Archived What do I do with items with no upcoming POGs?

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Did you guys have the Casper Product? The product that was a mattress and pillows that help you sleep better? It came in light blue/ dark blue packaging and was in stores like 2-3 years ago? Well we still have it in the backroom. I'm not certain it's backstocked anymore and it's certainly NOP or doesn't have an upcoming SPL/POG. The former TL of the area was supposed to take care of it to make it go away. Well it's taking up precious backroom real estate. But not my department or area so oh well!
I agree to "As Is" items or defect it out as long as you do all do all the steps @SigningLady listed. The company has always sent items super early and you need to backstock it so it at least it will have a location. Most times people will jump the gun and defect it out or "As Is" it all because it's not in the system.
Just lost our endcap.... and we sold a lot of it. Now we have what's left over flexed. I will not be surprised if it is brought back.
As I’ve been LOCUing our aisles, I’ve found lots of items that are randomly back stocked, some discontinued and some not, that have absolutely no upcoming POGs and haven’t been pulled/sold for hundreds of days.

Do I just leave them there? I thought I’d heard something about mySupporting the items?

Can anyone walk me through this process if it’s needed?

All underline nop needs to be my supported those items could either be a clearance item that never dropped in the system or an item merge that never merged . All decode you can either flex it on the floor or you can leave it in the Backroom in location until they go clearance and a batch will generate.
That’s a underline NOP it needs to be mysupported
Can I do it from the app on the Zebra? I know they added mySupport to the Zebra. I will have to look into this tomorrow as a I know we have some stuff just chilling back there with no POGS that isn’t dcode.

Also, with stuff that is dcode that is MASSIVE (those stupid Fortnite llama on a stick) do you recommend flexing them or just leaving them to go clearance?

One other question that you may or may not know the answer to:

Who do I talk to about sending product back? We have probably 60 of one massive RC Truck that was Black Friday.. it is taking up probably a good 1/4 of our TOY2 Aisle.
Can I do it from the app on the Zebra? I know they added mySupport to the Zebra. I will have to look into this tomorrow as a I know we have some stuff just chilling back there with no POGS that isn’t dcode.
You should do it from workbench that way if you get no response your Stl can escalate the case.
Also, with stuff that is dcode that is MASSIVE (those stupid Fortnite llama on a stick) do you recommend flexing them or just leaving them to go clearance?
You can try and flex them but if i don’t have the space on the floor I let them go clearance .
One other question that you may or may not know the answer to:

Who do I talk to about sending product back? We have probably 60 of one massive RC Truck that was Black Friday.. it is taking up probably a good 1/4 of our TOY2 Aisle.
Are they casepack? If they are case packs go in revlog app and where the 3 dots Click that and then chose create transfer see if it lets you initiate a sweep . You can only send them back if the items are still active .
You should have had a q4 exceptional sweep for those but i think your store must of missed it.
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