Archived What call button do you cringe at the most?

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Furniture 1 and 2. Because one is actually with the furniture. The other is several aisles down with clocks and picture frames and I can never remember which is which.

Gotten to third request a couple times from that.

Someone should change that to "Domestics" or "home furnishing".

Guest service needed in House holds. Who is responding?
I hate when I hear that, because there's three fricking buttons that call that, and usually only two team members in Hardlines.

I know there's Domestics, Home Furnishing, and apparently Furniture. Ask if you can change them, idk.

The Pets call button at my store somehow summons "Home Furnishing". The one TL in my store who has a call button in his desk for some reason that I know he knows how to program the things but won't fucking change it back to pets.
For three years we had a Furniture Call Button 2, but no 1.

Both of our furniture call buttons disappeared. When I asked my ETL-HL about them, he had no idea, so I assumed they were stolen.

My ETL-GE loves this button. We don't have a bakery but we have a button in his office that says bakery, that he presses when he wants to screw with people.

Reminds me of @Formina Sage and his spare call button that said "Fast service needed in meat. Who's responding?" in a non-Super Target.
My call-box nemesis is Seasonal. It's a ghost button that occasionally just goes off and after it requests help 3 times, it waits a full minute and then clears itself. Our new ETL-GE had never heard it go off before, and then like a week ago she started flipping out because no one was answering the Seasonal box, and we had to explain that it doesn't exist. She didn't quite get it.
I swear our store has a ghost of the spirit of the old Gottschalks that was torn down when they built my store, and it inhabits the electronics area. The alarms for Mobile's demos and the EAS towers going into the mall will randomly go off, and the electronics call button will occasionally call out when no one pushes it. I was talking to the Hardlines/Electronics TL once, 20 feet away when it sounded, and no one hit it.
Oh, and the Employment kiosk. No one can shut that damned thing off. The STL once just unplugged it from the wall to shut it up.
Seasonal - no one else will get it because they assume electronics will and the rest of the electronics team have decided they do not have time anymore to walk down the racetrack to seasonal.
I just hate anytime when I'm the closest person to any of the hl callboxes. If I have equipment, I'm able to help in any dept, but I rarely have equipment.

I also hate jewelry because I never get keys. And the times when someone pushes it, there's almost never anyone in tsc, so I have to beg lod or someone who has keys to tsc and the lockbox with the keys to come unleash jewelry keys for me.
I always seem to tense up when I hear 'Additional cashiers needed to the front lanes.. ' Usually, it's followed by 'green side' at which time, I begrudgingly make my hike from my dairy dungeon. Occasionally but not very often, the call is for 'blue side' and I let a sigh of relief as softlines will sometimes help with that side.

One would think that self checkouts would alleviate the need for fast service but I have yet to see any reduction.
Starbucks, Food Ave and Portrait Studio...only because they're only pressed when there's a pissed off guest.

And I hate our new Additional Cashiers call. It wasn't working at all a few weeks ago, but now that they fixed it, it only says "Additional cashiers needed at the front lanes" when it used to specify Green or Blue side. We have a long line of 24 registers and it was so helpful when it said "Additional cashiers to the green entrance"
We ignore the green side or blue side thing. Actually, we ignore that call in general. Cashiers often push it when it's not necessary. We wait for gsa or gstl to confirm that they need backup.
We ignore the green side or blue side thing. Actually, we ignore that call in general. Cashiers often push it when it's not necessary. We wait for gsa or gstl to confirm that they need backup.
I do the same thing, press that button all you want, but unless the GSA/service desk calls, I'm staying put.

I can go for hours without seeing another human being. As soon as my ass hits the chair in the break room, the call button goes off. Every. Single. Day.
Photo and bikes both suck.

SEASONAL is the one I despise. Because seasonal merch flows in, out, and is discontinued so quickly... And guests don't grasp that concept at all, so they get infuriated when it's december 23rd and we won't be getting any more christmas trees in. Or when it's March and we no longer carry winter boots. Or when it's BTS and we no longer carry patio furniture.
Infant Registry Kiosk is the bane of my existence! It goes off constantly and there's almost always no one around to clear it! We have to sometimes rush all the way from the other end of the store because employees ignore us when we call on the walkie for someone to just clear it real quick!

I can go for hours without seeing another human being. As soon as my ass hits the chair in the break room, the call button goes off. Every. Single. Day.
That's why I turn off my walkie for my breaks. If I'm the only person who knows how to do something... the LOD can deal with the guest.
Starbucks. Cause we often have no one trained to help in the building and it makes me want to cry for them.

And god forbid our ETLGE gets his ass out there to talk to people or run a register and take orders, so barista can make drinks. Eve chatting with the people would defuse the anger, cause guests know the barista is working but when no one shows up to help people really get pissed. Mere than once on a weekend I have heard that call button go off for an hour as many times as he could hit begging for help. ETLGE asking "how many red cards?"
I'm just glad we don't have a call button for alcohol cause it would get abused so bad, but hey at least everyone in the store would be racing to clear it.
MARKET! Although there's always someone covering market, but still if no one is around they'll walkie me and put me on the spot I'll have no choice or when they need someone in market too to verify something. I just dislike market! I don't know it very well anymore I forgot the map I had in my head when they cut my hours a while back ago.
"Cashiers needed at guest service"

Ultimate Oh S*** moment
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