Archived What can I do to get my team leader removed?

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Nov 29, 2012
The team leader we currently have in my department (electronics) is absolutely terrible. She's already been removed from Hardlines and Logistics before, due to incompetency. She yells at employees, laughs at guests, ignores the requests of the various product representatives, and has all of us electronics team members do nothing but zone all day, while she sits in the boat, racking up sales, surveys, and redcards. The problem is, she's really chummy with our STL. Is there anything I can do to force their hand, and finally, FINALLY get this woman out?

(Don't get me wrong, I'm not just some whiny little punk who holds a grudge against management because THEY MAKE ME DO MY JOB IT'S SO UNFAIR. This chick has absolutely GOT to go, it's ridiculous.)
First of all you do not know why this person left logistics or hardlines (she's the electronics TL? then she didn't leave hardlines). TL's are rotated around roughly every year or two. Every damn TM is always talking about this and that and they are wrong a majority of the time. Stop your gossiping.
Second her racking up sales, surveys, and redcards is what exactly? Perhaps your scores are down and she was challenged or threatened or placed there to get them up. There's not some stash of prizes for her to get for doing this, her ETL doesn't care that she had 45 redcards in 10 shifts. She isn't graded on that, she's graded on the overall (which includes the score, the performance of each TM and how she handles each with either recognition or accountability)
Third, she is your supervisor, if she instructs you to go zone, then you go zone.

Now it is possible she's a lazy piece of ****, but there's always two sides to each situation. Perhaps her manager style is ass. Who knows, but right now you have to deal with it because, and this is being frank with you, because right now you sound like a whiny little punk. You can not get rid of her because of your reasons.
or how about you sack up and do your job and zone all day as instructed

who cares if she yells at you or laughs at guests theres a reason she is your supervisor so just deal with it

cause right now it just sounds like you are jealous of her being a TL and want to replace her which is unlikely (i mean cmon complaining about sales surveys etc as if you get a commission)

remember there are other team members who would kill to be in your position and zone all day for a higher paygrade
Other than using the sexual harassment card, which would be very dirty, not much. If she's legitimately bad, document all of the bad things and send your findings up the ladder.
Making your opinion known on the BTS is pathetic. It will impact all TL's, not just that one. I'm not even going to come back to this thread since it's going to be a bunch of whining and circlejerking about how this TL is bad because she's making them do their job.
Although I can't stand certain TL's in on my shift at my store, Target has cut my hours so much that I don't really have to deal with them at all.
Making your opinion known on the BTS is pathetic. It will impact all TL's, not just that one. I'm not even going to come back to this thread since it's going to be a bunch of whining and circlejerking about how this TL is bad because she's making them do their job.

Bts chats will pinpoint the TL. It's how we fixed a problematic gstl a couple of years ago, her behavior changed drastically for the better.
First of all you do not know why this person left logistics or hardlines (she's the electronics TL? then she didn't leave hardlines). TL's are rotated around roughly every year or two. Every damn TM is always talking about this and that and they are wrong a majority of the time. Stop your gossiping.
Second her racking up sales, surveys, and redcards is what exactly? Perhaps your scores are down and she was challenged or threatened or placed there to get them up. There's not some stash of prizes for her to get for doing this, her ETL doesn't care that she had 45 redcards in 10 shifts. She isn't graded on that, she's graded on the overall (which includes the score, the performance of each TM and how she handles each with either recognition or accountability)
Third, she is your supervisor, if she instructs you to go zone, then you go zone.

Now it is possible she's a lazy piece of ****, but there's always two sides to each situation. Perhaps her manager style is ass. Who knows, but right now you have to deal with it because, and this is being frank with you, because right now you sound like a whiny little punk. You can not get rid of her because of your reasons.

