This....especially in areas like Pfresh/Market...the fact im probably going to be making about the same as somebody who just got hired (and might be first job) is pretty rediculous for over in market considered all that goes into it and how much knowledge I have in that area, I mean I practically had to be the TL when they cut the position for over a year with no extra pay
Still havent gotten my review but I really dont even care. My problem is not what im getting paid per hour its the hours im given. I could more easily put up with all the market BS if I got a consistent 35+ hours a week. The span of three weeks on the schedule for me has been 26,19, is that? Funny thing is more often than not they ask if we can stay on truck days and its like..THEN SCHEDULE MORE HOURS ON THE TRUCK
Been over in Market longer than anyone, know everything inside and out, can speak to anything over there almost, and other people get more hours than me over there who had just came into market or havent been over there that long.
I thought when we went E2E or this new process we would be getting more hours since ALL the truck process was going to be rolling into our hours, and now plano and maybe pricing as well? So WHERE ARE THE HOURS, we are getting about the same as we were before and expected to do all the truck and backroom work
I would imagine MOST of the time allocated to Market right now goes into the truck process and the autofill process leaving little time for anything else, both of which werent included in market hours before.
If you are on a team that isnt market and you think you have it bad, go ask one of your market TMs how market is going lol