Answered What do I do about this bad Manager Review?

Jul 6, 2020
I just got off workday and saw that some ETL filled out a "manager review". They said that improvement is needed on my part and that I struggled to work in a way that represents Target's Purpose, Beliefs, and Behaviors. But it doesn't make sense to me. I've zoned the areas that are required of me, I've been on time to work, I've treated all guests kindly, and I've used my walkie whenever I don't have something to do. The only bad thing I've done is knock over a bottle of Tapatio... Is this because I have a couple of NCNS? (which were due to me being sick) Furthermore, I never got official workday training until a year into the job because no one enforced it. The only training I got was from this cool TM (shoutout for helping me 🙂) and a small tour of the store. The funny thing is that the ETL that filled out the form is someone that I've never even heard of. I know the Store Director who manages her because he often lets me know what I have to do for the day but I don't know who this ETL is. How should I respond to this?
You would probably be called for a discussion to let you know that your review is ready to view in workday. That time you can raise your concerns and questions to your TL . You would have to e-sign in workday that you received this document after that. I don’t think anything could be done about the written review. It should be probably because of ncns. Good luck!
I just got off workday and saw that some ETL filled out a "manager review". They said that improvement is needed on my part and that I struggled to work in a way that represents Target's Purpose, Beliefs, and Behaviors. But it doesn't make sense to me. I've zoned the areas that are required of me, I've been on time to work, I've treated all guests kindly, and I've used my walkie whenever I don't have something to do. The only bad thing I've done is knock over a bottle of Tapatio... Is this because I have a couple of NCNS? (which were due to me being sick) Furthermore, I never got official workday training until a year into the job because no one enforced it. The only training I got was from this cool TM (shoutout for helping me 🙂) and a small tour of the store. The funny thing is that the ETL that filled out the form is someone that I've never even heard of. I know the Store Director who manages her because he often lets me know what I have to do for the day but I don't know who this ETL is. How should I respond to this?
Looks like this was your yearly review . It will list the Etl for the area and the Tl that completes the review . And most likely your score is due to the ncns . Which means you got rated as 1
So, I just got my review too. It said I need to improve blah blah blah. The closing TL said I did so much during my shift and I still got a bad review. He said maybe it had something to do with either my attendance or my two previous cleared meal violation. I feel like it not fair that they base on that and not look into what I have accomplished during my shift and by all means I did finished everything to be honest.
So many people (not just on this thread) so surprised that not coming to work, disrespecting other team members, and/or not respecting/following Target's policies affects their reviews.
"The only bad thing I've done..." is not the only thing a review is based upon. What things have you done that are good or above and beyond expectations? Have you had a positive effect on your team, acknowledged and corrected any mistakes you've made, improved yourself and/or others in a way that impacts guests, how a job is accomplished, and/or revenue? If you're just doing the job, you're average. There's nothing wrong with average, but don't expect extra compensation or praise simply for showing up to do the job you were hired to do.

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