First of all, I DO know why she left those departments. I was told so by two other ETL's. Secondly, My sales have been consistently above 80%, when I'm actually allowed to work the register. And yes, as a matter of fact, her ELT might not care, but the STL DOES care about how many redcards and surveys we get. We're graded on it, in fact, and he takes the time to print out little graphs showing our numbers and performance for the last week. And why, exactly, can I not get rid of someone who doesn't do their job, and is actively preventing the rest of us from doing OUR jobs?
or how about you sack up and do your job and zone all day as instructed

who cares if she yells at you or laughs at guests theres a reason she is your supervisor so just deal with it

cause right now it just sounds like you are jealous of her being a TL and want to replace her which is unlikely (i mean cmon complaining about sales surveys etc as if you get a commission)

remember there are other team members who would kill to be in your position and zone all day for a higher paygrade

Because while I'm out zoning, our pulls and gobacks are literally piling up, and I'm straight up *not allowed* to do anything about it on days that we're working together. I've got more responsibilities then just zoning, and unlike most people, I actually care about my job.
Document and make sure you are talking to the HR ETL and the ETL responsible for that TL.

This process takes time, and you need to have other TM come forward to add weight to this.
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Making your opinion known on the BTS is pathetic. It will impact all TL's, not just that one. I'm not even going to come back to this thread since it's going to be a bunch of whining and circlejerking about how this TL is bad because she's making them do their job.

agree on the BTS. it may come up during the chats, but why not man up and talk to her in the office with the stl or etlhr? unless you're willing to do that, shut it, it's not bad enough to complain about. it's cool to vent on here and blow off steam, but not cool to talk to everyone ELSE in store but the problem person. also, its NO ONE'S BUSINESS why the tl was moved. the etls discussing it on the floor with tm should be fired, as well as the tm promoting the gossip. sounds like the whole crew needs a 90210 intervention.
Why would you want to get someone fired on purpose? If the team leader is really bad she will not be around for long. Stop worrying about her and worry about yourself, target is too full of evil conniving team members like you who want to deliberately hurt people for personal gain.
Why would you want to get someone fired on purpose? If the team leader is really bad she will not be around for long. Stop worrying about her and worry about yourself, target is too full of evil conniving team members like you who want to deliberately hurt people for personal gain.

I've been dealing with a TM who comes in drunk, calls in sick most days and occassionaly shows up on off days drunk. It's been six weeks of hell for me, I am the only one who has been trained in electronics who is willing to come in.

Some people just don't care. We shouldn't be forced to deal with them.
Why would you want to get someone fired on purpose? If the team leader is really bad she will not be around for long. Stop worrying about her and worry about yourself, target is too full of evil conniving team members like you who want to deliberately hurt people for personal gain.

Like I said, she's friends with our store's STL. She won't get fired, no matter what she does (or doesn't do, for that matter.)

Oh, and giving a **** about your job =/= "evil" and "conniving". I have NOTHING to gain from this, except a new team lead who might actually care about our department.
Come on guys lets give the OP the benefit of the doubt here. Its very possible he has an abrasive TL.

OP, talk to ETL-HR/STL, but if you get the run around, feel free to reflect your feelings on the BTS. Yes it does impact other Leaders, but if the other leaders refuse to acknowledge a bad TL, they brought it upon themselves.

If this TL is making you feel bad about every mistake, yells at you (not okay ever), or "ignores" guests, then they are not effectively executing their role as a Team Leader. It is a Team Leader's job to Lead and Inspire their team members through effective leadership, and deliver great guest service to guests to lead as an example for their team. Laughing at a guest is not good guest service. Also, coachings should not be yelling sessions, but rather a constructive conversation on how you can improve or fix your behavior, usually voiced in a positive manner. Yes it is a TLs job to be firm on repeat violations, but yelling is NEVER okay.

One of the best TLs my store has (and my favorite ex-gstl), would always find a way to coach people without them even realizing it. He would state the problem behavior, and what needs to change, but also reinforce individuals on their positive qualities at the same time. Not only is this far more motivating than just being chewed out (like the majority of TLs do), but individuals are far more receptive to the feedback they receive and more likely to improve. That (in my opinion), is effective coaching.

