I have a Kitchen Aid 5% coupon sitting here from a holiday mailing.....I would have happily sent it to you! (expires the 15th)
My deal was my BF shopping, and some of it wasn't a "deal" per se to others, but I had managed to save $111 in cash and gift cards in an envelope. Therefore my "out of pocket" on Thursday made it seem like a major bargain! LOL!!! In addition to my stash I had a $10 any electronics coupon, a 30% off two video games coupon, employee and red card discount.
$384.33 and I came home with: the doorbuster TV, XBox 360 w/kinect, Sony blu-ray, Disney Infinity Starter, Pixar Rush Game, Disney Just Dance and some hair things.
I didn't realize at the time the 30% off would apple to the Infinity kit - so that was nice!
All in all, I brought my living room into a more modern age than it was last week. The TV is a massive improvement in clarity and color over the 13 year old 480 rear projection Mitsu we had prior. The DVD player now has a remote that works.... and the rest is for Christmas.
Well, not the hair do-hickeys. She needs those for the parade this weekend!