Archived What did you get?

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Or people that actually care about Target and are good TM’s are the ones on this site... I don’t think I’ve ever met a super lazy or shitty TM on this site. They wouldn’t even waste their time here.
No one real "cares" about Target, at least at the TM level. People just want to do their job correctly
Said the person who likely got ION
I actually got a DIO but that doesn't change. There have been plenty of people who came here that don't necessarily care about Target but just wanted to vent

Either way, it doesn't matter what you got, even at the max, most TM woudn't be above 12 so it'd get wiped out anyway. Why asskiss for that?
Got DIO, $0.32. Went from $11.90 to $12.22. Since I'm in consumables(PG35), will I get bumped to $12.50?
I actually got a DIO but that doesn't change. There have been plenty of people who came here that don't necessarily care about Target but just wanted to vent

Either way, it doesn't matter what you got, even at the max, most TM woudn't be above 12 so it'd get wiped out anyway. Why asskiss for that?

Why stay at Target if you hate it that much?
Why stay at Target if you hate it that much?
I don't hate target. But it's retail entry level. You're not supposed to care about the company. You use it to gain experience and move up or on. Why come into here as a sftm or cashier and hold loyalty to the company?

Also on that note, I actually got a better second job at allows me to quit at any time from targTa but I want to use all my vacation and shit first
DEO, a little more than .50 raise which still is below $12 so I guess I'll be getting closer to .75 when that happens....which is when?

They only indicated when my review raise goes into effect, not when the $12 goes into effect. So I'm still a bit clueless on that.
No...the complaint is that you should get your merit raise in addition to the $12. I'm glad I get the $12 but if I'm considered a super hard worker and my review reflects that, then I should be getting more than the just-off-the-street-new-hire which will, more than likely, not last past their 90 days even though Target Corp thinks differently. YMMV.
No...the complaint is that you should get your merit raise in addition to the $12. I'm glad I get the $12 but if I'm considered a super hard worker and my review reflects that, then I should be getting more than the just-off-the-street-new-hire which will, more than likely, not last past their 90 days even though Target Corp thinks differently. YMMV.
Just remember we are all “experts “ now even those just starting today.
Would you rather make more than people who haven’t been there as long/don’t perform as well OR make more than that altogether?

I’m tempted to ask complainers that. If they’d really rather we keep the new and shitty people at $11, and the better and more seasoned ones can make their $11.36 and $11.22 and $11.67. Do you want $11.22 or do you want $12? NEW new hires are still being brought on at $11 so there’s that, and I’m making sure the team knows that.

What sucks is the DEO review I’m delivering that brings them to like $12.08. I’m going to feel shitty explaining to her that the base pay increases don’t count for her.
New hires only make $11? I have not seen that mentioned anywhere other than you.
No...the complaint is that you should get your merit raise in addition to the $12. I'm glad I get the $12 but if I'm considered a super hard worker and my review reflects that, then I should be getting more than the just-off-the-street-new-hire which will, more than likely, not last past their 90 days even though Target Corp thinks differently. YMMV.

This....especially in areas like Pfresh/Market...the fact im probably going to be making about the same as somebody who just got hired (and might be first job) is pretty rediculous for over in market considered all that goes into it and how much knowledge I have in that area, I mean I practically had to be the TL when they cut the position for over a year with no extra pay

Still havent gotten my review but I really dont even care. My problem is not what im getting paid per hour its the hours im given. I could more easily put up with all the market BS if I got a consistent 35+ hours a week. The span of three weeks on the schedule for me has been 26,19, is that? Funny thing is more often than not they ask if we can stay on truck days and its like..THEN SCHEDULE MORE HOURS ON THE TRUCK

Been over in Market longer than anyone, know everything inside and out, can speak to anything over there almost, and other people get more hours than me over there who had just came into market or havent been over there that long.

I thought when we went E2E or this new process we would be getting more hours since ALL the truck process was going to be rolling into our hours, and now plano and maybe pricing as well? So WHERE ARE THE HOURS, we are getting about the same as we were before and expected to do all the truck and backroom work

I would imagine MOST of the time allocated to Market right now goes into the truck process and the autofill process leaving little time for anything else, both of which werent included in market hours before.

If you are on a team that isnt market and you think you have it bad, go ask one of your market TMs how market is going lol
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((Well this ended up being a weird rant! 😕))

DIO. Got a .35 cent raise which was wiped out by moving the starting wage up to $12/hr.

So I’ve been here 3yrs, had a DEO review last year and discussed the possibility of promoting to TL, and have busted my ass for 3yrs, but I’ll be making the same as the shittiest TM in the building. Fan-fucking-tasting.

I deserved the DIO this year- I’m not upset about that at all. I’ve been told by everyone that my work ethic is DEO, but my attendance (tardiness, not call-offs) is atrocious, so that knocks me down. I totally own that. But the fact that Target just views all TMs as warm bodies filling a role, no different from the next guy...that pisses me off. The work ethic is VASTLY different across TMs and the pay should reflect that. It’s gonna be hard to stay motivated to keep going above and beyond. But then again, maybe that’s the point? Maybe these jobs really don’t want people to go above and beyond? They’re supposed to be ‘starter jobs’ that you grow out of, so maybe the entire TM position is just training for the ‘real world’ ((although that argument sucks because our economy has forced a lot of people into making careers out of ‘starter jobs’)) Maybe they (corporate) genuinely don’t care if TMs really bust their ass...just don’t be terrible and you’ll be fine? Maybe they’d rather invest in systems and technology than invest in their employees? Honestly, as much as I disagree with that, it makes everything make a lot more sense. We’re not worth the hassle of genuinely gauging and rewarding work ethic and the value of individual employees. They probably believe they get more of a return on their time/financial investment in overhauling systems/processes and rolling out new technology than they would by TRULY investing in their employees beyond simply throwing a flat $15 to everyone by 2020, while simultaneously cutting hours and destroying morale.

I’ve been trying to get the courage to leave Target for the past year, so I actually walked away from the review feeling better than when I went in- it was the push I needed to get serious about my future. This place is a total dead end for me and isn’t an environment that supports my mental health, so why continue to subject myself to something that just tears and wears me down? During my review I mentioned that I’m wanting to leave (sounds like a dumb move but I’ve got a really good relationship with my TL) and he told me I need to figure my plans out NOW and start making moves, otherwise I’ll get sucked back in and stay stuck, just endlessly spinning my wheels and feeling miserable.

We’ve got several TLs in the same position- they’ve topped out and make enough money that they feel obligated/forced to stay, but at the same time they’re sick of the BS and want to leave. They seem to handle it pretty well, but I just don’t have the mental strength to handle retail long-term. I’ll probably end up staying at Spot for a while while going to school but I can see the path out of the disaster now, you know?

I agree with your rant. Just put in an application, elsewhere, hoping to get a call while I’m on “vacation”. The raise from $15 to $15.53 then another bump to $16 is nice, but I’m just tired of the BS and my Cruella Deville of a STL. I no longer enjoy going to work.
Are you new (within the last year)?
Yep! I was hired seasonally in October.
I honestly felt bad for the person giving me my review, she felt really awful, apologized a million times.
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