If this TL is as bad as you say, something needs to be done about them.
Making your opinion known on the BTS is pathetic. It will impact all TL's, not just that one. I'm not even going to come back to this thread since it's going to be a bunch of whining and circlejerking about how this TL is bad because she's making them do their job.

Bts chats will pinpoint the TL. It's how we fixed a problematic gstl a couple of years ago, her behavior changed drastically for the better.

that would assume there is such a thing at their store....I have been at my store for 2 previous BTS and never has there been a chat.
Making your opinion known on the BTS is pathetic. It will impact all TL's, not just that one. I'm not even going to come back to this thread since it's going to be a bunch of whining and circlejerking about how this TL is bad because she's making them do their job.

Bts chats will pinpoint the TL. It's how we fixed a problematic gstl a couple of years ago, her behavior changed drastically for the better.

that would assume there is such a thing at their store....I have been at my store for 2 previous BTS and never has there been a chat.

Hmm that store probably isn't following BP then? I thought BTS chats were a company-wide HR mandate.

Anyways if no one does anything about an abusive TL, I would call integrity or get in contact with the HRBP.
Just make your opinion known during the best team survey. It had been known to invoke change.

WRONG!!!! Reality check people...all the BTS accomplishes is screwing everyones (TMs included) review scores. The lower the BTS score, the lower your Achieving Excellence score, the lower the budget is for raises. And I dont care if everyone in Electronics gives straight 0s to this particular TL...its not gonna come back to her or change anything.
Just make your opinion known during the best team survey. It had been known to invoke change.

WRONG!!!! Reality check people...all the BTS accomplishes is screwing everyones (TMs included) review scores. The lower the BTS score, the lower your Achieving Excellence score, the lower the budget is for raises. And I dont care if everyone in Electronics gives straight 0s to this particular TL...its not gonna come back to her or change anything.

It did at my store. Ymmv.
Making your opinion known on the BTS is pathetic. It will impact all TL's, not just that one. I'm not even going to come back to this thread since it's going to be a bunch of whining and circlejerking about how this TL is bad because she's making them do their job.

Bts chats will pinpoint the TL. It's how we fixed a problematic gstl a couple of years ago, her behavior changed drastically for the better.

that would assume there is such a thing at their store....I have been at my store for 2 previous BTS and never has there been a chat.

Hmm that store probably isn't following BP then? I thought BTS chats were a company-wide HR mandate.

Anyways if no one does anything about an abusive TL, I would call integrity or get in contact with the HRBP.

our store has never had these. once in a while they do their "walking chats" in the past year or two, but most TMs don't realize that this is what is happening and just bs their way out of talking to an ETL and the problems are never discussed.
Not all stores follow company guidelines and have a chat for the bts. I know my store didnt last year. I along with other ppl constantly asked the hr and stl; when the feedback chat would be held. We were always told it was going to happen in the near future....well it never did.
Just make your opinion known during the best team survey. It had been known to invoke change.

WRONG!!!! Reality check people...all the BTS accomplishes is screwing everyones (TMs included) review scores. The lower the BTS score, the lower your Achieving Excellence score, the lower the budget is for raises. And I dont care if everyone in Electronics gives straight 0s to this particular TL...its not gonna come back to her or change anything.

BTS doesn't change your budget, but it does lower AE. Who really gets screwed? Guess that depends on you perspective. I personally know 3 STLs that were termed last year due to BTS. This is not case for ETLs and TLs. They get more work, but don't typically lose their job. Overall, what it really does is just add more work to the ETLs and TLs. This means those who are already over-tasked, are now passing even more work onto tms so that they (ETLs/TLs) spend more time "taking care of the team". It is unfortunate that it takes a survey to open the eyes of leaders at the store, but it happens every year.
Yeah I was pretty sure BTS didn't affect raises.... Would be pretty counter-productive in that case considering it would encourage TMs to just say their Leaders are great 10/10 in the hopes of getting a slightly better raise... Instead of honest feedback.
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