 years and the one you're probably thinking about was the Neiman Marcus (from the collection that's been referenced several times in this thread) bike


The other was from the Missoni collection and it sold about as well as the NM one..
Sounds like that was just barely before my time (or we didn't get a bike). My first store was tiny so either or is possible ;P
Cartwheel? Can't stand it. Gimmicky. Making people jump through hoops to save money. Probably a way for Target to collect data off you.
Cartwheel? Can't stand it. Gimmicky. Making people jump through hoops to save money. Probably a way for Target to collect data off you.

Oh it definitely is. Literally every card swipe, discount scan, anything other than cash is tracked and used for market research. But cartwheel saved me almost $10 on my groceries last week, so by all means they can continue to track the various brands of frozen vegetables and chicken breast that i buy lol.
Cartwheel? Can't stand it. Gimmicky. Making people jump through hoops to save money. Probably a way for Target to collect data off you.
Target tracks everything else I do in the store, so thats fine. 😉 I will definitely continue to use their discounts so long as they let me.
Wasn't there more of those Shops at Target planned before they didn't sell well? I don't think anyone was stupid enough to buy candy buttons or Bit-O-Honeys in a plastic (not even glass!) jar for $5!

My Device: It's quirky and can be annoying but It's easier to use than pda/lpda.
Flex Fill: Seems to work pretty well in my store.
PFresh; (this was implemented before my time) but has been huge success in my store.


Target Ticket: A complete waste time effort and money
Oh Canada! : Could have been so much better if they weren't so aggressive with the expansion (imo)
EE: My opinion on this is scewed for two reasons: 1) I am a former electronics team member 2) After a six week delay brought to you by the town my store is in, we're just going through the remodel now. 3) I am completely and totally against the Target Mobile take over. think one of the strainghts we had was being non commissioned sales people. We could offer honest advice and sell guests what they wanted/needed. Now they're going to be sold whatever makes the Target mobile rep the most money. I think it's going to be a big turn off. Red Cards? as I understand Target Mobile reps. have no red card goal. It doesn't make them any money, so why bother. Red Card production out of Electronics has dropped dramatically in my store.

Ship to store: Launching soon.
self check lanes: I've seen issues in other stores where you always have to call someone over because it doesn't work. It probably means fewer cashier hours, which will lead to more backup. Depending on how far they go with self checkout, it they could see the need to cut hours or positions for GSA/GSTL.

It's interesting that I have read that Electronics Team Members were cross trained for Mobile. The only thing we are allowed to do in my store is prepaid. We are not allowed to touch contract phones in any way, shape or form. Target Mobile has their own lockup and Electronics tms don't have keys. In fact, the only ones that I know that have keys for the cellphone lockup are AP.
self check lanes: I've seen issues in other stores where you always have to call someone over because it doesn't work. It probably means fewer cashier hours, which will lead to more backup. Depending on how far they go with self checkout, it they could see the need to cut hours or positions for GSA/GSTL.

Yes, your hours get cut. However, most guests refuse to use them because it's too much like Walmart. Remember, we are Target...the store one shops at when one is too good for Walmart. So you still have long lines while the self checks have no lines.
I'd say the worst oversight with Pfresh is them building it in the complete opposite end of the backroom freezers and coolers in my store. So much wasted time every day going back and forth. I envy stores with backrooms attached an dairy coolers you can load from the back.
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