((Well this ended up being a weird rant! 😕))
DIO. Got a .35 cent raise which was wiped out by moving the starting wage up to $12/hr.
So I’ve been here 3yrs, had a DEO review last year and discussed the possibility of promoting to TL, and have busted my ass for 3yrs, but I’ll be making the same as the shittiest TM in the building. Fan-fucking-tasting.
I deserved the DIO this year- I’m not upset about that at all. I’ve been told by everyone that my work ethic is DEO, but my attendance (tardiness, not call-offs) is atrocious, so that knocks me down. I totally own that. But the fact that Target just views all TMs as warm bodies filling a role, no different from the next guy...that pisses me off. The work ethic is VASTLY different across TMs and the pay should reflect that. It’s gonna be hard to stay motivated to keep going above and beyond. But then again, maybe that’s the point? Maybe these jobs really don’t want people to go above and beyond? They’re supposed to be ‘starter jobs’ that you grow out of, so maybe the entire TM position is just training for the ‘real world’ ((although that argument sucks because our economy has forced a lot of people into making careers out of ‘starter jobs’)) Maybe they (corporate) genuinely don’t care if TMs really bust their ass...just don’t be terrible and you’ll be fine? Maybe they’d rather invest in systems and technology than invest in their employees? Honestly, as much as I disagree with that, it makes everything make a lot more sense. We’re not worth the hassle of genuinely gauging and rewarding work ethic and the value of individual employees. They probably believe they get more of a return on their time/financial investment in overhauling systems/processes and rolling out new technology than they would by TRULY investing in their employees beyond simply throwing a flat $15 to everyone by 2020, while simultaneously cutting hours and destroying morale.
I’ve been trying to get the courage to leave Target for the past year, so I actually walked away from the review feeling better than when I went in- it was the push I needed to get serious about my future. This place is a total dead end for me and isn’t an environment that supports my mental health, so why continue to subject myself to something that just tears and wears me down? During my review I mentioned that I’m wanting to leave (sounds like a dumb move but I’ve got a really good relationship with my TL) and he told me I need to figure my plans out NOW and start making moves, otherwise I’ll get sucked back in and stay stuck, just endlessly spinning my wheels and feeling miserable.
We’ve got several TLs in the same position- they’ve topped out and make enough money that they feel obligated/forced to stay, but at the same time they’re sick of the BS and want to leave. They seem to handle it pretty well, but I just don’t have the mental strength to handle retail long-term. I’ll probably end up staying at Spot for a while while going to school but I can see the path out of the disaster now, you know?