Archived What do you do?

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I just wanted to know what do you do after a crazy day?

Tonight my store ended with over half a million in sales. I was the closing GSTL with little resources. Currently I'm drinking a Stella because after a crazy day that's what I do.

How about you!

Nothing really. Usually I just go home, sit at my computer, and after an hour or so I'll go to bed and wake up for my next shift lmao. Might eat an un-healthy snack.

I like to smoke cigars sometimes, but cigars take a long time to smoke and that hour/hour and a half I find myself being able to do something better with my time than sit outside in 16 degree weather smoking a gigantic stogie. Been looking into Pipes and pipe tobacco or Cigarillos because cigars are something I like to indulge in every once in a while. Surely once I turn 21, a weekly after work drink will be in order. Preferably whiskey, or rum. Not enough to get drunk, maybe a buzz, but I don't want to feel like shit the next morning unless I don't work all day.
1. change clothes
2. shower - warm water is good for aching bones
3. walk dog or play with dog in backyard
4. make a cup of tea and chill for a bit, check all the internet places I go..

The order of 2-4 varies but always get out of work clothes when I walk in the door. Helps me relax I think more than all the other things.
Glass of wine & feet up on the ottoman, often with a cat on the shins. Computer on lap checking in here.
Working provides me the money to drink, drinking keeps me willing to go to work the next day.

The cycle of life! Wonderful!

wonder how many people lives I have messed up if I make an app, and we notify pd for an arrest, then drink lol
Pick up alcohol and groceries on the way home, get changed into something comfortable. Then if it's a good day I'll start working on a project and try to dust off what I learned in college before relaxing. If it's a bad day, I'll stare at my computer for a few hours until it's time to sleep.
I'm almost always listening to music.

Watch YouTube stuff

Occasionally watch a film

Surf the web
I get home, change into pajamas, then I’ll go on here and read all the new posts. Then I’ll switch between reddit/instagram/twitter for a couple hours. Then I’ll nap. Wake up, go on reddit/instagram/twitter again until I feel like I’m gonna pass out and then I’ll go to sleep. Lol
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