Archived What deals have you gotten at Target?

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Well, it looks like I don't have to extend the chairs afterall! Got this table for only $40 on clearance! Woohoo! It's not bar-height, but it's about 2 or 3 inches bigger than my current one and looks much better.
Well, it looks like I don't have to extend the chairs afterall! Got this table for only $40 on clearance! Woohoo! It's not bar-height, but it's about 2 or 3 inches bigger than my current one and looks much better.

Pics? 😛
The other one is smaller than the new one and both leaves are folded down against the wall. I'm actually selling it to a friend for around $40 so basically the two new chairs and table cost me $9 compared to the $320 it should have cost me full price.

I am the clearance master! Helps to have a job where I travel around the area!
You may wanna consider getting a rug or some sort of floor mat to place under the table. Otherwise, there's gonna be a horrible look of (possibly permeant) furniture impressions eventually..

I learned the hard way, and ended up having to cut out, and replace a nice patch of carpet.. 🙁
Old time trick. Cut a circle of remnant carpet, turn it yarn side down and place under feet of table. Cut it small enough and tack it to the bottom of the legs with some glue and you won't even see it.

Same trick works for wood flooring. I'm getting new wood flooring laid this week and I'm doing this to protect my new floor...
TOT, that's a great idea!!! Thanks!

I also think I'm gonna splurge on a nice glass table-top for it. I can just imagine my roommate destroying the wood. Thank God he keeps his door closed during the day cause I think my vacuum would explode if it set foot in it.

The things I can tell about my roommate. Like the time I came home and he was using my toaster oven... with a plastic bag on the top of it. Or the time I came home and he opened the window, not realizing the screen was up... I have a cat. Or the time I went upstairs to my landlord's apt for a party and told him I'll be in the building and he decides to have a hookup in the living room and was surprised when I came back down. Or the time....
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TOT, that's a great idea!!! Thanks!

I also think I'm gonna splurge on a nice glass table-top for it. I can just imagine my roommate destroying the wood. Thank God he keeps his door closed during the day cause I think my vacuum would explode if it set foot in it.

The things I can tell about my roommate. Like the time I came home and he was using my toaster oven... with a plastic bag on the top of it. Or the time I came home and he opened the window, not realizing the screen was up... I have a cat. Or the time I went upstairs to my landlord's apt for a party and told him I'll be in the building and he decides to have a hookup in the living room and was surprised when I came back down. Or the time....

Keep the stories coming, I'm laughing on my Lunch Break 😀
This past week I bought a pack-n-play that is originally $100. It was returned on a baby registry and ended up with an "AS IS" sticker for $12. Oh yeah. What a great gift!
This luggage set for $42. Can't wait to use it in October for my first ever plane trip... to Rapid City, SD.
I have gotten tons of market deals since we get illegal product all of the time and I SIM it out. If the guests don't buy it by the end of whatever shift I'm on I usually do. I joke around in my house I don't have a single meat item in the freezer that doesn't have a meat coupon on it. Also, I have gotten 90% off easter "baskets" that are actually metal. So, I have them in the kids' bathroom as a bath-toy holder and as a trash can. 90 cents each. I got my son's bed (orig. 199) for 52.98 + my discount, and I've gotten at least 4 other pieces of furniture that were online only returns marked way down. I'm pretty sure I spend more than I make at work, but we purchased a new house last year and have NO extra money to furnish it. So, this is how I'm doing it. A combo of hand-me-downs, garage sales and Spot super deals.
I'm actually giving most of them to my bf who will use them.

Anyway I was in a Target today which seemingly went on an AS IS rage. I think they marked down stuff that was supposed to be salvage!! Some of the stuff seemed to be already 70% off and they marked it even further! I got a huge fall decorative candle centerpiece for $5, two mini pie pans for $6, a small but very bright maglite for $1 and some change, and a bluetooth speaker for $5 currently selling on amazon for $80!
I'm actually giving most of them to my bf who will use them.

Anyway I was in a Target today which seemingly went on an AS IS rage. I think they marked down stuff that was supposed to be salvage!! Some of the stuff seemed to be already 70% off and they marked it even further! I got a huge fall decorative candle centerpiece for $5, two mini pie pans for $6, a small but very bright maglite for $1 and some change, and a bluetooth speaker for $5 currently selling on amazon for $80!

Almost sounds like a store prepping for inventory and trying to clear out all the NOFs.
I was just thinking today, about my coffee mug. It's stainless steel, and I've had it since, well, 2009. I bought it for $2.50 (was $5) and it's survived it way through the dishwasher a billion times, and still looks great.

Maybe I'm just easily impressed, but I'm amazed by the quality of some of that stuff we had. $5 Stocking Stuffer, and it's held up for almost 5 years now.. 🙂
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