Archived What constitutes a coaching?

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Call the hotline and tell them your ETL claims to have coached you via text message and that is being used in a CA. That ETL will be in so much shit, as well as the person who signed off on the CA, who I assume is the STL, since HR is on vacation. What a CF this is.

I'm honestly leaning towards this right now, but I'm worried I'll be attacked even more by all the ETLs. I'm a little more apprehensive about going to HR since it seems like all the ETLs are buds.
I'm honestly leaning towards this right now, but I'm worried I'll be attacked even more by all the ETLs
You're on a final, so basically you're on death row. I've never had a TM get off a final. You might as well call or else you won't be with Target much longer.
You're on a final, so basically you're on death row. I've never had a TM get off a final. You might as well call or else you won't be with Target much longer.

This 100%

Best case scenario is the transfer you.
But having all the saved texts with your ETL, off the clock, is a big help.
It's pretty common for tms to refuse to sign correctives. Doesn't mean it doesn't go on your record but it's wise not to sign them because if you hope to sue target later a signature can be interpreted as admitting what you were accused of doing.

Or you can sign it the way I did, Commie (This will be challenged) Corvus.
Any chance I could outlast the warning. The ETL has been with the store for around 13 months...he's got to be close to a transfer.
More than likely not. Once they got beef on you, it probably won’t let up. Only way you can redeem yourself is avoid any attendance issues, avoid missing any deadlines and staying later if asked.
Any chance I could outlast the warning. The ETL has been with the store for around 13 months...he's got to be close to a transfer.

The 18 month rotations are kind of a thing of the past. Some do 36 and some stay longer than that.

I've never called the Hotline but wouldnt they reverse the CA

No, they would ask the etl hr to investigate the allegations and then get back to them. I've never seen a CA get reversed or rescinded to be honest.
Am I misunderstanding something here? Your ETL texted *you* about something another TM was doing (I assume one who reports to you), and the coaching is on you, not the TM who was the actual problem????
Any chance I could outlast the warning. The ETL has been with the store for around 13 months...he's got to be close to a transfer.
Alright, so I read through your post, I dont know you. However, all of your replies, your tone within them ,lead me to believe that the CA is completely justified. You obviously are a problem TM by your own admission (attendance issues , which are VERY serious). You’ve got the attention of an ETL, an ETL is writing you up. Make up as many excuses as you want for your poor behavior. In the end it is the ETL’s documented word against, your problematic past.
No one just gets a CA ( in certain conduct instances, you can get an automatic CA) . You have to earn a CA. A TL/ETL has to waste his/her valuable time to type up a pdd submit it and keep track of your behavior, and submit more and more.
A normal TM does not get pdds, he/she does not get CA’s. No one is out to get you, you seem like your own worst enemy. I hope that ETL finishes what he started, before he gets a transfer.
Am I misunderstanding something here? Your ETL texted *you* about something another TM was doing (I assume one who reports to you), and the coaching is on you, not the TM who was the actual problem????

Yes, and I explained to him when he gave me the final, that this said TM, left a mess for me and that's why I I committed the infraction.

I also shows him pictures of the mess and explained to him that it was time consuming to clean it up and he seemed totally disinterested in what I had to say
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Yes, and I explained to him when he gave me the final, that this said TM, left a mess for me and that's why I I committed the infraction.

I also shows him pictures of the mess and explained to him that it was time consuming to clean it up and he seemed totally disinterested in what I had to say
Classic! I hate it when I am “forced” to commit infractions. Its like a force makes me do stuff. Like I have no control.
There have been TMs on the board who made through finals and even managed to outlast the TMs who gave them.
It can be done.
Just be prepared to eat a lot of dreck in the process.

You get on the wrong side of somebody like that, for whatever the reason, and they will be watching you like a hawk.
I asked for a copy of the write up today and they would not give me one. Told me that they couldn't.
I asked for a copy of the write up today and they would not give me one. Told me that they couldn't.

They are confidential and for company record only. That's why I wouldn't have signed it. Not a great idea to sign something you can't have a copy of.
I asked for a copy of the write up today and they would not give me one. Told me that they couldn't.
Ah, you are so diligent in trying to save your butt. If you were only as diligent in doing your job, you wouldn’t have to beg now.
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